Greta Ransom

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From summer 1947 onwards the monstrous Harrington known

to medical circles & the highly educated as  `Mengele a weird physician with no proven qualifications he has a team to falsify all records…` this `LUCIFER`  ( say`th New Zealand 1970 ) was given to speaking of the GROTE HEIRS RANSOM & the distant heirs…as…`HUMPS UPON THE BACK OF MY PATIENT ANDRE MALRAUX…`

Mengele is of course the Royal Satrap paedophile a Gollum of such foulness…ex-prison-nut houses inmate - GOES OUT ON THE CAT WALKS (history/archives/reports)

1939 XMAS FUN - REPORT- PARTY at the back of BUCKINGHAM PALACE- `a lot of jollity fit for graveside figures was hee-hawing around Jim- Jimmie Jong heard saying` `they will be dead by now in the cold ” (reports) `he was not liked by some visitors…`

Unofficial Guest List II…Mrs Teresa Gordon-Gordon… Sheshe goes to these knees-ups-she has since 1920s-her Gordon parents loathing these HIGH CLASS SIN connexions (Angela is Mrs MacMurray or MacMurphy/Jimmie Pong is Major Carew O’Carroll/& Greta Ransom’s lawful wedding mother Mrs Gordon-Gordon/ they used these other names when at mischief-

1939 23rd Dec. Clacton on Sea, 112 Vista Road-  Report Greta Ransom 7 years in March 1940 : It is about 2 pm & the friend had handed 2 letters to my father -Postman has just delivered them-afternoon post- Travelled via Shetlands to Essex from M. de SALLE and family-ordered out of the big warm all conveniences RANSOM house on our Island Jacopsholmen West Greenland- by JIM & thugs-acting for Crown & War Office  -the Nobles there must have the bowl out for gold pieces too then-

We were putting up the Xmas decorations- paper chains & holly, evergreens-an Xmas tree in the long drawing room that stretches across the front of  112 Vista Road the `Pearly`  HOUSE AT THE END OF THE REC- HERE Georges-ANDRE COLONEL MALRAUX George will come June 1945...and these memories can be read by notes from both of us  & oral..1950s…1970s…

1939 23rd DecemberSheshe was mouthing `I do not want paper chains-they are old fashioned-I do not want anything up for Christmas` We copy other homes we have known-paintings-photographs-it is nice to make a Christmas as one the Ransoms or Gordons have enjoyed in the past-…MY FATHER, only 28 years of age November is very anxious-reads the letters twice- tells SHEsheShe says `you must go to the post office and send a telegram to LEN-  Quick-Quick ` ……My father sets out for the Main Post Office in the Town- She went to the front garden to the gate…watched him go-   then returned crashing about - later she will put some sleep making dope in my lemonade…

I was hidden behind a great sideboard making paper chains- I had learned enough of the letters of despair…Sarah was writing one & my father read it in distress `

SHEshe talking to herself now my father FJR had rushed to Post Office… swooped like the Vampire they all are now they are in their 40s… picked up the telephone and dialled a number-asked for another number and said Buckingham Palace please-Room so & so~  She said Its Teresa-THEY HAVE GOT NEWS OUT-2 letters-I have sent him to the Post Office to send a telegram to his brother at his Unit- to telephone him A ship came in and took the letters-ShetlandsVery well...I WILL SEE YOU UP THERE…`

I felt dumb & dwarf like for I am 6 & three quarters & only just beginning to stretch out in height…  I have spent my life hiding from her in her rages ! ( SHE HAS PHONED MR PONG with a 2 Man Unit Intelligence back of Buckingham Palace…all of them have been RAVING about this place since 1921...)

My father returned after an hour & a half.  She wanted to know where he’d been.  I think he may not have told her all. He probably got old Grand-daddy Potter Town Newspaper & Printing Works- & Lifeboat - to print the letters-so they could be sent off to USA via somebody in transport-planes…& anyone else he felt could help-  AMERICA CANADA should be able to help- sail in !  Get the family off the island !  Take them to New York for Christmas- or to Aunt Frobisher in Canada & uncle Paul her husband…they lost a son at sea 1937-  it was probably the usual dirty work- grabbing our properties & prominent family members…too many accidents in this family !

December 1939- My father did not know yet that the British R.N. swiftly put a Watch up there-nobody to go on the  RANSOM Island AND GET THE FAMILY OFF ! Records/reports/madness from JIM over Summertown and trying to mine 6 inches of coal and he had the unique flowering 114 acres destroyed-it had ALL to be thrown in the sea-every bit of topsoil-this was left A RESERVE TO THE WORLD-he tries say ANDRE MALRAUX signed a document to do this in 1947 !   LIES !

documents/Wills/  Jimmie Jong has `Queens Flight`

And there’s the criminally insane of Denmark too helping…THEY ARE ALL AFTER GOLD!  ALL AFTER THE BIG WIN.   ALL OF THEM ARE CRIMINALLY INSANE-FROM THEIR MASSIVE GREED…bred in them & after our Islands, our seashores…our moneys- calling us old Eskimos and apes…

23rd December-  I HAD NO CHANCE TO SAY WHAT SHEshe had done-her Palace telephone call & I knew she could hit my head to smithereens & call in MONSTERS OF THE DEEP IF I did say what I had heard-  The telephone now rang and my father was to Report Immediately to Salisbury Plains- he rushed about filling his kitbag-telling me `sorry-no Christmas after all-I will try and get back after this for some LEAVE`


NASTY FALSE MESSAGES WERE SENT FOR ME to 1969 his very early death from Mengele high jacking him to a hospital & saying he had something wrong which he Mengele Harrington must see to in the operating theatre quickly…AND IT WAS A MATTER OF THIS OBSCENE NOBLES & CROWN PACK OF BEASTS OF PREY…the usual Sunday Games of the High Class Sin 20TH CENTURY who live by violent theft…Mengele dismissed by BMA 1982- far too late for a monster of Noble thugs with that known reputation !

1940FJR my father he was to die in the Philippines but spoke Japanese of course (Mr Pong Jim Jong did not know this !) and helped save many people-then in Africa he was tormented-and then the return September 1945 of a few days in between rushing to LONDON-where he found his family home `Jerusalem` had fallen down-   He learned in a few months it had been ordered by JIM and thugs to have the rafters joists sawn through over night-as two ex-Lord Mayors were getting a magistrates Document to stop JIM and ANGELA taking the paintings, documents, books, of the RANSOM family-  These persons they were very suspicious of the death of JEAN and Frederick Charles whom they knew- Jean1938 by poison and 1939 October FCR taken to Suffolk to a Hospital where 3 senior staff were alarmed at his back having been beaten, he dumb from some sort of sedative& a Major Jimmie Jong James Carew was hanging about- then a Mrs Ransom who said HE HAD NO HEIRS & SHE WAS HIS DAUGHTER IN LAW AND HIS SOLE NEXT OF KINhe died from poison- There was a big funeral October 1939 in London with many prominent people-yet no documents, papers, exist of this son of Millie Frobisher and JOHN RANSOM of Jacopsholmen ISLAND and Montreal-   (LIR flew out of London- Scarlet Town the bodies of his parents in 1945- prominent people in the world of FLYERS helped him ! ) Len lost his mother at 17 years, his father at 19 years of age slain by the G.B. Nobles & Crown -Records/accounts/

A Millie Lindsay appears in some of the FRAUD claims made by the LINDSAYBUGGARHSbut she is a phantom they have invented to claim the Estate of Millie Frobishers grandson & great grand-daughter- An Estate that Millie Frobisher Mrs John Ransom refused for her son Frederick Charles Ransom because she had sufficient but knew her husband had been murdered for this great JOYOUS VENTURE-  she tiny gymnast Millie was an heiress in her own right FROBISHER -very rich- if you were so crass as to add up her Florida Estate, her fathers investments he left her-and her own writings on Ancient Arts and Skating

She & husband John Ransom also translated some Egyptian texts from the Ancient Burials-these were ready for the printer but the EARL OF LINDSAY seized them put them in the petrol tank of the early car and set light to the papers-AN EXPLOSION HARMED 2 PASSERS BYE…but it was not allowed to arrest or charge an Earl-  He now robbed them of their paintings and antiques and their books…all with family history…1884-1897- this is the sadistic maniac Earl & his heirs 1920s-80s tormenting Lennie & Greetah & all our families…

December 1939...`JERUSALEM -that sweet home where I felt safe when I went to stay-   the upper floor fell into the lower-1946 my father dug in the ruins and found some things-he put these in a Bank Vault in the City of London-but it was discovered and emptied IN THE NAME OF THE CROWN…by Lindsaybuggarhs and the usual criminally insane !

1946 Some people now began to die in weird ways or from violence after dark who had work to do about Grote Homes Ransom Estate from England…the Hopman family of 4 at Streatham-many others-Geraldine whose head they blew off with poisons so she had to be sent to a clinic abroad & taken care of all her life…she so beautiful who came to help with Paperwork 1946...her mother was Japanese/records complete

Collapsing a house- The Lindsays used to do this-cut peoples rafters- in the 19th century to grab land they wanted-    The tragedy of `JERUSALEM` & the robbery of our properties-a JOOS Van CLEVE large painting taken-I saw a photograph of it 1973-it was taken to USA then  apparently hacked to pieces- it is of F .Ransom who married the Lady Japan 1504-  & their son aged 19 years who they thought had been lost at sea- (It is one of the Ransom True Tales-Ransom histories) There are diary accounts/letters/   negotiations with London Council who were willing to put the house back as it was-an MP helping-then violence against everybody and documents missing-last thing a MAP waved about by violent Doc Mengele HARRINGTON showing NO house on that spot…the lane leading to the little Deptford sloping Park…archives/records/harrowing accounts. All my grandparents have been murdered by my 11th year in this GREATEST CRIME ON EARTH-to get nobles rich-their greed debts paid-their gambling and big spend on glitter-flash-going on…

1969/70 - A small British newspaper item after Banquet of the Transit of Venus Greenwich- Greta Ransom Whitehead attended with Peter J.P. Whitehead & eminent scientists all contributing to the 200 Years Anniversary Captain James COOK RN voyages. A small man was called in at the end of the dinner & asked what is wrong with your sister Edward ?  ”

1960 MALRAUX  hears Onassis say the Estate of Margarethe is worth more than he has …. Various thieves fraudsters have often told Aunt Winnie `Because of the Greenland & Tierra del Fuego blood Greta will not be able to make a marriage of quality..` Heaven gave GRETA RANSOM the MAN Georges-Andre MALRAUX


HIGH CLASS SIN to ban Greta Ransom Mrs Doctor Peter J.P. Whitehead from future Public events “on account of your height carriage & beauty” said many persons who knew what the nasty spiteful game was about by OLD ROARING 20s Vampiresit did not too often plan out as they intended- but the harassing of The Pillar House Harwell & South Kensington Museums scientists with searches on Saturdays of the Records of Life Upon Earth & Removal to stop EXPOSURE of this GENOCIDE  went on… & others in worlds of art & music did get such on-going slowly weird violence with threats of murder & persons were killed offshore or found to be missing/lists late 1970s & heartbreaking lists winter 1987/1988


1988 January PJPW The Pillar House Harwell…. `MENGELE KILLED YOUR FATHER (FJR)…he had no need of an operation…then his brother went missing Montrose due back to USA to take up Senate Work (JRR)... this was the cleverest in my opinion of your relatives…whom you did not know because I WALKED IN ON IT…& a type of creature I loathe came using the Imperial Fist & threatening MY WORK AT THE MUSEUM November 1967 (reference the violence of dirty Jimmie James Mr Pong Kenya 1944-1953)…...when I (a young man of 37 years born in Kenya a twin…there’s a lot here that had the DOG’s POUND OF HELL FEAR EXPOSURE

of crimes few would stoop to…) had little knowledge beyond some cryptic words from a man I helped with references for his book on The SEA (Richard Carrington)…You could tell me nothing beyond he a tall man in a raincoat whom you’d always known but could not remember…had given you a room for which you paid 20 pounds a month…in this beautiful house where Mr POULTER of COLCHESTER MUSEUMS came & stayed a few times but you were not well when he came although you saw him one morning on your way out…YOU HAD ME BELIEVE IT WAS A PLACE WHERE CERTAIN MAGIC POWDERS WERE IN USE…You were there I was certain from your first poem SEPTEMBER 1957 & YOU LEFT THE END OF MAY 1959 TO HELP YOUR MOTHER with the Jaywick Shops…  That another you did not like a little fat man & another you recited that little jingle to came in & took all the money off this man MALROOHX…  You did not seem to want to speak about it…you took me to see the place a cold misty night I recall November 1966 when we both worked in that Classifying House that great building to COMMON SENSE & NATURE …..

Now I regret this lovely house is a Hotel…(  50 Lancaster Gate Square the beautiful HOUSE of our further DESTRUCTION by things from A DOG POUND OF HELL )  ...but you were clearly nervous & I did not ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR FORMER LIFE…because as I told you…you did not seem to know where you had been the last 9 years…I DID KNOW OF CERTAIN MAGIC POWDERS…that you had worked at Colchester Museums was sufficient for all the Natural History Museum to be happy about…I did not know my ELDERS knew much more about the man in the RAINCOAT who reminded you of some records you had…by Glenn Miller…  WE HAD WORK TO DO & both seemed to be busy although we both had

a tedious parent…somewhat…but we coped cheerfully…

AS WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DO IN THE 1960s DECADE…& I had some experience of this type of person my days in Cambridge & Kenya…

BUT you did not really at all seem to know where you had been the last 9 years…yet you could tell me of obscure Museums & collections of old…this was very usefull…we took to meeting lunchtimes at the V & A lectures & snatching a quick cup of coffee with Kate or others in the Lyons little cafe South Kensington…I had Teddy & the kids & Gestapo to manage at Harwell…I can only say IF I HAD KNOWN CERTAIN THINGS THEN PERHAPS SOMETHING COULD HAVE BEEN DONE…to STOP MADNESS…sheer MADNESS… I did hear they were using some peculiar drugs…  LETS KEEP THE KIDS FROM HAVING TO WEAR THIS CHAIN shall we…yet I fear it has gone on too long…` Dr Peter James Palmer Whitehead who in a month heard he had 5 YEARS TO LIVE…a tumour began in his brain & his writing was often backwards…

SUMMARY : Perhaps the last chance TO HALT THE KILLING FOR THIS MONEY WAS XMAS 1959 February 1960...BUT THE MASSIVE CRIMINAL ASSISTANCE EASILY AVAILABLE FROM THE BRITISH REALM INTERCEPTED THE COURIER TO General de GAULLE….He and ANDRE MALRAUX were awaiting the WILL…WILLS…as soon as they saw it was a legal ESTATE then the matter was in the hands of RANSOM family and others helping Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux from Colne Engaine/the WORLD/

Imperial cunning had messages sent to Malone & Silverlee & Ransom brothers that de GAULLE & MALRAUX had received the Papers…AND WERE CONSIDERING…

Had de Gaulle & Andre Malraux received the packages then the PLAN  WITH THE NATIONS OF GROTE HOMES A TO Z the globe to OPEN THE DOORS ON FRAUD VIOLENT CRIME  WOULD GO AHEAD swiftly the last days February first days of March 1960-

The exposure had every chance of stopping NOBLE BRITAIN getting more & more blood dripping criminally insane…a mounting genocide…a word being used end January 1960...a newly invented word it was - There was an opportunity TO HALT MADNESS…

An examination of the RANSOM Grote Estate has persons believe its destruction by the greedy has lead very much to the HORRIBLE STATE OF THE GREEN EARTH…& THE BLUE SEAS….

THE NATIONAL INDUSTRY created by Noble Britain to hide the GROTE  RANSOM  WEDDELL  G E N O C I D E  had very little wages to paymore records of Ransom Weddell Gronlander families disappeared from Collections-documents-  ALL POST/mail was stolen swiftly-  deceit reigned & vulgar persons had long black tongues seen to be hanging out- they were usually the thieves fraudsters into 2 & 3 generations now…& in no doubt of the massive numbers of the slain GROTE HOMES children- After awhile it became obvious the heir did not know anything of substance beyond 1950s &


Mengele was anxious that Greta & ANDRE MALRAUX did not speak not even about LIFE AT 50 Lancaster Gate Square- It was plotted to keep RANSOM family from having access to The Pillar house & they were turned away coming one afternoon 24th December 1968 by 3 or 4 cars full of filthy Noble foulness - Murder & maiming went on overseasAn American lawyer missing on the LINER on his way back 4 days across the Atlantic- Many horrendous misunderstandings when good folk tried help & some got Mengele Harrington putting his BOOT IN THE DOOR FOR THE CROWN…with thugs who were said to be Special this or that/records/some retired Police etc. began to assist LIR from 1972...& got threatened as soon as ANDRE MALRAUX died Nov 1976-

Capital of the Ransom Estate- 7th- to 19th centuries

MONEYS-MARRIAGES known to have contributed to RANSOM ESTATE-

Marriage G. RANSOM Trader to Aurora daughter of a Councillor of CASTILE a pure Berber-a trader & farmer- 7-8-centuries/he came trading for HAY and marmalade-a good marriage & 5 children-their crippled child the SCRIBE describes his mother…`6 feet tall, dark brown hair to her waist, beautiful, EYES THE COLOUR OF THE DAWN- she wears the clothes of both her people & our Christian clothes-she is accepted everywhere and has learning-we children are born a lighter shade & the grandchildren almost as my father of the East coast of Britain-red gold hair appears..`  This was MS & translation Let & Fab Ransom of Montrose & our overseas Estates & Rome 18th century-

8th-9th centuries- MAINZ- A wall painting restored (shown 2,000 AD complete)  shows Grandmother RANSOM  (29 generations back approximately)   -Len calls her `The Maniac of Mainz`- she took an axe and defended her brother on the steps of the castle-she was 15 years. It was felt she would like to make a HIGH marriage but she preferred the Trader JACQUE RANSOM with his golden hair and blue eyes & married him at 16 years of age-  she had 12 sons-  the USA has some Ransom lines reaching back here-  We appear to be from the eldest- RANSOM…

RANSOM HISTORIES show the fortunes of the family & it is seen they are humanists…

1954 Ed du tin-Cann tells a room of high educated medics 1954 January  “Heroin-my doctor recommends it-I have used it for 11 years-GIVES YOU ZING..”  - heroin since 17 years !  Helps with fraud-theft-hanging men-Malaya does it ! Greta was told `you have hung a man in Malaya`…! He also uses Divinorum Salvia Scotland up his snout…

HE WAS ALWAYS HOPING HIS MOTHER WOULD POISON GRETA AND COLIN-AND ANDRE MALRAUX….he knows his mother & Jim’s talents-a fashion of this Roaring 20s High Class Sin mob-

He gets on a Commission of Public & PRIVATE RECORDS-and supplies Mengele Harrington paedophile Gollum with information- At the House of Parliament he RECEIVES all enquiries on GROTE RANSOM WEDDELL…He is MP twice failed & JIM Cur James said he would help at the next effort and get him IN

He Jim will  MAKE SURE tin-Cann GETS IN BECAUSE HE NEEDS A MAN IN THE HOUSE (Houses of Perversions that is) - So this heroin user from 17 years is to work for JIM ON THE PIN- - He got in as an MP  3rd time - He has helped destroy the families that gave him life-Mary Gordon his grandmother found him- illegitimate- in a bucket 2 weeks old-got him baptized Roman Catholic calling him EDWARD GORDON after her dead 9 years old son 1905- he is a dope addict & his Uncle grows it Scotland- Ref Feb 1954 his Uncle to G. R. on his crop of  `purple pickle` & he wrote out a receipt for Rowanberry Jelly for Greetah   `so tallso tall`Greta thought the dope was a Preserve & asked if he had a recipe for Rowanberriesas H. W. Poulter had mentioned it was good with Deer meat.

1924 MARY GORDON insisted HIS FATHER’S FAMILY find a good childless COUPLE-pay for a Nurse-and raise this child- `IT  TOOK TWO PERSONS TO MAKE THIS CHILD`  - When he is 2 years old an adoption certificate was written for him/copy deposited/shown 1978-9/-he was causing trouble at the school of Victoria and little Peter- The Headmistress said `this is Peter and Victoria`s school- his child will leave`   Little Peter said `she had a gang of 6- but she did not hit me…`  The school was not too keen on Gang leaders-

When MARY GORDON died a 2 man legal Team came to her sisters at ‘Stella Maris’ wanting to take a painting-  &  asked his educated & holy aunts and

Miss Winifred Gordon “  had Mrs Gordon left MASTER EDWARD any money-”

ANDRE MALRAUX was there one afternoon in July 1946 and he will have this explained to him in the years ahead- Annie Carroll Williams-Artist sent them packing…I Greetha Ransom came along from Convent School a 3 minute walk away- ANDRE George looked puzzled & I a young person of the families was not told the matter…

Annie said - “ the man Edward is now a grey pool in a forest to us…while my sister was alive she did her duty-she tried to see he lived a good and holy life & she saw he was given a very good education a chance in life-it took two people to make him-not just the fallen woman his mother…No you may not come in and look over our home- for I do not know you & this is a Holy House…”

HE & HIS FATHER du Cann law (`a penniless lawyer` says Winston Churchill January 1960 to Philip Silverlee man of letters…) kept TERESA GORDON from psychiatric hospital when the Marital Court 1946 had said she was to be placed-indefinitely- for poisoning her mother-and other serious matters of violence-   He/they told lies in the Marital Court August September 1946 & had no right whatsoever to attend !   He is one of her bastards !    He brought upon many people violence & destroyed lives- terrible hardships- by cunningly helping her sister Winifred delay putting Teresa his mother in the NUT HOUSE for poisoning his grandmother Mary Gordon whom he sent to ask IF THERE WAS MONEY FOR HIM NOW SHE WAS DEAD !  He insisted a mad woman his mother  be free-so she could go on supplying him with information on the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE & HARMING GRETA RANSOM & her brother little COLIN Frederick RANSOM heirs -he has helped the criminally insane probably because he is a dope addict by his own words from 17 years of age- He helps those who commit this greatest crime on earth-  His father was a penniless lawyer- (Churchill January 1960) He was seen taking purple plum Divinorum Salvia Scotland from JIM and using it-  Always towards ANDRE and Greta he has shown a nasty vicious tongue- He took moneys from Grote Ransom Estate saying `Angela told him to`…He robbed Ivy Ransom saying `Angela told him to`   He knew from a child Angela socially… (Ange and Tree his mother-as Lindsay Clarke calls them July 1945) He was allowed at Clifton-on-High-Seas/Cliveden 1930s-all of them enjoying vast luxury there without money and ON THE PIN-purple narcotic-& other awful mixes- (Best silk swastikas were in the Chief Butlers own apartnent for when HITLER came over The Channel expected for Christmas 1939...or by spring 1940...records/ )

…& Ed du Cann keeps women in flats-since 1953- & on the Continent-You are immoral Mate ! A thief Mate ! Stunted from dope !  The horrible things you said about me Greetah age 5 to 13 years should have you on a chain building in the SNOW…you have helped for moneys from a river of blood destroy Grote Homes the reputation of the children hinting they were used for sex… & the vast Joyous Venture Estate that RANSOM made from HONEST sea trading 1,500 years was in the way of Gross Britain trade…& you go on to harm ANDRE MALRAUX & Greta Ransom …you reach to our KNEES in more ways than one…

YOU & your criminal father advised Win keep Frederick John Ransom  (Greta & Colin`s father) his brother & Herbert Charles Ransom & others  from coming to the `early wedding ` of Andre and Greta- You have a foul mouth and a black tongue to your little expensive boots !   You drip blood & gore moneys from the slain children of GROTE ! Take a low seat in Hell ~

If FJR my father came to our Wedding of Grace THEN WE WOULD LEARN OF THE ESTATE- that you were already robbing in Malaya ! YOU TOLD  AUNT WINNIE TO KEEP HER COURTESY COPY OF THE WILL HIDDEN-NOT TO SHOW IT TO ANDRE !  You had your own  nicked from our investments…Aluminium etc !  EMI…I & Len are the biggest shareholders early 1954 ! There were many copies of the Will stolen…for the Estate to be the more easily criminally divided up !   You know THAT IS A LEGAL WILL !   And Gross Britain has no part in the Estate AT ALL !  Your SNOUT should never have been in our documents & papers our letters our photo albums which you helped gather in & allowed to be destroyed…they did not feature you…your Uncle grows Divinorum Salvia Scotland & sells it to Soho for 20,000 thousand British pounds February 1954 to be divided with his 4 partners in this crop to be used for slave labour-overseas…Lindsaybuggarhs etc do this too (eye witnesses)

Records given to Dr John RAY USA State Dept- et al /matter-Malraux-Ransom -1958/60 information- State Workers-Intelligence Services-


we have never seen such pitiful conditions as Great Britain has allowed to be created from our RANSOM lands-it is a crime they have been allowed to go on with… because the ruling classes could not admit to the slaughter of the GROTE children-all around the globe- in every independent nation-  Where Gross Britain now says it holds the reins of trade…your newspapers are a sham-but they have lost some able bodied men…accidents have been staged everywhere-  I WANT YOU TO LISTEN-we are going to advance your understanding-ANDRE is a broken man…~ JR®… `I am the man in the moon- came down not too soon and made his way in from Norwich…` I am Uncle John…JEAN’s middle son-you must not open your door- try to keep your mother from coming here…they have made her insane-we have a watch on them…  There will be a Dawn Watch- I shall circle about-I have my guns-`

Colne Engaine February 1960.….` (JR® attacked by Lindsays at a month old 1917-educated in Kentucky special school-3 degrees Astro-physics/Animal Management/LAW-he raised to 23 years of age-then humanists told him whom he was- his parents murdered in all this robbery of a great Estate-it was 1939/40...WAR… returning to USA to take up `by Invitation-Senate Work` -murdered at Montrose our Farm of 1500 stolen `marked Crown Lands from 1939 the horrible petrol murders of the old RANSOMS-done by Jong for the Lindsay scum-  1969 a Tenant invites him in knowing he is to visit…Doc Harrington in disguise paedophile Royal Satrap Gollum Mengele had arranged that JOHN RAY R suffer having poured petrol down him and chased him & fired a gun to blow him up-REPORTS- he was invited to   “STEP OVER YOUR DOORSTEP OF LONG AGO “   -Reports 2 WITNESSES 1969/1970 )  Tenant later put under a lorry load of sand & gravel by a bevy of people…Reports-

1939 TAPLOW COURT Easter 1939-marquee luncheon/ Ettie Lady Desborough-who has lost her 3 sons-she is a `SOULS`movement aesthete

Jimmie Jong is regarded by intelligent law abiding people as a foul insane PIMP-& responsible for the 1939 Spring fake suicide of Mr Tate/ a Mr Wayland- land-owner & farmer kicked to death/& the persecution of Mr Chartris  (Souls) to his death 1944/ ALL 3 MEN HAD TRIED HAVE JIMMIE arrested at that last Taplow Court Easter luncheon 1939-  Given by Ettie Lady Desborough, related to everyone Frobisher somehow-& Rathbone…

I have gone with Grandpa Frederick Charles and Jean‘s sister great- Aunt Weddell BAXTER (younger daughter of Minerva-Olivea and James Weddell eldest son of James Weddell THE SEA) Mr Tate says  “Greet`ha, Are you alright-why are you standing here alone-where is Frederick Charles & Aunt Baxter - `  I 6 years old now give him an answer- `Grandpa has gone to get the Daimler-we have hired it for the day as usual-Aunt Baxter is with him-I am to wait-` I- Greta Ransom have heard what Mr Tate has just said to the two men following him to the marquee entrance-  `that they are going to get the Police to Jim Jong because of what they have just heard him say-he is going to burn another woman in 2 days….I answer this tall man with flat cap and stick whom I know by sight & will be repeating his word `pervert` to the next enquirer of why I am standing there alone rehearsing for the next enquiry which I fear will come…for they know their dear Frederick Charles is widowed of Jean ballerina-

“  There is a pervert in the Marquee- Jimmie Mr Pong…& he tried again to poison me with a glass of lemonade-I knocked it over` I  will relate in firm way to who comes next…

I watched Mr Tate (possibly the brother of the other Tate boy who founded The Tate Gallery ?) as they went down to the gate where a Policeman is stationed & I knew he had to convince Mr Chartris to stand by what they had all heard but Mr Chartris is National Gallery perhaps it is and he fears  that D. Lindsay THE EVIL FAIRY he is called… they all encourage JIM JONG…& Ettie has paintings and things…

Immediately came old Lady `Tachel `Greetha-why are you standing here alone-where is Frederick Charles and JEAN IS DEAD-how terrible- WHAT was Mr Tate saying to you ? I reply  `they have gone to get the Police-there is a PERVERT in the marquee…they say Ettie  (Desborough)  is not safe now she has NO SONS…! ” (They do not trust Mr Pong)

Lady Tachel- She has begun to say she has her frock on from India-it has a bustle from the 1890s …it is a nice luncheon where some of the old SOULS wear their old clothes- this is her yellow frock-she has a pink one too…sprigged flowers all over it…she has reminded me JEAN is dead- & here hath come with Grandpa me is Jean’s sister Aunt Baxter who looks very sad and grim almost-like the painting of James SEA-her grandfather she never knew for her father James his eldest son born 1825 was 60 when she was born to Minerva-Olivea who was 41 years old then- Both daughters trained in ballet but it was Jean who rose to be a ballerina & choreographed the Spanish dances for ballet when she was married first of all but he died of appendicitis- then she found Frederick Charles determined to have a Monument to The Weddell Sea as everybody laughs happily when they introduce usbut now JEAN is poisoned & I am not to say but help poor Lennie who is only 17 years old & lost his mother- Aunt Baxter married a book binder Argentine-direct line of Dissenter Baxter who survived evil old Judge Jeffreys !

Aunt Baxter who has two beautiful looking sons- one with golden hair-(they are murdered 1953 in Australia by Jim & 2 Lindsay)-

But she is not delicate faced like JEAN but is more like me-sturdy- I think it is that we have got the jaw of SAN JULIAN her great grandpa the holy INCA and philosopher brave when he goes to the Weddell Sea and sails all over the sub-arctic- Our jaw I have heard it said is too firm a jaw for girls…it looks alright on Cousin Clarke Gable

…IN 24 hours Mr Tate so kindly and tall was dead-he was supposed to have left a suicide note saying he had offended JIM-and the Crown… Mr Wayland was kicked to death-Mr Chartris persecuted until he died suddenly in 1944 ` There is no Mr Mengele at this time about us- I do not remember him until last Sunday October 1953- when he was very rude to me about my work at Colchester Museums-he was insulting…he acted as if HE HAD A FRILLY FROCK ON- like a spiteful puppethe wanted to have me killed horribly & insult Andre Malraux some moreBut he knew there was so much money to be made by just persecuting us bothhe has a very deformed mind & has two hit-run murders England I hear Xmas 1953/

1939 - early December- Family of M. de Salle parents and 4 children under 12 years of age- ordered out of the warm comfortable RANSOM house Jacopsholmen Island in the West Greenland arctic winter- JIM with 6-7 British army thugs no expressions on faces were in army clothes- Jim in furs…house was in 30 minutes locked wired with explosives-

Cousins de Salle of PARIS & 4 children under 12 years were left with no possession bedding clothes food or heating in a large icy hut on the shore…MIRACLE OF THE 2 Letters written 11 December 1939 delivered to Fred J. Ransom father of Greta - 23rd December 1939...A SKIPPER in a tough small ship sailed in 2 days later wanting some metal & to do a little job in the old workshops of Fred Ransom 19th century…He was used to knowing he could call in here…He was heading for Shetlands & took them promising to post unless he got sunk by the Germans - Posted them Shetlands-delivered 23rd December 1939 to Officer/Captain Frederick John RANSOM Clacton-on-Sea- LINDSAYS EARLS-JIM-CLAIM THE ISLAND & ITS PROPERTIES AS `BRITISH CROWN` PROPERTY- All the Xmas presents of the family taken in a sack by JIM- eating the candies in front of the family…. took 2 bottles of wine-drank one from the bottle while ordering the Army thugs to clear out some things and lock up-  Family terrified-huddled upstairs-ordered OUT-not allowed take bedding or warm clothes- “WE ARE IN OUR PARIS DAY CLOTHES ”

1958   reports appeared in newspapers-2 girls were got out-some Missionaries reported-references to their virginity…one newspaper spoke of the parents & 2 little brothers-

Information- Dr JOHN RAY® others:

Diary-death of their father-mother-2 brothers

in the Arctic winter- the 2 girls 13 & 11 years alone for 17 years-

FRENCH CITIZENS M. de Salle & his Paris family-notes & oral from his daughter Sarah-to USA- et al-humanists-come in darkness

` there was an attack- on the shore where Countess Poulsen was murdered by JIM in October 1933 - a savage attack on their pregnant mother killing her in same place (1941) … The October 1933 savage head cutting crime was to stop the families RANSOM POULSEN WEDDELL-lines CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS ON THEIR ISLAND-Jacopsholmen off Xristensharb…THE ISLAND GOING TO BE OPENED WITH SCHOOL-theatre-homes-work: furniture making-ship repairs-MUSIC FESTIVAL- and the University going up- RANSOM have the moneys ~  The British Government & CROWN using LINDSAYBUGGARHS determined to lay hands on all this-to give themselves such a REIGN OF HIGH CLASS OF SIN-

`  SARAH has her  2 tiny brothers die of the cold-her father put them the little bodies in the ice caves-SAYING THEY HAD GONE AWAY TO THE ARMY…/full reports/

Nota bene All this to be hidden away-BY THE BIG PIN-SIN BIG BOOTS OF GROSS BRITAIN AND EUROPE calling themselves NOBLE BUSINESS MEN-Some old slags too-steeped  in blood and gore of Grote children slain-all shopping-`comments 1960...

1944 JOSETTE Clotis (Roman Catholic wife of Andre Malraux) French citizen lost her life 9thNovember-Perigord-she did as Grote Brokers New York USA asked her- tried to get help to the stranded Citizens of France M. De Salle & family of PARIS France- (kin of Ransom-Gronlander-Poulsen) - have them released from the British blockade of Jacopsholmen Island off Xristenshab, West Greenland-  Grote Brokers New York USA have administered this from 1830s-it is part of the Ransom Estate-

They report 1930s ` we have always had horrible violence against the families there the relatives the cultural properties by the British & Danish CROWNS- It is they are instrumental in stopping the University going up- DECREE `1770 when Island granted to the family of POUL GRONLANDER `to keep as a Holy Place and when you may erect the University to POUL- (genius-polymath-Catechist-Trader) -We an old New York firm-Grote Brokers together with the Ransom solicitors Argentine(1830s)-  have had the moneys ready from the 1850s-

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