Greta Ransom

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1937 SUMMER HOLIDAY - Andre Malraux-Josette-Greta Ransom

Concerning the above family histories- I may tell Jo & Andre things but will be selective & not say ugly things- but I  hath to warn them that these ‘MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP’ may appear at their crouching Jurassic dog the GRAND-but I will not say what the townsfolk call them  ` piles of dog‘s dirt along our Seafront…`

Figures from a Morgue - may make a lightening visit to rob highways & bye ways & townsfolk - if they finish with misbehaving in London & up & down Europe … I doth not know yet of Spain horrors too much …

However Unity’s mother our hostess has been quite careful in laying down the LAW here to    “ … the young people Andre & Miss Jo Elliot … And they heed me now when I say “we take the lower promenades here … because of MONSTERS of the DEEP … they can rush out and drag you into that dark dank falling down PLACE … The LINDSAYBUGGARHS  their  terrible    G R A N D  …

Nota bene : in 1935 summer they kidnapped me and attacked me - I was found on the beach bleeding and dazed … SO THEN WE LEFT BRITAIN … and took our SEAPLANES up to our heimat  WEST GREENLAND … they dared try stop us at ICELAND … The British Army gave their game away in CANADA … said they are building themselves another EMPIRE CENTRE here … so that if WAR comes and old Hitler rants in then they can run their EMPIRE from CANADA … Canada does not have a chance …  We went on to North America with their help … ANGELA and her mobs and Vikings are after our great world philanthropy … in SECRET SILENCE DOWN WESTMINSTER

… by MOONLIGHT … ”

1937 SUMMER Over the five weeks as our days dawned some were carefully planned- there were trips with picnics visits & teas-explorations & buying some wine for the evening meals at home from Colchester-other days unplanned were very agreeable to us all for we might lazily choose what to do-an unexpected holiday indeed for us all-& it gave our hostess more time with her dying father-already faces are a little solemn-

I will never in my entire life have this length of HAPPY TIME again free of the violence/horror/threats/fear/from a Class that made itself criminally insane on opium-all dopes liquors & living the big time in debt- believing themselves divine- Controlling newspapers Institutions Armed forces-& if finding there any resistance destroying characters-careers- killing !

GREED & MADNESS OF THE DOPE-FIENDS OF HIGH CLASS SIN GROSS BRITAIN- who use the State kudos to carry out their crimes-especially the Royal Mail Service & the Telephone Service- Destroying RANSOM & all branches before & after they have slain all the GROTE HOMES children Nations A to Z the globe- Top of the Pyramid vagrants-insolvents of G.B.  greedily eyeing our lands-investments-pulling them towards them where they can with fraud-theft-violence- the 20th century-   G.R.

1937 August - JO goes to London Town again to see a friend & go to the John Constable Exhibition at the Royal Academy Andre will see it elsewhere & she has to take luncheon with a friend’s friend old Quiller Couch : it may be to do with a book by 2 French authors on English Literature/ people who know people perhaps or have studied with them-

Quiller-Couch was the very young friend of JOHN RANSOM educationalist & Millie Frobisher …  He helped Mill sell her wedding painting to the National Gallery when she was further robbed by Earl Lindsaybuggarh & their victim after they had murdered John RANSOM her husband in the playground of Hithergreen School at night 1890 - (He put some Medieval pots in the London Museum at this time-I got the Barbican Museum to look up the record/I had seen the collection from Cheapside 1957 with information at the South Kensington Museum-)

… Millie’s painting is a modern piece 1880s … it reminded her of her future husband’s SEA ANCESTRY & she looked forward to sons -  Her second son was drowned by order of Lindsaybuggarhs at 3 months old -  The painting was sold to a leading London Gallery with Quiller-Couch handling the matter - Lindsay & Lindsey …  rushed to change documentation 1920s … they soon had a great Team … then the thuggery comes from British Naval Intelligence when the GENOCIDE of the GROTE CHILDREN is well underway :

1897 MILLIE FROBISHER direct line 16th cent Sir Martin Frobisher Arctic Navigator was murdered age 32 years 1897 by two 2nd- cousins LINDSAY-they & EARL Lindsay began by destroying her reputation with their foul black tongues reaching to their boots -  She REFUSED to marry one of them, second cousins … (a family line from her mother whom she, many persons,  knew to be criminally insane … )

RECORDS :   FAMILY of LINDSAY Crawford & LINDSEY-Bethune : They stabbed Millie in the eye with a steel pen to get her Frobisher Lands Florida & she was half blind from this  - She owned these Orange Groves Florida with her only brother in Canada - These monstrous Lindsay figures from a Morgue delivered her little body into my future Grandpa Ransom’s arms at the door of their little home `Jerusalem` by the tiny sloping Park Deptford-he was 14 years of age- She an athlete with a little school of Ancient Arts & an Exhibition ice skater - Winston Churchill describes her Skating performance 1890s   -

He, W.S. Churchill,  speaks privately in January 1960 to Philip Silverlee who related it from his notes to Arthur Malone Detective immediately after the visit - a second visit planned was abandoned … it was a trap … Philip got out of the door when his brief case with RECORDS was to be taken from him … Later he spoke with Churchill by their telephone arrangements …Men of LETTERS have connexions outside politics and Imperial violence … Records/accounts/

Millie Mrs JOHN RANSOM widow-husband murdered 1890 by Lindsay mob after stealing his Capital passport & CLAIMING JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND off Xristenshab- She had signed away the last of what she possessed her Florida Lands shared with her brother in Canada because the LINDSAYS COUSINS were threatening to drag her 14 years old son Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM by his feet behind a carriage-

Later that year,  Newspapers USA told how the two Lindsay cousins shot one another dead in the Orange Groves-ruined by them- The Earl came over in big R.N. ship- He received 17/- shillings-  The lands would take 30 years to recover- liquor bottles were everywhere- a half coloured wife & child of 2 years lay shot dead too-possibly a babe a few weeks old was taken away-perhaps to safety-

1937 SUMMER how much detail I would hath told Andre & JO of the tragedy of John & Millie Ransom is with some doubt -  or I might have been firm that WE GO & SEE `JERUSALEM` the sweet house of my Ransom grandparents  - where MILL SITS ON THE STAIRS WITH HER SKATING BOOTS - she never looked more than 17 years of age  …

…  It is 1938 when JEAN WEDDELL RANSOM my ballerina grandmother (she does her 2 hours ballet practice every day of her life and takes two Classes a week … ) began to tell me 5 years 6 months in depth the tragedy of the Family histories  - SHE JEAN WAS FRIGHTENED FOR ALL OF US : SHE SAW THESE MONSTERS about us more and more … she had been persecuted by them since her marriage in 1909 - the old Queen insisting in her drink in a public place that EARL LINDSAY had no authority to let the WEDDELL APE marry - and his relative Frederick Charles RANSOM was not expected to marry ! But the Earl said that BALLERINAS do not have children  …

Now they had ANGELA former Miss Bowes Lyon, from a terrible Scotland Tribe, as bad as LINDSAY & Lindsey all able to show with SWANK they were claiming divinity… now they were all rearing with venom at us RANSOM WEDDELL POULSEN families and any of our lines they came upon … all the branches around the world were being investigated by BRITISH EMBASSIES & similar mobs and things `gaseous` British Intelligence … NOTA BENE: =  There is a list which says KILL all RANSOM MALES …

( … Attacks on our homes increased & these weird tricks … called `Marlborough Set Sunday Games` …. we did not dare leave a home empty for a half a day -   In September 1938 Lindsay 14  - JIM Jong the Pimp, travelling companion of ANGELA, & TGR their friend from 19-teens, and Lindsey-Bethune organised the poisoning of Jean to death … tried to lose her body after she collapsed on the train back to London.

1937 SUMMER - Perhaps I did not hear JO say that summer morning 1937 whom she was to take luncheon with … or I might have had a memory awakened and said say our RANSOM name … he knew my great grandparents …   SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT -  1960, before the death of his sons, Andre Malraux & Dr Len RANSOM/ LIR/ shared much information of this holiday of Summer 1937 - Andre his notebooks - Lennie his diaries …

1957 November - Lindsay Earl 14 & his heir Earl 15 fashionable savage thugs with Jim calling himself  `the Sovereign’s uncle` hunting all who know of this Genocide as `Big Game`-  arrogant but terrified of overseas exposure - & criminally insane so badly - they should not have been allowed out of cages !

GROTE HOMES children slain the globe by them & other sadistic fraudsters using the Realm- RANSOM ESTATE endless murders & robberies- `for Angela they say` but Meetings overheard prove they use a woman they do not like at all -

“ Angela a pack horse for the crimes of her men ” Augusta Frobisher RN 1953 letter to a Kinsman Ettrick Napier branch …

1957 October - CUR Sir Jimmie JAMES = JIMMIE Jong - ( that horrible 1930s Mr PONG Jimmie Jong PIMP works for certain SCOTLAND EARLS, killing, maiming,  by MOONLIGHT )

… now Steward of WHITES Club :  with prostitution 2 flats round corner = members of WHITES CLUB expected to used them Thursday nights to aid the Club Funds - all spirits spiked by JIM to get more sales/stay longer/ 1.  tell me all/ 2.  go blotto/  3.  allow DRINK to be put on YOUR BILL …  is, as usual,  told to use Teresa Gordon Ransom to get rid of Greta from Andre‘s side -  MacMillan Aids send message WHITEHALL that Harold MACMILLAN is muttering, saying outright to a crony,  “ …  it would be better if ANDRE and GREETAH were dead …  ”

… That is Andre & Greta this thug speaks of - he who is squatting on our URUGUAY lands and close to a death pit of GROTE CHILDREN:  he was seen PALESTINE  1948 refusing to interfere with ORDERS to remove GROTE CHILDREN from their HOME and run them into the DESERT to be killed and burned … He speaks murder for the legal GUARDIAN and the HEIR with LIR co- & sub-heir, to the GROTE HOMES educating orphans to 18/22 years worldwide in HUMANITAS and RANSOM `JOYOUS VENTURE` Estate in 3 Parts worldwideESTATE not under BRITISH LAW

…   but these criminally insane all ripped off the lacework of philanthropy about the Gross BRITAIN shores during the 2nd World War … We have been in BRITAIN longer than any of these persons who do not know their ANCESTRY beyond some ditch in the 13th or the 17th centuries :

About the town, Scarlet Town the code name of world Secret Services for London ANDRE and me, Greetah Ransom, are preferred to these criminally insane … responsible for the GENOCIDE of the GROTE CHILDREN and now robbing and mocking the entire globe where two thirds of the Estate is still functioning - using the MIGHT of the decaying BRITISH EMPIRE these criminally insane coin-less went on using the BRITISH NATION infra-structure …  ( The river of blood around the earth 2nd World War Empire now calling itself the commonwealth = The Common Wealth )

…  Maiming, persecuting, robbing the post/mail, all communications under BRITISH NAVAL INVESTIGATION and various MERCENARY GROUPS RAISED IN WHITES CLUB … fashioned by PIMP Cur JIMMIE JAMES a nasty VICE BAR …the Aristocrats and its British Monarchy PIMPED ON = gifts of moneys could be given to the Norway ghouls to hand on … A RIVER OF BLOOD and gore followed all of them where ever they went …

1930s - 1940s - 1950s … RANSOM FAMILIES subjected to queer tricks,murders, homes broken in, kitchens given DOPES and poisons Department of Doc Mengele HARRINGTON & his Nurse expensive Clinics `wife` … HARRINGTON of Loamshire the paedophile Royal Satrap school chum of PHIL the GREEK …

I meet the penniless Prince Phil the Greek, I am 10 or 11 … he says he is hoping to provide for his 5 sisters = he does not say by destroying your great RANSOM FAMILY Estate by MOONLIGHT thus to make my sort RICH :

NB : he has been PIMPING on our ESTATE since he was a teenager … the bigger the entourage these ill-bred gather to themselves the easier it is for them not to have to dirty their paws : PHIL GREEK sometimes called by Secret Services the globe code name `DUCK` is said to HATE US - and especially Len and me = our education is GROTE curriculum style, our moral code is the finest in the world : …  REPORTS say `DUCK`  makes jokes about the civilized REAL MAN Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX/Archangel : Gross Britain and its Scandinavian inbreed Teams rob-maim-arrange car accidents when they see advantage to their GOLD RESERVES to do so :

1950s …  In spite of several ABDUCTIONS at 50 Lancaster Gate Square 1957, then planned poisoning murders,  and earlier from Colchester Castle Museum one midday a kidnapping by dirty JIMMIE with 3 ex-Kenya thugs with guns (these spotted and thus they ordered out of Castle - Police Station over road … already the Castle staff and Hollytrees Mansion Museum had big trouble with the arrogant Doc `Mengele` HARRINGTON  “ … a peculiar physician … who did not want anyone knowing that ANDRE MALRAUX had been in Colchester or knew Miss Greta Ransom … the Colchester Museums staff were to REPORT to him the criminally insane ex-prisoner/lunatic asylums/paedophile ` Mengele` HARRINGTON   (friend of Phil GREEK) the names of anyone that  ANDRE MALRAUX knew in Colchester or the district :

MEMORANDUM : These Castle and Museum Guides are ex-Army men and loyal to good men also soldiers - they did not appreciate the British Lords & Crown sending a sadistic paedophile into Colchester and Essex Museums … especially a creature, a spoof Doctor - mainly disapproved by the Medical Profession seen in newspaper photos etc. on that YACHT Britannia and on TRIPS with Philip Mountbatten, his Uncle, and the formerly coin-less aristocracy of bad morals …

… the `BRITISH MAID`   ( named so by Harold Walter Poulter Deputy Curator Colchester and Essex Museums ) of 14 RACES and 27 NATIONS from 77 AD ROMAN LONDINIUM … Greta Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM survived … because the Curator and Deputy Curator were working away that lunchtime survived just ! …

records : Life at Saint Edmund House, 50 Lancaster Gate Square Roman Catholic CHARITY run by General de GAULLE and DIOCESE of WESTMINSTER … This failed to part us - ANDRE & GRETA - we were to be given a CAR-OFF CLIFF MURDER mid-December - STOPPED in last hours by MI5 & “ … my counterpart in 6 , Peter … KILLING is NOT in our Terms of EMPLOYMENT … however there are some … and you do not know what is OUT THERE … groups … all kinds … ” reports/witnesses/oral/Greta Ransom W. present at the first REPORT  … discussions : Yes I did hear of this that winter 1957-1958 … but it was one of several escapes for us both …

1937 October - ANDRE MALRAUX - GUARDIAN to the globe’s greatest Philanthropy Estate - An Estate of Philanthropy worldwide,  outside the decaying BRITISH EMPIRE , hated from 1879 by GROSS BRITAIN Government Lords & Crown = who are all penniless from a debauchery lifestyle and keeping up ridiculous display and petty WARS to gain moneys  :  when they lose a gathering in secret silence BY MOONLIGHT takes place using THE WHITEHALL and WESTMINSTER … moneys are to be taken from the vulnerable ! At the top of the British CLASS pyramid they have no education fitting them for HUMANITAS … They constantly interfere with other smaller nations using their ramparts of coin less Nobles : Therefore, they object to education for foreigners to 18 or more years, and speaking 3 or 4 languages It is the Ransom lands the globe these fraudsters are after  - Greta & Lennie RANSOM are legal heirs -  & all Ransom family may inherit if we die ! … Thus the written paper c 1929 … `ALL RANSOM MALES TO BE KILLED `

Legal Will stolen PARIS France - addressed to Andre Malraux & letter to the President of France … he who will host the State Visit from G.B. July 1938 of ANGELA and her delicate husband they now a KING and QUEEN - General de Gaulle says March 1962 upon at last seeing the 3 legal Wills ` … an obscene gigantic piece of Statecraft by Gross Britannia  … `

1938 July - Envelopes for Andre Malraux received by Ambassador Phipps of Gross Britain Paris Embassy in May 1938 - together with a letter handwritten by Mrs M. Ransom GROTE to the Ambassador - & another letter in envelope handwritten by Mrs Grote to the President of France … for Andre Malraux to hand to him -

1938 May 17th -    British Ambassador Phipps would not hand this  Post/mail to Mr Jimmie Jong, Lindsey-Bethune heir No 14 … even if they were to hand it to Premier Earl Crawford Lindsay … The two little jack-in-the Boxes as soon ,    as soon as JIM had killed Margaret Grote Ayrshire came jumping into PARIS in a PANIC - demanding for ANGELA now a QUEEN all packages envelopes to MALRAUX to be handed to them in the name of the said ANGELA 1937 now a QUEEN/ElizabethPhipps did not do this : his state of mind is said in 1970 discussions,  to be not known at that time 1938 - he may have had some fears in the matter ?    :

…  NB : A change of IMPERIAL RULERS has occurred 1937 in Gross BRITAIN … by kicking out Ned who is Edward VIII  ( Angela-Elizabeth her brother-in-Law … he was shaping up as a King to be as he got older and met intelligent folk of other NATIONS ... and he Ned = Edward 8/  had NO INTENTION of destroying the American miracle of GROTE HOMES on the RANSOM Ancestral lands … or taking the clever green & gold investments of the highly educated and very kindly GODDESS Margareth nee Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE …

She ANGELA and her cronies call  MRG  THE OLD ESKIMO : FACT is … that one great-grandpa to Margareth is half ESKIMO half Northern Chinese 6 feet 5 inches tall a man of mighty intellect POUL GRONLANDER who had enlightening correspondence with the HUMANIST POPE Benedict 14  … )

The two evil little pixie like creatures, JIM & Lindsey 14 to be, SAID THAT NO DELIVERY SHOULD BE MADE TO MALRAUX or the PRESIDENT of FRANCE … orders FROM GROSS BRITAIN HOUSE of LORDS and QUEEN ANGELA = Elizabeth the former Miss Bowes Lyon

…  Angela, now a British QUEEN … received the PACKAGE ADDRESSED to MALRAUX & FRENCH PRESIDENT into her own hands …  with witnesses present … from British Ambassador Phipps PARIS Embassy  - She will now say after this her first  STATE VISIT to FRANCE “ … I want the Grote Homes cleared … the lands sold … & the moneys given to me …

The killing of the children was underway winter 1938  -

1938 CHRISTMAS - Norway (report with photos via Berlin January 1939)

Followed by drowning of Netherlands GROTE HOMES children (reports)

1941 - South American Homes (many reports-photos-documents) -Venezuela 1941 (reports Grote ex-student Nun-others)    :

All the children were butchered on land & burned in pits on seashores - Others were sunk in nets offshore `

…  MEMO : The evidence was collected by shocked persons in all nations - the 2nd World War is now taking place British Warships were about the entire worldIn charge of the British Navy is Louis Mountbatten … he uncle of Phil Greek … Louis I have seen when a child from 1936 … he is mad and rude … He shouted “  ANGELA is a BLAZING COW  ”   … when he could not get money from my mother Teresa Gordon Ransom that  he said SHE and ANGELA OWED HIM He is that   `  no Dicky bird ` of the Roaring 20s and shifty politics of the 1930s …

LOSING THE LEGAL WILL to ANGELA on her STATE VISIT 1938 July PARIS : ALARMING to Lindsay/Lindsey : It was not the way Lindsaybuggarhs planned it : they intended to GET HOLD OF THE ESTATE as their OWN they taking control of the whole Estate as their unlawful Noble divine RIGHT …  they intended waving a Copy of the Will in secret silence at ANGELA and her Tribe and Scandinavia in-laws :      Angela had said  `an old Eskimo gave it to me when I was a child`   … but she is called  “ the former Miss Bloody Liar by them all  …” ` LINDSAYBUGGARHS with the real legal original signed WILL could say   `hee haw`  PROVE IT : LINDSAYBUGGARHS  intended giving HER a PORTION …

EXPLANATION : The  LINDSAYBUGGARHS Premier Earls of Gross Britain and Scotland …  CLAIM ME Greta Ransom born 1933, as HEIR … but they want me damaged then they ADMINISTER the Estate in my name … I have said, in this document,  I am unfortunate in having ONE great great great grandmother a LINDSAY …

MEMO : It is the biggest piece of philanthropy the globe has ever had - the biggest Estate of humanist ventures & investments in what is required by civilized peoples all nations  … but it will give this disgusting ignorant criminally insane mob, and mobs by thieving it can call themselves fabulously rich … & throw money about gambling etc etc. as they have shown …

1957 end December - Plans to kill Andre & Greta went on -

He managed to get to the GUYANAS for General de Gaulle January 1958 having a miraculous recovery - THE MONSTERS felt THEY WRE ABOUT TO BE FOUND OUT Internationally :   … the Chinese biologist girl who comes from the kindly Chinese Legation saved me … I recovered quickly when she sent in a real Doctor :  Mengele in PARIS orders to KILL ANDRE MALRAUX rather than risk him finding out about GUARDIANSHIP and the ESTATE on this tour for General de Gaulle … :

HILARY an ex-student of the Regent Street Poly : Photo of her February 1958 on FACE BOOK, & other sites : A girl called  Miss “X”  took it off my (Greta Ransom)  ankle but she did not say quite who had done it … she was in shock …  she tried with her father report it to the Police ... She, kind girl HILARY, photographer,  and her Father had persecution to the ends of their lives  …………..

h I l a r y She dies too early …

MISS X … After a pleasant evening with she and her friends, including Ronnie and my brother John Gordon R.,   I G.R. was scared how to get back to 50 Lancaster Gate square - I think it was not intended I ever should return to ANDRE MALRAUX Charity workshop and HOME : … I had no idea we were so far out of London … I was invited by my brother John Ransom  (born 1935) & Ronnie Magowan the Clacton & Exeter only son of the Photographer CHARLES MAGOWAN  …

…  Nota bene :   A letter and phone call to ANDRE MALRAUX October 1957 managed to reach Andre …they have known one another since 1945 …  then CHARLES MAGOWAN dies in Exeter 1957 before Christmastide … after Mengele HARRINGTON and JIM JONG Cur JAMES of WHITES Vice Club had gone hastily to Exeter visiting him : the Magowan family lived in Clacton my young years and Ronnie their only son a year younger than me I  have known since we were born … JIM was known to Charles pre-war, of course … and the LINDSAYBUGGARHS always a trouble to the Clacton town and area … it was known to them of the ESTATE … my poor father believing MALRAUX was under the influence of de GAULLE and thus no answer to his letters , had asked the MAGOWAN family not to speak upon the Estate … :

1958 January :  …  MISS X - SAVES life of Greta Ransom January 1958 : THIS was a sadistic re-enactment of the blackmail on Millie Frobisher Mrs JOHN RANSOM … 1895 she would have her only son age 12 years dragged behind a fast moving conveyance … this is the pressure which had her sign the Lindsay/Lindsey second-cousins documents  `… so they could ( USA newspapers etc. reported ) harm the economy of Florida for 30 years `

1958 January  - MALRAUX about to leave for GUYANAS : This horrible non-accident for me, Greta Ransom, is arranged by Doc Mengele and my mother Teresa Gordon Ransom, for the Government and Crown of Gross Britain and its Scandinavian in-breeds : he HARRINGTON is illegally removing her PRISON records & for my death they will get a lot of DOUGH - she says she does things for THE CROWNS ( well he Doc `Mengele` will get the MONEY … this cluster of CROWNS may try lock her up again  … )

they all should be dumped on Arctic and sub-Arctic islands and left … with only an empty bottle of GIN each … they will eat one another …what about the Wilkinson Ice Shelf … ?

(  … I record Teresa Gordon`s PRISON years so they can be PUT BACK !   - she is then the mother of the bastard Edward du Cann and Henry H. King of Sweden/Norway- I call him Das BOOT after the German submarine film at this time, 1958,  I do NOT know they are bastards of my mother … Teresa Gordon married my young father in  1932 ! NB : ALL other records removed by the Royal Bootleggers Employment Teams are done so illegally and an honest Nation at the top of the Pyramid would PUT THEM BACK upon the face of the nation and the globe =  too much to ask for = their GENOCIDE of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN might have them questioned … … before they TAKE UP THEIR SEATS IN HELL … )

RECORDS : Mr HARRINGTON known as Doc Mengele is employed with full knowledge of the FRAUD-MURDERS-TREACHERY of EARLS of SCOTLAND and families of ANGELA and her in-laws & the KILLING FOR MONEY … But it is the  3rd  Nov. 1953 that HARRINGTON got agreement from PHILIP Greek Mountbatten to use any part of the British Establishment to see that his mother-in-law ANGELA is not found out …

… And ORDERS are given that more of the ESTATE administered by Frederick John RANSOM for his daughter and his families can be TAKEN where IT CAN BE DONE SO in secrecy … Mengele does not seem to have known the size of the ESTATE  to which Andre MALRAUX is legal GUARDIAN … he is to kill MALRAUX if he finds out

From this date November 1953 Doc Mengele HARRINGTON bragged he would be made a PEER … for SERVICES to the CROWN …

JIM told Mengele that last Sunday evening of October 1953 - I had appeared in London to go to the new discovered LONDINIUM MITHRAEUM … MALRAUX was seen speaking with me =  HEIR and GUARDIAN together had them fearful  … Doc Mengele Harrington FELT he could smell more MONEY … he said he would not go on supervising MALRAUX and the APE Eskimo Greta Ransom UNLESS he was given more money … and told the FULL FRAUD …

1947 - it was Charles Magown who gave the most beautiful Speech at our  `early wedding` 17 April 1947 - Permission given by `YOUNG PACELLI` now Pope Pius 12 and a friend of Margaret Grote before she was murdered in 1938 :   I had an interview with him age 3 years … a little letter from him says he was too busy for tea then, but when I come again to ROME we will GO OUT IN THE TOWN for TEA … and he knows where there is a HURDY GURDY … he thinks I will like it I thought him a nice man … a bit like Georges-ANDRE when I meet him in 1937 SUMMER …

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