Greta Ransom

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1939 December onwards… Josette would be able to image in wartime Perigord November 1944 the conditions for a family with 4 children stranded- locked outside a big warm house within the arctic circle- She might recall the child Greta telling her of this Island life & this lovely house the biggest in Greenland Summer 1937... Fred RANSOM built the house for the Gronlander’s grand-daughter Gertruid Poulsen-the American open plan downstairs impressive staircase bathrooms kitchens with 3 kinds of heating…1840 the Theatre was built with one Tier-the first Season to be 6 weeks was 7 months-the harbour crowded with Yachts and Steam ships-he Fred Ransom had to anchor the Mary Rose 2 miles out !  The famous came-that is those in arts-science-scholarship-technology-gentle people from all walks of life-no CLASS problems-

1929 onwards hideous persecution from this wretched little half-breed calling Ransom family Apes & Eskimos with his noble chums….HE A LIFE  TIME ON  THE PIN- JIM his Lindsay Earls & greedy FIGURES OF A MORGUE-with morbid racist ignorance & some greed mounting from the House of Lords- have given orders to Serve  violent EVICTION on the  Family of M. de Salle wife & 4 children of PARIS related on two lines to RANSOM from 1770s…letters-eye witnesses-victims-Greenlanders` with  Box Brownie camera-

JIM - Mr Pong Jong a maniac on the PIN getting hold of females who can hoist him up the ladder a half-Chinese persecuting racist with languages so useful in this GREATEST CRIME OF MANKIND- 1939 he has a 2 Man Unit at the back of Buckingham Palace-he will advise on the `new Reign` -he has a 2-room apartment from 1923- He is that JIM Mary Gordon tells ANDRE MALRAUX of 1937 Summer-she just widowed-her husband driven out that night by the troubles this MONSTERSHIP create for normal families-TO GET THEMSELVES DOUGH- -nuisance to families related in married beginning with Mary Helena & her husband George Ernest Gordon 1919...

When JIM & mob burned the young Murphy couple alive only young Brian 6 years escaping from a window-being dropped or told to jump…  And from the marriage of 1932 Teresa Gordon to Frederick John RANSOM- Lindsays Earls & JIM,  Angela and nasties- made sheer horror and `hooting evil `

with the LINDSAY EARLS a nasty snivelling pack of supreme thieves-

1932 they hacked to pieces the  R A N S O M monument in SUFFOLK in the churchthey are our 2nd cousins back then- Greetah stayed with them 1936 summer- hidden- The RANSOM marriage produced Greta and Colin Frederick-&

John Gordon ….1933, 1936, 1938...

1921 is regarded as the first piece of big FRAUD by the Grote brokers & the Argentine Solicitors…then 1938 begins a genocide- Nobles in secret silence & violence begin their control of State Institutions  `in the name of the CROWN` -to lay hands on the Fortune-Eldorado-  of an old Eskimo- Scandinavia leap & slither in too…

Jim Jong Mr Pong is a hanger-on to Teresa Angela & an accomplice from 1932 of Earls Lindsaybuggarhs at the Essex seaside where the parents of Teresa Gordon now married to Frederick John RANSOM dwell …the first child Greta proclaimed HEIR March 1933 by Margarethe Ransom Grote & her Advisors…(thus Len FLYER/TRANSPORT…. AGE 15 years at his birthday  October 1935 is added as Greetha’s

heir & Co-HEIR…. & we begin our training as `THE RANSOM CHILDREN THE RANSOM HEIRS ` to take care of our peoples & our lands…WE THE RANSOM LINE FROM 92 AD Dunwich… OCTOBER 1937 THE GUARDIAN FOR US the heirs & THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN & THE entire ESTATE is CHOSENANDRE MALRAUX of FRANCE…) This group of high class sin have all known one another since they were all kids-the Noble families grow crops of Divinorum Salvia Scotland- Teresa got caught up in this Wild Dope Set as young as  7-8 years when her father George Gordon took her riding- believing she was the one going to be a good horsewoman- they never let go…

When they could  Greta  was kept from school by Mr Pong & Lindsaybuggarhs 1936-1943- several evil kinds of  violence might be used as they drank & doped & fed themselves enormous amounts of foods… records/accounts/   All of them would hurl me right shoulder & arm against a door-frame saying  ‘you Ape-you will not write your name, paint…play music…do are to be locked in a dark place…  & they like to rub lemon juice or vinegar in the under parts of tiny girls & boys- especially  heirs-the child is found unable to sit still- rubbing its tiny self- & the Lindsaybuggarhs & other scum `yell-  immorality- WE TAKE THE MONEY there is something wrong with the heir…THEY ARE ALL ON THE PIN -

There were 2 young children to inherit properties that they attacked at Frinton-on-sea in the summers-1920s/1930s…  It was Lennie (Len Immanuel Ransom) who often saved Greta`s life-  he was murdered c 1981/2 after his photos-records-3 books-archives-passport-birth certificates-moneys in Argentine bank & Gross Britain had been destroyed/taken as `Crown properties` by Mr Mengele & scum in very big boots-often referred to as `Naval Intelligence teams` Mr PONG says `killing a man is like sticking a pig’`

There are several Reports 1939 December to 1978 of the SAVAGE eviction of the de SALLE family of PARIS from the great warm RANSOM house on our Island Jacopsholmen West Greenland…some are written/tape/early computers 1969-1980/oral…a little more is learned of that horrific CHRISTMASTIDE for parents & 4 children under 12 years of age…..other Documents Books give them & may do so in future work)…TRY TO FEEL in your fingers & toes a CHRISTMAS EVE IN A HUGH UNHEATED HUT on the shores of the Inner Circle Arctic Islandthe presents were taken off by JIM Jong later Cur James…for his noble co-workers in this FRAUD with violent THEFT … TO LAY HOLD OF THE GREAT GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE world wide…

1939 December 23rd -2 letters by chance-delivered

to Clacton-on-sea come by ship via Shetlands from Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland- written in an unheated hut Arctic Circle-family of 6 wearing their Paris day clothes-  Written by Monsieur de Salle &  family-4 children-under 12 years of age- allowed no bedding no food- their Xmas presents taken away in a sack (witness accounts) by Mr Jimmie Jong Major Carew JAMES 2-man Unit Intelligence back of Buckingham Palace/1939-44- many reports of Jim-criminally insane-

1938 - after robbing ANDRE MALRAUX & THE FRENCH PRESIDENT OF THEIR POST/mail in PARIS July 1938 a Visit from Gross Britain-  the British Crown and British Embassy Paris have now turned to destroying the reputation of the Ransom Gronlander branch of M. de SALLE-

(an 18th century small Banking house- de SALLE-PARIS  -records were with Jacque Necker records etc)

1938/39 Jim Jong and Earls of LINDSAYbuggarhs have been taunting M. de SALLE  and have robbed him of his Capital in FRANCE-claiming it is GROTE and therefore is the property of the BRITISH CROWN- `there has been a Palace Revolution-

RECORDS…in a publication 2,000 AD…references to the Visit by ANGELA July 1938 when she was given ANDRE MALRAUX’s COPY OF THE WILL signed by Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote enclosing a Letter to The FRENCH PRESIDENT….

Perhaps PHIPPS British Ambassador hoped Angela would HAND IT TO HER HOSTS AT A GREAT NOSH UP…Paris or Versailles…or a 1920s BAR they all know….  PROCLAIM the delights ahead for GAUL & BRITAIN because ANDRE MALRAUX Man of Letters was a most suitable GUARDIAN to the BIGGEST ESTATE THE GLOBE HAS EVER HAD& all functioning as sheer philanthropy for some centuries…a system that circles round & round in each nation outside the British Empire & goes a delicate flower garden a double girdle the earth…it cannot fail…IT IS HUMANITAS & COMMON SENSE…

(Nota bene : Jim Jong & Lindsay to be Earl 14 rushed to Paris Embassy of British Ambassador Eric PHIPPS to grab this package WILL & letter to French President for ANDRE MALRAUX 17 May 1938...THEY DID NOT AT ALL WANT ANGELA their old chum of childhood GETTING HER SADDLE ON THIS )


Quote…(French Prime Minister formerly of War) ` M. Daladier’s subsequent animadversions to  (American Ambassador France) William Bullitt - who promptly passed them on to Roosevelt.  The King was  “a moron”,  the French Premier declared,  & his wife was “an excessively ambitious woman who would be ready to sacrifice every other country in the world in order that she might remain Queen (Angela) Elizabeth of England ” ( The author writes….` part of an prolonged diatribe against perfidious Albion…   p 505 The Dark Valley publ. 2,000 AD Piers Brendon Keeper of the Churchill Archives etc. published J. Cape London )

JIM’s violent theft of Xmas presents West Greenland December 1939 has a Buckingham Palace tradition from 1933-  VULGAR BEHAVIOUR of the HIGH CLASS SIN who steal our post/MAILwho tear open Greetah Ransom’s presents for Xmas-  on 2 trestle tables put up at the back of Buckingham Palace… & my birthdays commencing Xmas birth 11.3.1933 including my 21st presents from overseas & Gross Britain…list of Noble faces seen tearing the Frobisher pearls to pieces in a Mayfair gutter emerging from a smart restaurant March 1954...all the G.B. High Class Sin Vagrants scavengers now going about the globe drawing expenses on Banks in little nations - Accounts in the name of Greta & Len & families RANSOM/some still unchanged in name of Aunt Margarethe Ransom who is Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE- he Tiggy murdered Arran 1904 by Earls of Lindsay Arran & other scum…& she Aunt Magarethe girl of the SNOWS afternoon of 15 Mai Jimmie Jong James Mr Pong-who slit a vein behind her ear-after giving her a doped beer & mouthing insults at her & her families RANSOM & all kin- Nota bene: it is the stealing of the Post/mail that enables Gross Britain Nobles & Crown to trace our most distant kin- investigate, rob, mutilate, kill them …remove all records- making this `the national industry` by 1950s…

ITS PROFITABLE of course- will fund a RACING Season’s jollity TUMBLE A SMALLER NATION’s infrastructure…as Peru…or Greenland…1950s especially….

It should be noted that all these most beautiful & pure people …good citizens of the globe…have been slain & their EXISTANCE removed so a


1939 (reconstructions) Letters from West Greenland- Jacopsholmen Island- The great house of the Gronlanders grand-daughter Gertruid Poulsen Mrs Frederick RANSOM

Married c 1832   `because of the bloody British RACISM old Jacops only daughter got 4 marriages 4 frocks 4 wedding ringsJacop was keen on these thingshis mother is of Carlisle Britain lawfully married Frederickstown to POUL GRONLANDER he half Eskimo but his mother is a quarter French& his

father is of this Eskimo & Northern Chinese branch where they are all over 6 feet tallPOUL is 6` 5 inches with dark blue eyesPoul polymath genius writes Popes in 4 languages because they write to him…MEN OF LETTERS who are outside Gross Britain & its Figures from a Morgue ON THE PIN…

LETTER (written in English) autumn 1939 THE HOLM

Dear little Greeta- Your big house lit up like a lamp…as I go across the snow in my red cloak I pretend I am Red Riding Hood- my sister is sending you some drawings of the island … love Cousin Sarah- drawings from her little sister-

Another letter from Greenland to Gretas father arriving 23rd December 2 weeks after written (in English)

Dear Uncle Fred ….`we were just making the cake we always make for Christmas-it was ready to go in the oven…We had the presents for Xmas in the great window- some candies, 2 bottles of wine, our gifts to one another….when they came to the door and demanded they come in…my father is writing separately to you…we were brought writing paper and the Skipper will take our letters and post them where he can- He has brought us some old furs-a tent we can put up in this great hut, a big bag of oatmeal, some modern fishing tackle, and shown us where to get oil and light the stove- My dear father is in shock- They would not let us take things from the house-we put on two layers of our Paris clothes hoping they would not notice

(she Sarah Poulsen de SALLE to Dr John RAY Ransom 1960 `we managed to get upstairs to the bathroom by asking one of the men…then we put on quickly two layers of our clothes as much as we could…we were told we could not take anything with us…we were terrified they would order us to take them off…it was the most miserable 2 nights in THE HUT…we crouched together in the cold…we had nothing to light a fire with…)

Letter 1939 December 11th …..We were given 20 minutes to leave-   We were not allowed to take any of our food-we were not allowed to take things from the beds- JIMMIE has packed our presents in a sack and bowled them down the hill-filled another bag with our things and this was dragged down to the waiting launch by one of the men…6 or 7...I cannot remember…The church is wired up-the theatre-and the other buildings- we are told we may not use any other part of the Island-we will be shot if we try to leave.

We were two days here (in the big empty hut on the seashore) before the Skipper came in to find some metal from the workshops and use some of the old machines-

We were very frozen when he came ashore…we thought we were to be rescued but he cannot take us as the boat is full and he does not know where he is to stop-  he says it must be a mistake and somebody will come for us very soon…He says he will make sure the letters will reach England… My father is writing his own letter-we will send them in two envelopes-

Love-  Cousin  Sarah  (Poulsen De Salle) age 13 years

The letter to Fred J. Ransom from his cousin M. de Salle is in French - (Elizabeth Ransom line 1770-descended from her only son age 9 years when she marries M de SALLE French banker Paris…letters exist…)

1948  Diary LIR- Dr Len Immanuel Ransom-sends letter to ANDRE MALRAUX- his brother Fred Ransom his brother John Ray Ransom have also written- Ivy Ransom too-  no replies-  but `in pipeline` replies  `when he returns`   `handed to him for his reply`

Telephone calls got a `not known where he may be`…

Diaries LIR `~ A real big balloon was hoisted with `MALRAUX SAYS NO` on it-this was intended to insult us-  we had gone to Argentina for we wished to know if we might draw a salary for the work of administration of the Estate we were all engaged upon-we knew our roles-Grote Brokers & administration…everyone… were in shock over the dead children-it was not possible now (at this time) to say they were missing-

It was all handed to us in our old Solicitors Offices-we should draw what we needed-they could not understand how the LINDSAY family were in command of the Canadian transport-they had no experience-& were a very very remote line-they had from time to time paid them moneys as gifts to assist education-they were entitled to nothing- ` Rumour flew about that the children were killed by the Nations-this was not at all true- no one would name the killer outright- They  (Brokers Solicitors et al) assured us with their simple philosophy- we were a good family the Estate was ours-we had always had a care of it and they too-since Fred and Gertruid sailed in over a hundred years ago and asked their firms to assist…there were families of greed & avarice- we should try to avoid them-

They too were puzzled over the non-appearance of ANDRE MALRAUX- they had expected a personal visit…perhaps it

had to be discussed with General de Gaulle- we should all go

on with taking care of the flower garden round the world-this beautiful piece of craftwork or artistry-never had they seen anything work so well for the benefit of all mankind…` USA & South America at the time the United Nations Building was given a speech by MALRAUX…(1948/1949)

`Do you remember Geraldine-Dumont…her mother was Japanese-she had a terrible time in the war-she had to say she was Chinese-her husband had gone to war-  Geraldine came to the rescue of your father-she set about the Estate looking to all the properties he handed to her to advise-she was doing excellent work-everyone was pleased- she came to see your mother who  began a diatribe of marital woes-by now it was known her sister Miss Winifred Gordon had kept her from the Asylum where she was really in need of care-…& to free the community from her mad attacks on anyone.

Your mother had no big moneys now…she was entirely dependant upon handouts from the big nobles of her pre-war days- they would see she had a good time if she gave them information on Investments & Estates to hunt out-

Geraldine and us did not know enough. She told her (Teresa Gordon Ransom) she was only interested in seeing the family Estate was well run-the children were the inheritors her children and Len her brother-in-law…they were to take over as they grew-`

1946/1947... SHE Geraldine WAS ATTACKED IN HER OFFICE -they came in & thrust a pin in her brain-  she would never recover- we got her into a good home abroad- we called until her recent death  (her death therefore is c 1970-Geraldine mid-20 years of age in a COMA since 1946/47) Her mother we sent home to Northern Japan… IT IS A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY- Geraldine a girl who came to help with the great work- attacked orders Nobles of the British Lords & Crown…

I CAN`t go on- I left a little Weddell wife with her parents in the Argentine…all of them slain so the IMPERIAL POWER could thrust its snout upon our properties…grab our SEA…they’ve blown him up my brother (Dr John Ray ® )…they warned us round about here…the Rural Tories…they said they had had enough…they’d get HIM (old log of the sea Centaur) somewhere…some had seen the dead children in the pits or at sea in the nets…` LIR 1972

19 March 1972 Renaissance Party The Pillar House conversations with Malone-Politan & Andre Malraux `

`1960 (Diary LIR) ANDRE said he never received a single letter from us- he had no idea how many of us there were- he had only the memory of Greta’s words SUMMER 1937...after JO’s hideous death he could not dwell upon that too often (the Summer 1937) MARY GORDON was dead 1944 June…it was she had the authority the intelligence to tell him to guide him into it…BUT HE RETURNED WITH JOSETTE DEAD HIS BROTHERS DEAD…& Mary Gordon dead from poisons….& the failed marriage in the Catholic church to Greta-

What a fool he had been-not to understand there had to be more to this violence when it began 1957 behind his back-”

Nota bene : October 1937 upon receiving the letter from Margaret Grote to his Paris address… ANDRE MALRAUX did not know it was Guardianship to this gigantic Estate of which he was not aware (although years on he did recall some matters & that he had seen HER 1920s surrounded by persons of high degree of intelligence in Paris but he was young & not introduced…) he thought he was asked to be the Guardian to Greetah & the Northern Catholic Welfare work of Mary Gordon’s sisters Misses Bessie & Annie Williams-& some Southern Ireland Welfare Mary Gordon had with her cousins Murphy-O’Brien-Carroll of the 3 baronetcies …& an Aunt called Margaret Grote….


would have told him of the Guardianship he had taken on-


THE GLOBE A to Z…in many nations where he was warmly welcomed as a HUMANIST…But POST/mail never reached him- it was STOLEN by Gross Britain Government & Crown- who used our moneys to pay their massive debts & go on with the luxury life they believe their divinity as the Noble class entitled them to have- 1945 onwards IMPERIALIST BIG BOOTS WERE STRIDING ABOUT EUROPE & THE WORLD AGAIN- The Ransom Grote Homes Estate A-Z the globe had a million & a quarter children & families plus our attached men & women & other families…so many were murdered or forced into terrible poverty & early deaths by the cunning destruction of this private property- the miracle of philanthropy NOT OWNED BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT OR THE BARELY EDUCATED SCUMMERY OF NOBLES Gross Britain & Scandinavia- seldom sober & 99 per cent of them on the PIN -

MALRAUX‘s  post/mail was to arrive at least by January 1960 end of February early March it was stolen again by Orders of the same crooks- High high class sin-ON THE PIN…former vagrants-

Nota bene : October 1937 ANDRE received a short letter from Mrs M. Grote October 1937- & accepted Guardianship of her niece & inheritance…no address was given so he replied to MARY GORDON Greta‘s grandmother, whom he had spent many hours with talking, learning much about Irish Matters and philosophy…that summer 1937.…& comforting her in her so recent widowhood of March 1937-she not alive to comfort him widower Summer 1945-now 1960 he learned she had been poisoned by 3 hands…Information various notes/diaries/oral…

1937/8 GROSS BRITAIN GOV. & CROWN  `officially-but unofficially`   now took all ANDRE MALRAUX’s post/mail in FRANCE & the searching had to go on evermore… & went on taking all Post/mail of Greta Ransom & kith & kin- what ever they could filch ! The Lindsaybuggarhs had been excellent but violent clumsy plunderers 19th early 20th century to keep the Bailiffs out-  Angela in the hot seat was now 1940s a pack horse for Noble crimes -Lindsay Earls knew they would not get a half the Estate as they had intended-the sharing had begun & lavish gifts bestowed on many of Noble kith kin…1940s-1980s

(Insert while editing 1.1. 2009 AD- G.R.

“  squandering & violence was horrific & obscene by G.B. Nobles in the rushed determination to remove the history of the GROTE RANSOM Estate(Governments of G.B. are always dominated by Noble & fast life power)

The reader must understand thisPenniless 19th & 20th century  Noble Britain has learned dope-addiction as kids… (Noble Britain is a distinct CRUDE species & not at all in the realms of HUMANISM OF THE GREAT NONCONFORMIST & erudite families of England…) but it only needed 2 months of using this dangerous stuff Divinorum Salvia Scotland fire blown pellets up their teenage snout for them to HAVE A RAGING BRUTE OF WICKEDNESS & GREED in their ill-educated heads… Humanists foolishly go on with patient acceptance of them…In this Document a PAVANNE a PAEAN for all RANSOM MALRAUX lines & branches I have tried create the scaffolding for the WORK already done… THIS DOCUMENT is BOOK OF SUMMER 1937...

Following Books are sculpted from THEIR OWN  WORDS (sometimes reaching back to 2 lines of poetry by Grandma Hebithyaeah RANSOM Palestine 12th century…Heligoland RANSOM 10th century…443 AD RansUm et al) in the  manner of this BOOK next to come for Libraries UPON THE STARS is the PERFECTION of humankind amidst its often quite unnecessary WORLD IGNORANCE…We are all in learning cradle to grave… 1.1.2008 AD…INSERT while editing this Book begun Summer 2008 AD for all of them…)

Nota bene :

The entire MALRAUX families were under British thugs scrutiny ever after- & subjected to the  ‘Sunday games’  of these ‘old hookers of HIGH CLASS SIN `  And the killings abroad & everywhere went on…..THIS HUGH ESTATE WAS TO BE TUMBLED IN SECRET SILENCE- & where it surfaced the shout was to be IN THE RED…by these obscene Noble barely literate mobs of The British Empire its Government Nobles & Crown ON THE PIN-

1946 Arial photos taken by USA 1946 by distraught persons finding GROTE HOMES children were slain & by

the British Army & Navy squads-all over Europe  especially Sicily-Italy where they feared they USA might be blamed/see reports 1944-5    “we put the children in a village-2 days later returning with supplies we were shown them shot in the back, down a lane/by Sea a Major Lindsay & British soldiers had come ”

1933 Post/mail of Ransom families & Greta Ransom in secret silence demanded at Buckingham Palace from Xmas 1934-ripped open by Earl Lindsay Angela & families & some Scandinavian Carrion Crows… Not one RANSOM is a Ward of the British Crown & Court !  Please note… the Lindsays & British Crown are woefully penniless heavy with debts & will NOT stop spending as if they are American millionaires …

1967 From November Post/mail to GRETA RANSOM/Whitehead removed for examination by G.B. Government & Crown Monsters of the Deep  as always since CHRISTMAS 1934...Earls of Lindsay/JIM Jong Cur James/Mengele Harrington paedophile etc etc…. & the same THEFT OF POST/mail from  4th Feb 1968 The Pillar House Harwell-  We hear 1988 that in 1971 PJPW made some protests…but the threats continued from the faces that had to be facelessDr Peter J.P. Whitehead is employed at BMNH Ichthyology & his Elders South Kensington Museums had problems & were drawn into this matter of Ransom Weddell missing documents/ letters/ specimens …an orchid & a jelly fish…Plans Jacopsholmen island 1830s to 1940s…The GREAT CLASSIFYING HOUSES of ALBERTOPOLIS South Kensington & THE GLOBE should never have had these dope-fiends of high degree & penniless nobles allowed to enter… except on chains & some in a CAGE…

The Burgermeister of PARIS …(The Menagier de Paris/Goodman of Paris 15th century)… ANDRE MALRAUX’S `Dorsey Brothers` Place Paris had 3 prominent robberies & smash-ups overnight 1960s- where’s records of FCR & Picardy gone ? Etc etc

West Greenland Jacopsholmen Island PLANS photographs histories books relatives of POUL GRONLANDER were to be destroyed-books were burned beside a Belgium River by Mengele Harrington & `Soapy frozen bloody mud puddles out of Scandinavia`…. & other Ransom Estate places were to be REMOVED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH & all memories & RECORDS burned for the sake of The British Government’s reputation….PJPW Scientist BMNH told 1970s   `PLANS ALL BEEN RE-DRAWN…hee haw hee haw…we win…WE WIN…we Noble Britain…` ( They all need slinging in an active volcano…dope addiction had bitten into them all & they were a bottle in each paw by the 1930s anyway…)

1830s/1960 The RANSOM house   `BUILT FOR THE GRONLANDER’S grand-daughter`   is built on the 18th/19th century American open plan downstairs…this is the biggest house ever put up in Greenland- lived in some weeks & months by Captain Alan Villiers & other GREAT SEAMEN- eager for this democracy-utopia alive in the 19th century to rise again…they knowing that Margarethe & the family

Have the money set aside to build the two Universities for Poul GRONLANDER & one down South for Weddell & his INCA father-in-law - the intelligentsia of the globe want the PLAYS to begin again in the Theatre/Classics of all nations & Ages & Shakespeare…great music had always featured at the Play Season…& the crafts…

the grip of UPPER CLASS SIN to be de-clawed by humanists round the globeBOMBED June 1960 by Gross Britain & Denmark

because GUARDIAN ANDRE MALRAUX & France were going to have CHRISTMAS 1961 on the GRONLANDER’s ISLAND of 1770...with the lawful HOLDERS Poul Gronlander’s KIN….(Ransom Estate 1938)…

1939 On Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland the de SALLE

family with 4 children under 12 years,  citizens of PARIS, are to stay during the European War-  ( 1939-1945 )

“they have used me as pig-in-the-middle” says M. de Salle Sarah’s father autumn 1938 at `Jerusalem` by Deptford Park as he & FCR  (Greta‘s grandpa Len‘s Dad) settle the matter of them going up to the big warm house on Jacopsholmen Island our shopping town is Xristensharb…2 hours away by old chugging petrol boat & that Aunt Veronica FROBISHER & family will send in all the STORES needed from Canada…Clarke Gable’s cousin has come over with M. de Salle from France where his mother Cindy of Montevideo  (Weddell lines) has a nice house in the West French countryside…(records/diaries/eye witness G.R.)

`Monsieur de Salle says 1938   at  ‘Jerusalem’  Deptford home of Frederick Charles Ransom Deptford near River Thames -JEAN just poisoned…

“ The Lindsays are after The Holm again-  they want it demolished- no trace of our families- SO THEY CAN GO FOR THE GROTE HOMES & THE LANDS” /records/M. de Salle France

1824 marriage QUAKER ROMAN CATHOLIC `Ice White Bride`-

1920s arises vehement & violent RACISM justified by Noble Britain because of the marriage of the British Weddell & INCA San Julian grand-daughter JEAN ballerina to Frederick Charles RANSOM…thus uniting North South Poles…JEAN BALLERINA & their children to be addressed as APES & Eskimos by penniless Royal & Noble Britain…  Violence often accompanied the VERBAL ABUSE of this Noble ill-bred penniless badly educated Britainbecause of the

size of the off shores investments of philanthropy & the GROTE

RANSOM LANDS of 2,000 years stewardship…coveted by BIG BOOTED ILL BRED NOBLE GROSS BRITAIN…

Satteus Laetus we are satisfied with sufficient/sufficient is enough…

Osbert RANSOM 10th century motto… (can be shared with Suffolk Ransom branch & USA…)

1921 upon the Engagement of Angela to a younger son of delicate health The British Noble scum begin to deny James Weddell Quaker his marriage calling his wife an Ape  (mother of his two sons James & John)  Aelovmedah-Maria Miss San Julian a Roman Catholic girl highly educated as South American Men of Letters did for daughters…knowing the renaissance figures of Europe & the Classical Ages…from Sir Thomas More’s daughter they could link back to Hypatia etc etc -John Ruskin is of this breed…`let your daughters in your libraries…`)

her first name AELOVMEDAH  (phonetic) tells she is daughter of the man descended from the line of Astronomers-Mathematicians-Priests INCA/it tells of her ancestry…her Role had duties…she might intervene & discuss…she will protect her peoples children women & lands…She will be called upon for advice…INCA…but she has added some duties from her ancient Tierra del Fuego great great grandparents…they are similar… The families have all become Roman Catholic from the Conquest by Spain… The Ice White Bride is the mother of James Weddell II who marries MINERVA-Olivea her 2nd marriage…they parents of Jean ballerina who marries FCR the parents of Len & Greta’s father…Dr John Ray & IVY… Greta’s great-great grandparents James Weddell SEA & Aelovedmah-Maria former Miss San Julian…whose nut brown hair braid was in the keeping of Miss Winifred Gordon 1939 & drawings of she & by her…When the WIDOWER Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX returns to the seaside Clacton-on-sea Greetha Ransom is wearing her hair as Aelovedmah-Maria …plats pinned around the head as a halo…SUMMER 1945 the HOUSE ON THE REC…& a GREENLAND Library is there with our name RANSOM & Tiggy`s  `GROTIUS`  TIG/

1930s/50s A nasty & bitter RACIST REASON advanced for Len & I  Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM to not be acceptable to Crown & Nobles to inherit RANSOM family Estate coveted by the fallen penniless British Empire in its slow decline is to say behind our backs or when they have no audience & have kicked their way into our HOMES is that we are descended from APES…This plea was used seriously in Whitehall & secret silence meetings Houses of Perversions 1930s-50s…Records/diaries/oral & eye witnesses/

Further more, the entire RANSOM families USA too are referred to as `Eskimo or of mixed SAVAGE blood overseas…`


The HIGH CLASS BRITISH SIN who have committed the Greatest Crime of Mankind are heard with racist mouthings about the whole of the RANSOM line the globe being of MIXED BLOOD…ALL RANSOM lines are come out of JUTLAND BC & descended from Sea Trading fishing farming life-stock  & far global Sea Traders from 7th century AD holding homesteads overseas as well as always one on the East Coast of Britain… where they are trustworthy citizens adapting to religious changes if they be common sense & SAILING OFF if they be dangerous nonsense & greed… RANSOM 6-7th century East-Anglia ..HE who decided the Family name would be RANSOM- and his is that silver goblet with R on side -it was featured in a sepia magazine late 19th century…Records were massive but the destruction began 1880s by Earls of Lindsay who always destroyed evidence of others owning land & properties… Motto of Osbert Ransom 10th century Satteus Laetus was mocked - Osbert 10th century AD went once to Court ENGLAND to Plead with others but did not linger or wish to become a regular visitor…

There was a grave 1920s  RANSOM  that Aunt Mag Ransom Grote had to agree to be moved FROM THE HOSPITAL OF JERUSALEM FLORENCE…the piece of gold filigree work in the grave was given to a Museum & had history & name upon it…but the Earls of Lindsay for the British Nobles & Crown ordered it be removed & tried lay hands on it…AS THEY WERE ALL DOING WITH OUR PAINTINGS IN FAMOUS GALLERIES AROUND EUROPE & THE GLOBE that RANSOM our line have given as GIFTS…  These dope drunks of ill breeding made a lot of money 1939 to 1970s by haggling the paintings works of Art belonged to the FACELESS FIGURES FROM A MORGUE OF GROSS BRITAIN…

1937 Summer Andre Malraux & Josette have been drawn into all this history/philanthropy/intelligent living & will be persecuted by Noble Britain its Government & Crown for the rest of their lives…Josette her legs crushed on the railway 1944 because of this greed by G.B. & then their two sons killed deliberately 1961 in the usual pattern of car crash that JIM Jong & Mengele & thugs have been engineering since they were in their teens 1920s…They are dope addicts & gone evil & criminally insane in their second decade of life…They have a gang that steals & it has kudos…

1938/1939 Winter 1938/39 saw begin for 7 years violent persecution massive deaths in horrible manners of the children A to Z the globe outside the British Empire in independent Nations where our marriages over a 1,000  years have us with kith & kin...lands, investments…settlements & Green Peace Reserves…

GROSS BRITAIN GREED AT THE VERY TOP…HIGH CLASS SIN…with its massive debts from gambling & THE BIG TIME…SAW IT COULD USE THE STATE & they could with murders lies deceit destruction of records & blackmail get rich & crow about it in fine TOGS…

All this Grote-Ransom philanthropy is known to educated people the globe….“one sail Margarethe 1920s/30s gave us the key-that house would be standing in 400 years-bombed 7 years ago SHAME !  SHAME !    They should have had Independence up there, Greenland, by 1800...SHAME!    SHAME ! …”  Alan Villiers 1967

1967 Captain Alan Villiers Oxford December 1967 as we talk of their work for the coming James Cook RN Voyages celebrations. Villiers  continues that Saturday morning  “You must be looking forward to this child then Peter- Greetah- let me see- it’s a WEDDELL a FROBISHER & a RANSOM of GREENLAND…North-South…” (G.R.W. had to sit down from feeling faint & bewildered for the Weddell name opened a nasty door 1953 when some persons were trying to tell me about a Weddell woman poisoned…& soon Dr Mengele Harrington a most hideous mad creature was threatening me…& COLCHESTER MUSEUMS were now INFESTED BY HIM November 1953 & his filthy thugs of The State of G.B.  !  It had all got lost in fearful happenings 1950s 1960s…  At 36 years of age I was about to produce a first child & horrible creatures more like diseases than humankind were about again & Mengele Gollum Royal Satrap criminally insane HARRINGTON from November 1966 has followed me from BMNH to Harwell with the blue car & has now infiltrated everybody we know bringing his horrible STATE THUGS…A year has passed & now December 1967 Oxford  kind Captain ALAN VILLIERS has kicked open a DOOR into HELL for me now knowing at all THAT I AM KEPT WITHOUT A MEMORY & these monstrous criminally insane are dripping blood & gore moneys from the slaying of the GROTE CHILDREN the robberies of the RANSOM lands & vast Estate…THAT THE EVIL NEED TO PRESENT ME AS AN IDIOT an uneducated fool just like Teresa Gordon their old chum…I AM TO BE KEPT PENNILESS…  Peter J.P. Whitehead BMNH is already being in secret silence instructed by the Mengeles Harrington & other monstrous MONSTERS OF THE DEEP…  Peter  HAS A FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE EVIL OF DIRTY JIM from when he burned alive Monica Whitehead‘s first husband John Vickers in a photographic Store early 1940sThis is the man now called Sir James & he can at least protect us a little from that sordid murderer ON THE PIN…Records/Accounts/Police/ )

1947 A MARRIAGE OF GRACE… Two Roman Catholics raised in France & Gross Britain…he a Widower of Gaul & she an heir so savagely treated from birth are allowed  `an early Wedding`  by ‘young Paccelli’ a family friend who has ‘gone on high’   Pre-War as a young Priest he has come upon the hatred of  NOBLE HIGH CLASS SIN Gross Britain against the GROTE HOMES half of them in Catholic nations-

1929/1931 `PACCELLI  had many matters raised by the criminally insane behaviour of Figures from a Morgue Great Britain in secrecy & muttering insulting remarks about Apes & Eskimos thus justifying Noble British theft…They were found trying to steal art works & close the GROTE HOMES - One example/ MacMillan banned by Greek Parliament 1934 FOR LIFE from GREECE… for pretending to be an American representative from Grote New York…He had got a boatful to take off for himself & Angela (quick cash) when the Greek

Parliament a Democracy yelled by phone & messenger `Take them off him kick him out he is a penniless British aristocrat called Harold Macmillan 40 years of age & his wife is a whore who spends every penny on dope-booze-gambling-men…HE ALSO IS ON THE PIN… Grote Homes were established in Italy from 1870 & by 1875 launched into Catholic lands…Tiggy was now a regular visitor to Vatican… & Margarethe had called by invitation with her parents Fred & Gertrude Poulsen RANSOM since she was a child…the connection being POUL GRONLANDER who saved a boatful of Italians by THE GREATEST SWIM ON EARTH off Gotharb…1740s

1860s-1930s…`young PACCELLI & others noted Not one German in the Governments including that of Hitler had any intention of destroying this miracle of humanism that would have been approved by GOETHE & the great who had left  literature, music, painting & sculpture, architecture, science to GERMANY/records/

1936 Report Captain Liam Ransom with Norwegian Mission Visit to HITLER ….

It is confirmed by Goering at the elbow of Hitler 1936/7...  “ & they will not make them fight-  or interfere with Margarethe Grote’s curriculum…pure humanism…Oh they all admire Tiggy rushing round the globe setting up those orphanages…teaching them their language & literature too…1864...they know the date…I remind them they left us RANSOM some years SHOELESS…its admired !   We recovered  !  Young Fred …`Yes they know she disagrees with Racism- the Jewish matter- & will not enter Germany unless it stops we understand…but we would like to keep the HOMES running `…but he’s ranting he is Hitler…he’s going to have a War…Oh it’s the economy…political economy of the others… ” Captain Liam Ransom-gives young Kurt Gogol Birmingham in the empty evening classroom a hand with some maths at SEA-   `STARS & THE SEAS….`

G.R. from JRR & LIR…1960/1961 Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux…Colne Engaine near CAMULODUNUM Colonia Victricensis……

(they are saying & I can recall the visit Uncle Captain LIAM RANSOM of Birmingham & Noroway after XMAS 1936...New Year 1937 & he doth bring me the MAP TO LEARN MY STARS…a MAP AS WE USE AT SEA…as I am telling ANDRE MALRAUX  & Josette SUMMER 1937.… `Goering had an idea a Jewish State could be in Tanjanika but the British & the Dutch disapproved….GROTE HOMES did not take Jewish children because the Jewish people looked after their own orphans.  We had every other race-religion- with a Grote Home.  Letters came from a Miss Goering before the Great War…they seem to have had a member of the family come from one of Tiggy’s HOMES…(a family of West Saxony married 18th century into Frederick Immanuel KANT…cousins Messersmidt…kith Junkers…)

(Nota bene :   Read Goethe etc in German if you can…or try Carlyle’s translations…for the German mindGreetha Ransom was being taught German from Xmas 1937 New Year 1938... `I was talking with Aunt Margarethe girl of the Snows`  Lennie…SHE SAID…`French is rather spiteful when you are young…she began with German because on the Island Jacopsholmen everyone spoke Norwegian German or Greek…`

Thus G.R. could always recall `landshaft`…& learned from PJPW to awaken her memory with `wunderkarma…kunstkarma…`  )

WAR CAME…the murdering FOR THE MONEY by Gross Britain NOBLES went on at a tremendous rate…  THEY ARE BECOME SO OBSCENE…& doth pass it to their issue…& their issue…THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO WE…..

1864 established GROTE HOMES… (Tig after the USA Homes ploughed across the Pacific Islands & to Japan…Russia…he had all the languages…we were shoeless & his father’s Firm New York GROTE BROKERS our valued expert firm from 1830.…` (Nota bene:  Grote were horrified what Tig had done to the new Bride Margarethe Ransom…& gave to the Estate the nearly 4 ACRES to be UNDER CENTRAL PARK probably sold BY Gross Britain SCUM end of 20th century )  …1864 onwardsTHE CONTRACT WITH EACH NATION THAT HAS THE GROTE HOMES IS THIS….’if the Home is not needed then it is the Property of the Nation it is in- & Grote Ransom hope that it can be used for a similar good cause- the lands of the HOMES the  recreation facilities sometimes the craft works are also the property of the Nation…WE RANSOM KEEP A LOW PROFILE BECAUSE THE BRITISH EMPIRE NOBLES disapprove of the HOMES…they mouth

they are not approved by GOD/will result in unfair disadvantages to British Trade/& THESE ARE SAVAGE RACES & God will give a SIGN when he wishes them to be educated… The CHARTER of GROTE HOMES further stresses…Grote-Ransom retain the other lands, investments, etc etc. IF THAT NATION wishes(We hath kin kith

from our vast ancestry 14 Races & 27 Nations from 92 AD…there was never any dispute over our presence because we are all HUMANISTS & educated families…HATRED CAME FROM THE IMPERIAL FIGURES FROM A MORGUE GROSS BRITAIN… ill bred unwashed dope-booze-gambling-lecherous-whoring IGNORANT

FOOLS…Oh so well dressed of course…new diamonds come & go…)

Records were round the globe/& in other BOOKS-history of Tiggy GROTE’s HOMES-RANSOM histories etc- lists have restored what the EVIL have destroyed /  When FOUNDING THE HOMES Tiggy Grote got many people of all CLASSES in each Nation to give support, moneys, & gifts to the HOMES rolled in when he began them 1864 …Thus he got Guardians in each small nation for the HOMES…He drew in a Queen of Spain…she’d been used to picking up this & that…then she really learned with Tiggy Grote & our SPANISH HOMES did very well…no Revolutionaries emerged but common sense & patient work of HUMANISM…& IT WORKED because as us THEY HAD NO GREED as the Figures from A MORGUE…~

(Thus Andre Malraux not being told fully by Unity’s mother others SUMMER 1937 ??? Did they think he’d begin the SPANISH WARS again…hundreds of seaplanes were now available from GREETHA Ransom ?  The matter of saving the Murgatroyd son aged 22 years being threatened on their Estate Spain the coast by LINDSAYBUGGARHS summer 1937 who were DRUNKENLY crowing `ANDGELA HAS GIVEN IT TO US` was a real nightmare…for Angela has just got a leg up amongst penniless nobles …the Chinese Legation/Embassy 1950s has the description TWISTERS for them all THEY ARE ALL ON THE SCARLET PIN….G.R.)

ALL HELL WAS LET LOOSE IN THE WORLD 1930s when  Noble Gross Britain with its bloody paws & foul black tongues to its expensive boots with vehemence condemned the HOMES & robbed them from the SEAS or with its ON THE PIN NOBLE DIPLOMATS paid its EMBASSY BILLS…made plans to slay the children using the 2nd World WAR    (all of them had been having a gawp & partying with the Nazi figures 1930s & at CLIVEDEN (Clifton-on high seas )  ~the Chief Butler had the best silk swastikas in his apartment in his drawers to be put up at the HOUSE when Hitler came over for Christmas 1939...He was expected to make it at least by autumn 1941...Mr JONG & Lindsay Earl to be No 14 have been with Teresa Gordon R at a party back of Buckingham Palace 1939...LEN & Greetha Apes are to be bayoneted by Hitler…Mr JONG will shoot Angela in the back & stand with one foot on her crying BIG GAME as the German  `go-ahead-fellows`  STRIDE INTO Buckingham Palace…Mr JIM Jong will see that THEY do not leave for CANADA… ` Boastings Essex 1939/42...

THIS IS THE BEHAVIOUR & THE MIND SET OF MONSTERS OF THE DEEP ON THE PIN…THEY HAVE NO MONEY ! What happened was the GROTE CHILDREN WERE SLAIN beginning with Norway winter 1938/1939    (photos letters phone calls from a woman in Berlin where they were all distressed in an Embassy-children left on low lying ground with the winter SEAS coming in…YOU COULD NAME THE KILLERS ! )  Music of Grieg here might have you think upon such matters…or Messian… ! THESE BRITISH & SCANDINAVIAN NOBLE BRUTES SHOULD BE DROPPED IN A LIT UP VOLCANO….

…the Noble bestial obscene  then returned AFTER THE 2nd World WAR CLAIMING THE LANDS AS CROWN LANDS sailing over the hugh nets full of drowned GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…staring at seashores where death pits were still full of young bodies…mouthing that these were CROWN LANDS…bought fought for by ANCESTORS OF THE  CROWN & NOBLE BRITAIN OVER THE CENTURIES…& that an old woman called Angela had been given by AN OLD ESKIMO for her dowry 19 ACRES UNDER NEW YORK…& ALL HAD A SHARE OUT into the 1980s…It is AN ELABORATE OBSCENE GIGANTIC PIECE OF GROSS BRITAIN STATECRAFT….to quote General de Gaulle March 1962 when the full Papers, Wills, were at last GOT TO HE & ANDRE MALRAUX…after robbery February 1960- & an elaborate hoax,  with more murders, frame-ups, the procedure as before in secret silence…


DR JOHN RAY- research up to 1960-


AFTR THE horrendous starvation & hypothermia  DEATHS OF THE PARENTS Monsieur de SALLE  of PARIS…. a visitor GRANTED BRITISH GOVERNMENT POWER was their abuser & sadist ON THE PIN Mr JIM Jong Major Carew JAMES of Buckingham Palace….JIM persecutor of the Gordon families from 1920s then Ransom families 1932 onwards  was up on the West Greenland Jacopsholmen  Island telling men he brought in to work for The British Crown to attack and rape the 2 girls & he was calling them names…NAMES THAT SHOULD BE EMPLOYED IN THE WORLD PRESS FOR HIS EMPLOYERS of Gross Britain & Scandinavia… reports…

1941 Jimmie Jong 1940s now employed a man from North America to extract coal from under SUMMERTOWN Jacopsholmen Island- left as a RESERVE to the GLOBE by Fred Ransom & Gertruid Poulsen the GRONLANDER’s grand-daughter.   It had the most unique flowers small shrubs appearing when there was a good summer.

Records `Photos recording/had a woman die early in the 1950s/North America for possessing them & being a Botanist… Reports from the workers say HE WAS INSANE-INSISTED EVERY BIT OF SOIL BE THROWN IN THE SEA- there was only a few inches of coal-he had tricked the Contractor…It was known 2 girls were there-Europeans-but it was forbidden to help them- it had been suggested by Jim Jong that they could be attacked for fun…` World  Museums 1960s/1980s…

ALL THE FAMILY of Sarah & sister…parents & 2 brothers were dead 1941/42-from the ARCTIC winters- Monsieur de SALLE of Paris France

his wife pregnant found dead killed on the shores Jacopsholmen Island off Xristenshab-   where Count Poulsen‘s  wife was found with her head slit off at the top October 1933   -some more crimes of Mr Jimmie Jong‘s knife with which he also nicks veins-

1938/9 A banquet 1938/9 -old lady- a noble- called `Angela’s Aunt` … who stood up & said “how can you DESTROY Tommie Grote’s HOMES…Mr Jong leapt at her with a knife…the blood spurted above her head & she grabbed a plate to defend herself with…there was a cry for sedatives…not physician…2 people went on hands and knees and crept away…one could not leave until the next day…the place had become overrun with his kind…”

1941 `Monsieur de SALLE’s two small sons FROZE …he found them dead from exposure to the ARCTIC WINTERS by 1941-  he carried them up to the Ice Caves-  telling their sisters they had gone to join the Army…HE DIED- Monsieur de SALLE 1941/2.…

“our proud Father - we buried him with his sash & STAR- but he was dug up & the STAR taken….”

1941/2.…SARAH & HER SISTER LEFT ON THEIR OWN- 15 & 12 years old- & ARCTIC WINTERS AHEAD…  RAPE…the British press never printed any of this…it printed `the girls could not be Virgins` for Doc Mengele Harrington & his Noble Employers & for Mr CUR JAMES Jong…

“ RANSOM family HEIRS….Sometimes attacked on the ORDERS of Jimmie JONG for his Government Nobles Gross Britain & Crown ” Interview rapes/text with Sarah Poulsen de SALLE….`my sister was 11 years old when she was attacked…the baby born when she was 12 did not live…it happened again…they never lived…we tried to keep them alive… Records with Dr JOHN RAY Ransom & many others 1960...Read at Colne Engaine Camulodunum Colchester NIGHT WATCH…Detectives Colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX…

1950s the Noble visitors come to sport & debauch to the GRONLANDER RANSOM island/big yachts/some Greenlanders who crept about on the Island photographed these monsters of Gross Britain & Denmark…they were easily recognized…

1956/8 Reports ` they emptied the great West Greenland Jacopholsmen Island RANSOM HOME & took all  possessions away in 2 yachts/ All furnishings had been new 1933 from New York-  but there were antiques/family records/valuable books including a Coptic library/ so much was there to prove that GROTE RANSOM ESTATE EXISTED with good quality families-all those centuries…& the two girls had been rescued…

Doctor Mengele Harrington appeared around them immediately for The British Crown…Sarah’s sister now died in a hammock…they were told there was no money…they had no right to be on the Island…they should live with Eskimo…perhaps Alaska would be the place…they were not to speak…the money the Estate was the property of The British Government & Crown…given away in 1921 by an old Eskimo…  (blah blah blah LIES LIES LIES LIES…Britain still Rules the SEAS & in its ON THE PIN HEAD has its Empire…money can be picked up by arrogance & using the Armed Forces Special Branches of SECRET SILENCE…  The Press will do as it is told…also BBC…

1950s The visitors to West Greenland Jacopsholmen Island were very HIGH CLASS SIN monsters of greed on heavy DOPES- booze bottles thrown along the shore- one of them shrieking as she chased Sarah & her sister away that SHE was the Princess of the Island…Mr Mengele Doctor Harrington their private friend…went up at sometime- Mengele & Mr Pong Cur James would be the initiators of   `bombing the Island TO SMITHEREENS 1960`    `It was best to have the OK from the grizzly brutes that ordered the murdering of the GROTE children A to Z the globe Earls Lindsaybuggarhs…they were leading in the field 1940 hoping to grab Art Works & get a good share…no hope now for them Premier Earls of Gross Britain & Scotland of heading RANSOM ESTATE demolishing small nations & clawing in pyramids of blood & gore GOLD for their mob…too many penniless Noble Britain had jumped on the first Lindsay & Angela & her parents Charnel Cart- ` Records/official sources/  Nota bene : Mengele Harrington is the OVERSEER of DOPE & sex toys 1950-on to this HIGH CLASS SIN-

1950s The girls were chased & cat-called at- & their STORES for Winter found in their Summer Camp & destroyed by Noble monsters faces photographed by Greenlanders hiding in the SNOWS… The monstrous doped creatures were for 2 weeks having a very nasty FLING on dopes with 2 yachts one British one Danish standing in the harbour where the Eternal Steps have carved on them every child’s name born on the Island… ( Mr Mengele perhaps visiting ? )…JIM knows the Island since 1929 when he began abusing it & all the RANSOM families world-wide…it may have been he stole the COPTIC LIBRARY…(Fred Ransom 1810 put himself in the Coptic School when he stayed 2 years Ethiopia with his Aunt in The Residence…a widow she had been told to stay on…the incoming Consul would be quite happy with other accommodation…Fred was 12 years old…his family had connections & possibly this is why the kin Murgatroyds Missionaries went out there…There was a Grote Home the nation was proud of…various pieces of philanthropy 19th century…)

Reports/Papers-around the globe/….at the end of the 1950s they were got off-reported by some Missionaries-

Gross Britain immediately claimed the two girls body & soul & reputations when they were got off because some American Missionaries going to Canada said they had seen them spoken to them but were warned they might NOT TAKE THEM OFFMr Mengele visited & Sarah’s younger sister died in a hammock-

There was NO FAMILY MONEY given them -  1959/ was about Scarlet Town British Naval Intelligence circles   `they were not Virgins & HAD BEEN WITH SAILORS…` (`Navy Lark`BBC)

1938 The de Salle family are also LEGAL HEIRS TO THE ESTATE including Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland a democracy…if Len

& Greta Ransom are slain & all Ransom families then the branch lines are the next HEIRS TO THIS JOYOUS VENTURE A to Z the Globe…

LEGALLY Sarah & her sister brothers own a home in Paris, moneys, investments in France, Norway…& are included in various Ventures with the JOYOUS VENTURE philanthropy…As members of the families Gronlander RANSOM/de Salle they could legally claim a home in any GROTE HOME round the globe….   AH !  But the British Government Nobles including Lindsaybuggarhs & The Crown have had all GROTE HOMES levelled so there is NO EXISTENCE of these mainly architecture commissioned HOMES…the lands Grote & RANSOM are being grabbed at by creatures with PAWS & JAWS dripping blood & gore…ALL ON

THE PIN…Noble of course, to pull off such violent crime-

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