1937 Summer - AN AFTERNOON- we are on our own again-
Jo is to rest from last night & we will be out later at dark- but I may stay in this evening & sleep if Unity’s mother is staying in after visiting her father- I can go with her to see him then return about 8 pm. ANDRE said we would go to the REC-he loves it- 1970 `every town should have one-a recreation ground like this Peter-now they have destroyed it-cut the cost of gardeners-grounds-men-made ugliness-
1973 ANDRE MALRAUX comes to tell Greetha The Pillar House Harwell & Peter of his Last Visit to Clacton-on-Sea… & he has already asked Victoria when he walks her around The Pillar House lawn from when she is 2 years if she has seen the Rec at Clacton where her mother took him when she was a little girl…?
“ I have been my last visit to the REC-the seaside the beach at the end Holland-on-sea- the Rec is not the same-it makes my heart ache-it had such an important role in the town & local life-they have taken parts from it-”
ANDRE MALRAUX advances on 72 years of age-
1937 “THE GUARDIAN is chosen” we with happiness
over their visit ` as JEAN ballerina- James Weddell the SEA his grand-daughter writes to her son Dr John RAY Ransom- before she is poisoned to death 1938 end of summer-
THE GUARDIAN IS CHOSEN for A to Z independent nations the world-& they have agreed- The heirs they know & have pleased them for they are in the mould of Tiggy & Margarethe Ransom Grote-
GREED MAGNIFIED in Gross Britain 1930s- Under cover of 2nd World War the GROTE HOMES children are slain-the disgusting theft following the rape of the lands by G.B. Gov & Crown & nobles swept forward -records-archives- “ A Great Britain National Industry is destroying evidence of the Estate & the families are never to have existed- Plans are laid to make statements when all are dead-filthy accusations made against the character of the Ransom-Weddell-& other family lines…it is being said in secret meetings Whitehall that the British Crown had to destroy the worldwide Estate because IT COST THEM MONEY- Many of the families are dead before their time…` Witnesses RN-etc-
1973 ANDRE MALRAUX describes how he went to Josette’s beach Holland-on-Sea & stayed alone 2 hours one morning-he had been helped by friends with small planes to escape the WATCH kept on him. Then he visited the Recreation Ground. He wore his grey hair wig & an old raincoat.
1937 they knew such happiness in this town-
1976 Doctor LIR- Len Ransom says `Andre could not stay away from that happiness-he came again three more times-he managed to get free-to come to Pillar House & Clacton-on-Sea-That last Visit- we all helped- was October 1976-
We all helped several times- took ANDRE to the beach- her beach-to those roads the places still intact- we drove him about- Left him alone when he asked- He wondered could you Greta ever remember how you & he all of your friends- could find her JO -at her beach with her swimming things her notebooks at that beach- If she was not in the house or had left a note then that’s where she would be-SUMMER 1937- `
`1970s ANDRE had nothing now-
no young men as she JO had given him- Pierre & Vincent-
I think nothing made sense at times for him- Andre-
They were taking every 3rd page he wrote from him -
AROUND him he could trust nobody ! They were intent upon getting at moneys & the Estate of Aunt Mag & Tig that we had all recovered & put in order 1960 - Now we learned what had been happening -ALL NAMES information EVIDENCE to be destroyed or kept for the future when they make a million bucks from our archives-& condemn us-in the distant future- NOBODY ALIVE WHO CAN SAY THE TRUTH- ` LIR
1970s LIR `my brother John murdered so horribly-
petrol poured down his throat at Montrose where they had invited him to call- last year 1975 they did the same to his 17 years old son to stop him claiming his Canada Estate..records/
We tried to keep this from ANDRE but he came to hear-
1937 SUMMER Clacton-on-Sea
ANDRE Saint George & I- we have got my yacht the Fortuna from the Old Road little house a small yacht of greengage green yellow Plimsoll line-it needs some rigging. I explain we did not own the Fortuna but sometimes took a share. It is rather a shabby little yacht well used but we will sail it on the shallow bigger end of the boating lake not through the arched bridge to the deep end for great yachts & bigger children with grown-ups. We do not need to take the old pushchair but a basket a bag-our woolies tied round our waists-its not a hot afternoon & there might be a too fresh wind off the sea-We lock our little Old road house I hugging my little yacht- The sweet little house looks so drear without a fire soft lamps the wireless on- Daddy or a kind helper cooking-I make some apologies to Andre-aware he does not know what a vast interesting place it is when we are at home here with good people-humanists…How perhaps Lennie will suddenly come down if SHEshe is away at the Races. We lock the door & I try tell him of the happy times here for I do think he has heard too much of problems- Unity’s mother has had to say some things ! Across the Old Road & up the first road before the Quaker Enclave begins we go- Andre looking carefully either way on the Old Road which is the main road heading to the town-& I explain Road Drill to him as well-but do not risk his wild Moon Eyes stare by saying `in New York Lennie & I…In Santa Fe…in Frederickstown Greenland…` He believes I have dreams as he did when he was my young years !
When the Anabaptists-Nonconformists-the Quakers came & began their white wooden buildings they were tucked under the Rise from this Old Road which is sloping up gently to the flat cliff lands leading to the Holland Cliffs- & ahead from this Old Road they could walk to the seashores a few buildings-a Packet Boat came in- but no town of Clacton yet. The farms hamlets spreading over towards Saint Osyth Priory had fields in between.
I tell him she was a Princess Osyth & did not wish to marry! So her father built her a Convent with a Church. I say that must be nice to have a Convent but I have a lot to do when I am grown & I think I want to marry someone like POUL who was 6 feet & 5 inches tall- ANDRE becoming Saint George nods in understanding.
1970 I hear ANDRE MALRAUX telling Peter J.P.Whitehead The Pillar House Harwell Village-
‘Paul of Tarsus was all I could think she mean’t- there was Thomas who went round the world with Jesus & Lucretius- She was 4 years- 6-7 months- She was in love with POUL-she gave me the spelling- (Yes there is a van that has Poulsen on in Essex-)
I did not connect a real island in the SNOW…it was bombed 1960 to stop us all- the families- opening it- I would as Legal Guardian have been able to get immediate help to defend it ! He was told arrogantly by Denmark ‘he could rent it’ They began denying the Charters-1770.` says Andre Malraux
Meaning - Dr Len I. RANSOM heir & co-heir to Greta Ransom- Len tackled Noble CROWS-Vagrants-scavengers-on their disgusting debauchery 1950s-60s on our Island-& not letting the de Salle Poulsen girls go free-of keeping them out of our great warm house ! -PJPW insists Andre Malraux does not use the names of Greta Ransom`s family-ANDRE MALRAUX wishes to give me my memory back-photographs-notebooks-visits with the family members still alive ! He is told I am not to have a memory back-only carefully some things if it is possible-Peter has monstrous creatures about him from December 1967 ! Some well dressed thugs his Class (see Debrett-Burkes Peerage) outside BM Natural History Museum in the dark have promised him death-he can‘t find out who is RUNNING THEM ! `1960 the criminally insane Of Scandinavia-Gross Britain began denying the Charters had any relevance-Denmark & The Lindsay Earls owned the Island ! ` They are all dirty liars-high on DOPES-
1961 I MALRAUX as a Minister of FRANCE came to London to represent General de Gaulle President of France-
A greeting by Nobles at the top was to occur- I was side-stepped by an ugly woman’s son-in-law- he meant to insult me- My two boys dead that year- because of this violent robbery of a woman of high erudition-She in 1937 October appointed me GUARDIAN HER ESTATE- She held USA citizenship from her marriage many years ago- These men & women your countrymen-some from Scandinavia- are on DOPE-one dope in particular which has them believe they are divine-they grow it in Scotland-I have seen it growing-we were taken to look by a family who did not agree with this crop` This man -his Court… knew that I & the President of France were having our Post/mail stolen in his name- He was used to insulting the legal owners of this Estate- & their vast ancestry- RACISM had been used to justify the FRAUD-theft… He was using your Nation to commit Fraud-he did not begin it-he was too young-but often he had the opportunity to halt it- His dope consumption is too high-he had little education- as those about him quite often- `
THEY KNEW PETER THAT MY GENERAL & I DID NOT HAVE THE PAPERS THE WILLS SENT TO US…violence went on from them- They had used their enormous kudos to employ criminals- & others from Naval Intelligence- to deceive & remove documents- & continue their obscene lies about the Properties-for orphans-Homes-you do not know these things ? I am surprised… ` 1970 Andre Malraux-Harwell The Pillar House…(The Pillar House post/mail stolen for 3 years- 1968-1971...PJPW stopped it-it went missing 2 or 3 times again-report PJPW 1981-he had tried get it all directed to BM Natural History…)
NB: GROTE HOMES educating to 18 years-in humanism nations A-Z outside the British Empire-Great Britain-it was Fraud-violence from the beginning-deceit using the nation-against the legal owners)
1970 ANDRE MALRAUX “ STUFFED ANIMALS IN A BRITISH MUSEUM -he has called them this-he was told by them to catch the girl & boy-the boy to be killed-the girl to be returned to THEM…
No-Teresa she did not want her returned- a Q.C. & Team set to get her divorce & a good Settlement- custody child to the two sets of grandparents- They arranged kidnap back- summer 1936-a woman employed by Whitehall & the usual Diplomats-I interviewed her 1960- Passports taken child & father-the Argentine & other nations would not allow the passports of other family members removed- They some of them had duel citizenship here- Argentine-USA -one grandmother also USA- You know that Mary Gordon is an Irish Citizen-she held an Irish passport from 1932-there was to be help later there-1944-she was poisoned- (1939 first-see records) A woman calling herself Mrs A. MacMurphy had been sailing about the shores-with JIM-a drunken sail-she owned all from an old Eskimo…`
1935 - RIO de Janeiro (December/records-Dr Hebedie-2 parts)
He is still alive- grandchildren-the President of the Argentine gave him a new identity immediately-they Presidents of these smaller nations had all had violence to the HOMES & the philanthropic settlements-investments of a highly revered woman of mixed ancestry… 1936 he was told to go off for 6 months-a year- given funds & to lose his identity- Geology surveys mainly-only one relative he did not have to know- It is he who realised the Weddell branch were being murdered-destroyed- He first noticed them disappearing 1950 or so- It was known in Naval circles abroad they had a fixation on getting their name on the Sea down there- ”
`Yes says Peter- “Its known about scientific circles-hive him off to a few miles-they’ve been running him down for a long time-our records in the BMNH have disappeared from pre-War…however the Science Museum was able to trace some & prove they had existed- The connection here by coincidence was Morrison Scott- (Director BM Natural History-began career Science Museum-went in Royal Navy 2nd World War) before the War- visits made a man & his grand-daughter…I have found no trace in her memory-
` I can only add what I have said before-surely Socialism is the answer-some form of it…you did not think so…` PJPW
MALRAUX goes on…& they had been giving away properties- you heard about NASA- as their gifts (Crown Properties stolen back from an Old Eskimo-who could not read or write ! ) -JIM at first leading them on-with the branch we have spoken of claiming silently legal unlawful control ` ( LINDSAYBUGGARHS who go culling 19th-20th centuries) /records/Greta Ransom is taking shorthand notes-with Malraux’s blessing-
1970 ANDRE MALRAUX says- 1960 WE WERE NOT GETTING OUR MAIL- 1960 winter-onwards- without it having been searched-things removed- I had no idea our Courier could be searched-
The matter is they should never have known the Estate- Summer 1960 I was found very ill in Rome-it had been done with dope-things in food & drink-old game…they had been taking the mail sent to her young father since 1933- His father had his own set of documents-he had his mail delivered from the various Embassies…
In 1960 March- WE (General de Gaulle & Malraux) did not receive the crucial mail-it was to come by a trusted courier- We received some information…
PJPW asks `Who ?` Andre Malraux `Yeahh ! he & I- the General- President of a….” They both nodded & hands made gestures of `Oh-clearly France was a 3rd world nations as far as they were concerned…`Greta Ransom shorthand verbatim-they both nod at me when I am to record- The Pillar House dining-room before all Hell broke out-4 days later-Malraux now had to hide-getting help from people astonished this was still going on…FRAUD…
Nota bene- briefly : they the dope-fiends HIGH CLASS SIN of Gross Brit the very top of the pyramid have got their SNOUTS in our letters-documents sent- even presents for birthdays & Xmas from the children GROTE HOMES -craftwork-things made with their little hands- a drawing from a child who is studying the ARTS- even a piece of music- OLD-VARESE YOUNG-VARESE goes down South America & slings a hammock with Ransom-Weddell families- & scholars some of Hollywood-they create- choirs- musicians artists-dancers-with the children in THE HOMES- there is NO IMMORALITY as the filthy British Nobles & CROWN are mouthing in their dopes-booze-1945 onwards- calling themselves Business men !…They sit their big bums on this piece of pure philanthropy- They run a horrible violent piece of FRAUD began with the 1920s criminally insane amongst them able to use the Nation of Great Britain-they are uneducated by our standards & do not represent the great Nonconformist Families that with invention-creation-philanthropy made Britain’s humanism-useful technology-Welfare & science…These are CROWS VAGRANTS Playboys & prostitutes using their foul racist mouths against other nations when they hath lost in the Casinos- moneys they steal from the Banks they can threaten- who hold RANSOM WEDDELL Grote Gronlander San Julian Accounts…..
In & about THE GROTE HOMES 1864-1954 The children & Teachers of crème-de-la-crème the world of HUMANISTS happily create explore together HUMANITAS !
ALL IS HAPPINESS- The HOMEs are agreed by every Nation A to Z- OUTSIDE of Figures of a Morgue that howl of The British Empire & their divinity…
These Gross Brit nobles have their fat behinds on a PIN 2 miles above their heads- with Scandinavian Crows- GREED RULES HIGH CLASS SIN & THEY CREATE EVERYTHING UNNATURAL- (ref. Shakespeare-Henry V)
1937 SUMMER - ANDRE makes notes in his small rectangle books-he is interested in peaceful people & listens to them. He took me to the Rec one day & had got me a bucket & wooden spade for beach & the Rec sandpit- & Saint George Andrew said with dignity ` You will play-I will make some notes`
This sandpit is for babies & toddlers under supervision- I do make a mention of this- Andre has settled himself in an important way with his notebook-I am very polite-
I only dig for something to collect & make something with-
I have made a Castle a Fort with him once or twice, Andre-George -on the beach-when no more serious matters-or he is showing JO how he built things when a little boy-
When Len comes he does make things in the sand like islands & harbour & landing strip for his planes-but he has real ones & is working out some knotty matter as he is training for Head of Transport Grote Homes & Ransom Estate-he will have a team some family old & some young like him. The pilots are pleased with Lennie-
I tried to dig the dry sand- but the garden of the house opposite with a summer house an Oak Tree drew my attention because it was all old fashioned-a woman with her hair in a low bun at her neck an old-fashioned frock picked roses from a miniature trellis work area…
It is `The house at the end of the REC- we move here spring 1939- & the RANSOM Gronlander Grotius 18th-19th century Greenland library came here- shelves & shelves in the drawing room- Noble & Crown robbers came as soon as my poor young father December 1939 was sent to the Philippines to die-but he was so useful-speaking Japanese- records/diaries/1939-1970s-
THIS HOUSE ‘Purleigh/Pearly 112 Vista Road Clacton-on-sea
In the years ahead it will be in our memories as a fragile meeting place of summer 1945- Memories remain in shadows in the ruins of our lives-reminding us of others killed & dragged into this vile Fraud-violent theft by the British UPPER HIGH CLASS SIN- Our drear memories those of ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom begin from January 1946-for GR all the life there- 1939-1945 is some fragile happiness- Pages of life with kind people trying to help the criminally insane Teresa Gordon R. kept so by her visits to Scarlet Town to `her noble friends`…big cars one with a Standard that come in the dark of 1943-1944 & await her to come- they are driven quietly into an empty housed lay-by off the Old Road-or the Valley Road… accounts by Andre & Greta
1945/46 winter Andre Malraux ` THE HOUSE IS AS SILENT AS THE GRAVE-tapes AMx & LIR/G.R life- & with Andre At that time it was as if a whole lifetime for me has been lived there-the war years-the terrible destruction & robbery of this beautiful house its contents by SHEshe & her noble scum harming Colin & me because her noble friends extract signatures from her-give her invitations & this most dangerous dope- Lindsays & Angela & mob all of them old horsey chums from childhood- they have no intention of giving her Teresa half this Estate which is what JIM told her 1930s & that he would share with her- ! A Social Calendar 2nd World War Gross Britain- shows SHEshe Teresa Gordon R. goes to a party on Aircraft Carrier- Clifton/Cliveden Christmas 1942-3 with Top Brass-usual parties-takes tea at Holloway Prison with Mosley- `gave his wife a chance to go out shopping` -they used to give little Johnny Gordon R. some nice toddler clothes in the 1930s-/Accounts-Life of-Mad Mother Kali-Clytemnestra-Old Mother Ransom Riley/
Medusa/jelly fish of 3 feet long- stung me Clacton sea
SHEshe Old Mother Ransom-Clytemnestra let me be in a coma 2 days- Little Colin & friend told Auntie Win ex ATS- Still SHEshe insisted I had made it up- the scars used to rise in hot or cold water until I was in my 30s-I showed them to ANDRE MALRAUX December 1957 ! He wanted to bathe me in the kitchen sink again ! I said I can pick YOU up-he let me try & I did-next time I sit him on my knee-he is so comely-
1943-44-45 Accounts of throwing me out two winters-no blanket hissing with JG “we will call the Police have you locked up as mad you Ape if you complain..” I am 10 & 11 years old. Account for Andre Malraux ‘Winter-Clacton Seafront-2 policemen meet at 2 am-discuss-have ham sandwiches/flask-cycle off-I hide` 1944-
I have made a written record of this cruelty for nations A to Z who had Grote Children slain. It shows the power of this narcotic grown by British Nobles in Scotland-abroad-& worn as pellets fire blown up their snouts- Arthur Malone/Politan- got written confirmation from Clacton Police Hospital & schools- `nobody is allowed to lock up SHE Teresa Gordon R with noble bastards & fiend-friends-` Andre Malraux will make extracts from my Father’s Diaries FJR autumn 1957 before attacks on us all by top scum-Mengele a leading role-
An Estate the globe is being robbed in official secrecy by CROWS & VAGRANTS- noble scum of Britain-
1945 May & -June - here entered he again to Clacton-on-Sea now a Widower Colonel ANDRE again to be called George-Andre or Andrew…I have written him the diary pages of Summer 1945-47-to add to his notebooks…
1948 Earl No 14 & heir 15 Lindsaybuggarhs-stole our Canadian Transport Investments-Grote Brokers USA were waiting for Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM to come & take over to New York from 1946- NO POST-& his big brother FJR threatened ALL OF YOU WILL BE BURNED IN SCOTLAND- Margarethe’s father FRED RANSOM began all this CANADA infra-structure with friends 1830s onwards- 1948 onwards our ZINC Shares-EMI-many transport investments the globe-Norwegian bank moneys-Capital stolen for Angela-Lindsay Premier Earls of Gross B. Kudos of British Realm-all in silence & secrecy-tame Press- divinities do not pay tax-
1960 Colne Engaine June-July Earl heir No 15 on his dope says (recorded by Territorials & some of their own mercenaries who came over to Malraux) “& I did not want Canadian Railways-I wanted to go round & round like Uncle Thomas-it was my father & Angela who told me to take Canada-they were breaking up the Estate & sharing…” (Nota bene: they have murdered the Grote children 2nd World War to get the lands-remove art works-burn books-papers-threaten-continue with the kudos of the British Realm STEAL post-attack after dark good citizens- & these nobles all live in luxury on blood-gore dripping moneys…)
In his Roman Catholic divorce 1968 Lindsay heir Earl No 15-had his solicitors swop these stolen investments-transport etc - Thus the GROTE RANSOM- Weddell-Gronlander names could be lost in the paperwork hereafter-another change & the rightful owners are removed from history- It was the talk of Scarlet Town- `now all the Law will look at this-names are lost…We are off to New Zealand … ! `
12-13 years old David Lindsay (Earl 15) whirled a metal big boys spade at me Greetha Ransom 1936-1938 “give me THAT money you Ape-my father says it is MY money” / Some people we are not related to cut his Uncle’s liver out 1946- he had poured paraffin down the throat of an old lady as she tried telephone to get Police to stop him taking paintings he had no right to-She took a month to die painfully-he in 3 hours watching his liver-/he was at my 2nd christening 1933 (I have 4) seeing the names Frobisher Weddell were not added-He wars Divinorum Salvia Scotland pellets up his SNOUT`/ records written up for Andre Malraux-who heard some of this Summer 1937- MONSTERS FROM THE DEEP-in their GRAND-
1940s - diarys-records-tapes /GR-AMx-colleagues-families/ A Man about the House/The Gas Masks in the Corner/The Hotspur-Biggles & other books/ The Greengrocer on the Corner/A walk in from the Sea/High Tide on the Lincolnshire Coast-Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX teaches us at school/ SEAWEED-Salvage/-then 1946- The Bramble Patch-to the Gallows/The House as Quiet as the Grave/Ghost Train-tunnel of Love/Xmas Eve 1946 Charpentier Mass /Letters one Friend to Another/Wedding of Grace/etc etc. I have read these diary accounts on tape/CD-
The Music many times played on the Wireless 1944/45 is Pavane for a Dead Princess-Ravel- Also much Debussy-Hindemith-Glenn Miller of course-all the big bands- & at Church Monteverdi-Gounod- Victoria-Palestrina…At home of Professor & Mrs Winclemann (The Chemist Murray) Debussy-Richard Wagner-Brahms-Schoenberg-Dallapiccola- At Charles Magowan’s home with his 2 then 3 Grand pianos-Dallapiccola-modern French composers… At Pathfields school Ben Britten-Vaughn Williams-Villa Lobos-Elgar-Debussy-Schoenburg-Dallapiccola- I have some records of Mossolov-Paul Whiteman-Glenn Miller-jazz & Debussy…None of us consciously divide Classical & Jazz-folk music-early historic music up…I think this was because so many people played piano or an instrument-the Saturday Dance band had the trumpeter playing/swinging 1610 Mass Monteverdi Sundays ! Fred Ransom & Gertrud my great-great grandparents began a HOME for retired Musicians Italy-beyond Rome.. It was well funded-it may have failed 1970s- IF SO SOME CREEP STOLE THE FUNDING- & CREEP or CREEPS would be British Noble Scum-
1937 SUMMER George-Andre…sometimes he turns his head swiftly towards me & asks a question then he is this other person ANDRE MALRAUX…his face very solemn his lovely eyes too- Now no magic- just REASON- I am used to the grown-ups being grown-up & do not get in the way. Len & I speak when spoken to or if we have something to contribute that would be expected- Len is now a young man of 16- 17 years in October 1937- You do not talk light heartedly in New York to old-young Varese composing buildings in sounds & thoughts but you could say a remark on the household to his nice wife- Lennie & I & Grandpa Frederick Charles we had them to Luncheon at Margarethe’s all white inside Bridal house by the waterfront for they are her friends-not old like so many we met-but then we met some of her young friends too-ANDRE MALRAUX is not photographed in New York with Varese until March 1937...
1936 New York- in April 1936 just over a year ago...
Lennie & I are to learn to be civilized after trekking from the North Pole to the Sud Pole the sub-arctic. This must be why Paul Whiteman called us `Savages` (of Tittle Tattle Land) The Mexico attack the near escape in RIO from the STUFFED ANIMALS IN A BRITISH MUSEUM catching up with us- Our misery at not being taken up Macchu Picchuu with our INCA kith & kin - Paul Whiteman hiding us in his apartment with his live duckbill platypus New York April- the midnight Opera The Trojans in German when old-young Varese & his wife came too & others who are Aunt Mag’s friends or are studying under one of her green UMBRELLAS…
I did not know that ANDRE George as ANDRE MALRAUX had met old-young VARESE in New York in March 1937 this very year ! Neither ANDRE MALRAUX or Saint George Andre spoke this in our conversations all that SUMMER 1937-I would have risked truth from last year-even though he will say `it is your dreams`…
What a lot I could have told Saint George…he would have needed a cup of tea & 2 Asprin & a rest wrapped up in a warm car rug-for awhile ! & his ANDRE MALRAUX self too !
Poor JO would have stopped him saying “ Greetah sleeps with her door open at night & hears snatches from downstairs..” Ships that Pass in the Night…
But the RANSOMS are in SPAIN this summer…
a rescue that is to fail. And I do not know. They would have been with us on this holiday-three cars full & even more to see-to Deptford to ‘Jerusalem’ where YOU ENTER UPON TIME- The Joos van Cleve painting of F. RANSOM who married 2ndly the Lady of Japan 1504 in Bruges where she had been educated in a Convent after her father died & then her mother died- The Lady Nihalah Yuss-shampoo an old Okinawa Royal line before young Hiroheto’s Father’s line-
Andre & JO would have seen Lennie’s Processions drawings RANSOMS from 92 AD-misty when we reach silver Goblet 7th century AD- This Father Ransom said `ALL OF YOUR WILL USE MY NAME RANSOM-or I will leave you nothing from my treasury-
1960 One day in 1960 ANDRE MALRAUX will see the
RANSOM Genealogy-the one at our Wedding of Grace was not unrolled & was burned by Treasa Gordon Gordon R that night on Holland-on--Sea Jo’s beach- He will see the diary entries-lots of precious Papers that Dr John Ray brother of my father FJR & others have guarded-
My poor father’s vast collection he carried about to stop destruction further-as LIR- break-in & Entry in name of G.B. Government & Crown had vast paperwork & ancient records burned-as Earl Lindsay 1938 in front of Augusta Frobisher & Greta Ransom ! My father took such care of our Records- `to write upon ‘IN MY LAMPLIGHT YEARS Daughter` From 1953 Ivy took care of our papers-books-they were destroying things we had placed in the great Collections of the world-or putting their foul names on- IVY Ransom March 1962 says-`they took everything-I had it hidden in my drawers-your Dad was about to begin work writing more up- It was after MALRAUX came here with a staff worker one evening 1957- They left a framed photo of you on the floor-crushed beneath a boot- I have not told your Dad-he cannot take much more…he had to return from the War & see what they had done to our family home-cut the joists so the upper floor fell in-the neighbours reported who they were taking our property out of the little home 2 days before…1940...They could not wait to destroy our family after robbing us of our work-our property…`
1968 a woman at a South Kensington Museums gathering says to Peter J.P. Whitehead “MARGARET GROTE HAD NO ENEMIES Peter- except a woman called Angela & her travelling companion a half Chinese- he heard that the LINDSAYS were going to claim this Estate because a Frobisher woman had married Mrs Grote’s brother- he felt Angela & he should have their share ! You should find out more- it is a travesty what they have done- to do it they had to kill all the children-no one stood up to them after that-you should not be in charge knowing so little ! ” ……………
1957 November Report- G.B. Naval Intelligence thugs-JIM-this queer no-doctor- broke in & stole this collection- Ivy was at work- They took all photographs- IVY did not tell her brother-she said he could not take anymore. His health would give way again- then the attacks began again on him-after this he was given Police protection in the local library & told not to be out at night- MALRAUX a public figure-name in Press-work with General de Gaulle-was blamed for this casual attitude to a great Estate…No post was answered by MALRAUX-no telephone calls answered-Various members of the Ransom families were called obscene names from WHITES CLUB a vice bar running 2 flats of prostitution close by & dopes-JIM now CUR JAMES Steward…Angela sent message `Greta did not have to straighten her hair anymore-this came via Whitehall-
1940s-1950s- LINDSAYS-insisting on calling Ivy `cousin` in public- men now drinking in that CLUB WHITES had come at her parents so often before the War with their filthy mouths- & she had to be guarded outside the school when a child - going to school & returning home to ‘Jerusalem ’ by Deptford the little sloping Park- 1940 the joists of the sweet house were cut overnight when 2 ex-Lord Mayors of London were getting a Magistrates Document to STOP Jimmie Jong & his dope-fiend chums breaking in- paintings were again claimed by he & the woman Angela-but Lindsaybuggarhs raided & got some off them- & some they had stolen from Montrose Ransom Farm too Sept. 1939-
Before 2nd W. War-afterwards- JIMMIE JONG-Cur James put his loot in `the Bloody Liar Dusty Mansion` France-ANDRE MALRAUX 1960 Cultural Minister of France officially emptied it of RANSOM documents-to which he was GUARDIAN- !
“… but R.N. thugs-Mengele & JIM broke into D’Orsay Paris & got it back- Its in G.B. now-where they finger it now & then-nothing like Ransom genealogy-some of them do not know their father’s for sure…”
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