`Then the people- a woman & three men- there were others earlier- left the island it was believed-some Clergymen had been asked earlier-but did not interfere- They were nobles that came- you see- The child could not be seen- The house was to be secured-locked up-for the winter…” ( this 4 months child is Greta Frobisher Weddell Maureen Ransom )
“ The curtains embroidered by Mrs Grote’s Greenland Eskimo relatives- her mother’s relatives- had been burned- they had embroidery of the history of Greenland- they were made for her wedding…The women were asked to go and see if her wedding dress was alright. The Solicitor had given orders to tell her there had been a fire- she MUST NOT COME BACK- until they had tided the house & grounds-
Well she was anxious about her scarlet wedding frock- her father had made in SPAIN for he wanted to see a scarlet bride against the snow- it was famous- it had been loaned for other weddings on their Island- and it went to PARIS to be taken care of- she was asked to wear it at certain occasions- it was with a diamond collar & there were other jewels stitched on- these dresses were famous in Spain- Later it was decided by everyone THAT SHE MUST NEVER RETURN- the damage could harm her health ! After the women had collected the dress & some other things- mercifully intact-….then the three men came in by boat & locked up the house- put shutters on the windows- boarded up for winter…
An un-prepossessing place outside people said but it was a vast wonder of scholarship- intelligence- normal household inside-
Mr Grote’s study remained-he had been killed on the island 1904-it was not natural-
Evil men of power were after their properties about the world-
she had been protected by the Island tenants after the disgraceful insults over the burial of her husband- THE EARLS WOULD NOT ALLOW HIS BODY TO BE RETURNED TO THE USA…
Finally the Islanders had told the nobles they would destroy their places if they touched the new grave- a great boulder was placed & the inscription put upon that- At first they had tried bury Mr Grote in a rat-infested part- then 2 gravestones had been broken to pieces- Mrs Grote was called Aunt Margaret I think it was-
by the tenants… When she was younger her son would come- her Greenland cousins- very beautiful women they would sing & sew sitting out in the fields… Then her nephew came to stay -others visited- She could not go & live on her island in Greenland without a family- she was waiting for her nephew to marry & have children- her brothers had been killed- & her sister-in-law a Miss Frobisher she was…the deaths were known to be unnatural- TMB…Greta Ransom heard some of this 17 Dec 1959-
Teresa Mary Butler/Terry….` It was because of the great wealth abroad- Some of the Islanders had gone to visit & joined the wonderful work …around the world- She did not live on the Island all the year but had to visit her properties abroad-
it was hard for her after her husband was killed- he had circumnavigated every year & she could catch him where she would round the world- she had a house in New York but she preferred to be where she could see her relatives- They had an ancient farm Montrose Scotland- & they would all get together up there- I think it was an uncle … Some of them had ships-
big sailing ships- Mr Grote had big ships for taking his orphans visiting- but they were steam- Some family came over from Norway- her mother’s relatives I heard ” 1959/60 winter- Teresa Mary Butler to Arthur Malone-& ANDRE MALRAUX -Detectives & Colleagues )
1933 SUMMER …A dog would not leave the place & the men had closed the shutters & nailed up- a dog heard a tiny whimper - then 2 of the men having to return for the dog pawing at the boards- they too heard it- the child had a purple halter round its neck- it was naked - the noble party had left the Island the previous day…
` The 3 men were in the boat with the other dog- going to leave- the home locked up by good Islanders in grief- they called dog but it would not come- a man got out of the boat & went to look-another followed- dog would not come away from where it was pawing…` Witchcraft was to be the cry later-they they` d lock Margarethe Ransom Grote up in a lunatic asylum- they‘d tried do it once before- Churchill stopped them- The Earls had tried lock her up after the Great War…but they’d been killing people for lands- he threw them out of the country to the Continent…
1933 Arran Hebrides `…the men they knew of the destruction- it had been seen from the sea the collection of Bibles & Holy Books in EVERY LANGUAGE… property of Thomas Grote an American citizen- wheeled to a jetty & thrown in the sea- they had watched the party from the sea- there was a lot of drinking-
Later everyone heard of the destruction of the 3 Gericault paintings bought from the painter by Mrs Grote’s father FRED RANSOM …of the tall master Mary Rose the family ship- his brother lived at Montrose - They had lived on the East Coast the Ransoms- for hundreds of years…
The child was taken out from under the boards and the Police informed- a nurse came to see to the babe a girl… Later they heard it was GRETA RANSOM- Mrs Grote’s heir- chosen by everyone at birth- to train to run the Estate…& they knew several of the RANSOM family- everyone knew of them- they were good folk-` vast accounts/
`The curtains made- Mrs Grote’s trousseau- 2 years work- 1860/63 on the Island Jacopsholmen by her relatives… GREENLAND women- embroidered with scenes from Greenland history- had been ripped out- heavy drinking went on- the curtains were burned- by those that should know better- TMB/notebooks Arthur Malone & Malraux/
“The child was first seen when it was carried in a bucket to an outside privy & left 2 days- reports said it had been thrown in the sea from the Jetty- it was given no milk- the Island women crept in at nightfall & fed the child- & one afternoon when the party had gone to another part of the Island-
1933 “ The child had been under the floorboards naked for 22 hours- a lead of purple satin was round its throat- the Island women had watched the party- `throw the child far out in the SEA- `
` 3 men of Faiths asked were cautious of nobles who came to the Island or lived sometime of the year upon it- Another report says that one of the religious men may have alerted the mainland-after three days -`
Research/reports/later/ `The child’s remains were to be found November-December by somebody pretending to be concerned returning to the Island of Arran- they would DISCOVER the dead tiny body of GRETA RANSOM under the entrance- THE BBC put out an ALERT- `Old Eskimo wanted for witchcraft-` CROWN CLAIMS ALL- doing the Lindsays in the eye ! Somewhere Government claws way in- Noble Lords expect a share… A dog saved the legal heir- Greta Ransom-
References- Aunt Terry Butler- see ‘Goblin Market’ papers Dec 1959-
Arran Hebrides-an island home of Aunt Margarethe Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel Grote where she OWNS 98 ACRES…until STOLEN BY JIM JONG Cur James & sold on to his chum Angela‘s 2nd cousin 1953/1957... Margarethe girl of the snows for 5 years will help educate me by telephone /letters/family history/JOYOUS VENTURE history & Grote Homes-Greta Ransom her niece- Nota bene : planned telephone calls -letters via Embassies-safe addresses who have family records/ -especially after I am kidnapped back at 3 & half years old to GROSS BRITAIN by `STUFFED ANIMALS FROM A BRITISH MUSEUM ` - `FIGURES FROM A MORGUE` Minerva-a song ?
My Passport removed- so I can be abused as before- we left October 1935 by our 3 seaplanes to Greenland- We being bred from 14 Races/27 Nations with properties off-shore- A DECREE of silence went out by VAGRANT G.B. Nobles ordering capture- murder-buried-burned in Scotland- G.R. escaped Lindsay murderers 1933
With Angela in hot seat- Earls Lindsay & ilk can carry out CRIMES 1929/1939 They have agreed secret silence CONTRACT- TO PAY ALL CROWN DEBTS- the present bills in some measure & expenses- EMBASSIES of G.B. abroad to draw moneys with discretion on Banks in name of Mrs Grote- RANSOM family members- nothing to be put in writing-
Plans : ` DESTROY GROTE HOMES- the British Government does not wish FOREIGN NATIONS to educate to 18 years other than a top class of privilege… Taught to rule- UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE- Fatherless are always educated 12 -14 years- work domestic/factory/craft/agriculture/ NOT TO RISE ABOVE THEIR STATION !
1937 summer/autumn - Greetah Ransom- alive & well-happy with my Guardian ANDRE MALRAUX- am being trained & very happy I am about it with Lennie Immanuel RANSOM- FLYER my Uncle only 12 years older than me- to take care of the miracle GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE THE WORLD our JOYOUS VENTURE of pure philanthropy-
1920-1921- Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas GROTE- Insulted behind her back- called `an old Eskimo` fawned upon by Nobles North G. B. who could have paid their wedding from the profit on their Divinorum Salvia Scotland fields- & collected from the Lindsay Crown Office Whitehall- She was tricked into paying for the complete lavish Wedding- when she has Grote Homes children worldwide to support- to look to her great pieces of philanthropy- her umbrellas for poor communities raising them in art-music-housing them…given intelligent civilized work-
`Aunt Mag the highly educated creator with her family of this vast philanthropy is denied entrance even to a side-chapel- 1923 - THE PLOT TO TAKE HER ESTATE IS ALREADY FORMED- an old Catholic Lord paid 12 percent to help out - his solicitors said he could not manage more- the others backed out- it was an arrangement once they had got Mrs Grote to enter their lair - JIM was about ! This is regarded as the first piece of FRAUD found by Grote Brokers New York endless records-”
1938/1939 winter- WHITEHALL-London- `A posh voice asks agreeably ` where will the Grote Children go- when the HOMES are emptied- shut down-lands sold- Angela has ordered this- She says all money be given to her- There are a million GROTE CHILDREN- you will have them wandering about- highly educated- NO HOMES- They will speak about what has happened to them- all about the world- ? & those who have left are at work & always return every year to their HOME-I just ask a simple question- ` ...many of the children enter medicine science music theatre-EDUCATION-many stay HOME & work on the settlements-farms-craftworks-all marry happily/a few the Church/ records/diaries
Mrs Grote-a Goddess on Arran- She & Tiggy cleansed the island-ended the misery- stopped immediately growing of the dangerous narcotic Divinorum Salvia Scotland- Previously tenants worked growing-processing the narcotic-life expectancy about 28/9 years- She put up neat homes in 2 months- they had lived worse than pigs- she started a Camp for the dying-the others looked after them- She put in nurses & a doctor on call from the mainland- A lot of professional people did not want to live on the island- because of the lawless nobles- She put in the road- she won a battle with Westminster for street lighting- It was the LAW she informed Westminster-
The Nobles-Earls of Arran-all of them- now demanded she mend their great roofs- but it was explained to them she had left them the ground around their noble dwellings- therefore they were responsible for mending their roofs ! PITY SHE DID NOT BUY THEM OUT LOCK-STOCK & BARREL-push them off the island -to Edinbur` & Scarlet Town- they tried make her buy all their land up to their walls- leave them only their dwellings-
HER legal advisors KNEW THE LAW- & all about treacherous Scots Lords… /reports-1870s onwards/ Read MacBeth W.S./
Margarethe Ransom Grote BOUGHT 98 acres from thuggish EARLS-Nobles-gave them a good price to pay their GAMBLING DEBTS -they intended taking Island off her when they could give her an accident- but her husband was too powerful with his HOMES-100 or more languages- & circumnavigating the globe- USA citizen staying with Princes-Prelates-Sultans-even Kaiser Willy- intelligent men & women-Presidents-Industrialists-scientists- They made plans to murdered him 1904 /records/reports/-
1910 LIR- `Aunt Mag got into flight 1910- By 1920 she had planes for all the HOMES & Estates- She said Thomas would have gone into flight immediately- he always took a great interest in modern useful technology- his 2nd cousins Messerschmitt- somewhere kindly old Junkers come in to his family- his mother a great niece of Frederick Immanuel KANT- His ancestors had a WENS skirmish- he`d come up with this when genealogy RANSOM was over-powering….` LIR (who specializes in Weddell ancestry)
LIR Diaries-
` Greetha- speaking with Aunt Mag winter 1937 asked her about Catholic church music- Monteverdi ? She said `No- I do not know enough of his music- but I attended a performance of the Opera about the EMPRESS at the beginning of this century. We could have a performance on Jacopsholmen- the Opera about the Empress- as soon as we can open the Island- & use our THEATRE again- Your father had an Architect to look at it- it will be sturdy in 200 years time- my father & the craftsmen built it as they build boats- I do look forward to us all being there- now your grandfather’s family is grown up- MAKING THE ISLAND OUR HOME AGAIN- OUR CENTRE- THIS WAS HOW IT USED TO BE- A FAMILY ON OUR ISLAND HOME- WHEN THOMAS & I BEGAN THE `JOYOUS VENTURE` & GROTE HOMES- 1864 soon after we were married in our Church- My father had the scarlet wedding gown made for me in Spain- so he could see it against the snow-he had seen them in Spain & admired them years ago….` LIR…
MARGARETHE RANSOM -remains of her auto-biography begun when she was 15 years of age - She had acted Imogen-Shakespeare`s Cymbeline in the family Theatre Jacopsholmen island- West Greenland- Intelligent people came for the PLAY SEASON each year from 1830s- An Emperor of Ethiopia sailed in- her father FRED RANSOM had been 2 years in a Coptic school when he was 12 years- he stayed with his Aunt widow of the Consul & needed something to do besides the usual school curriculum from a Tutor-
Hence the great collection of Arabic Coptic Asian books -stolen by Imperial dope-fiends & boozers G.B. & Scandinavia - Photographed emptying the great Ransom house 1950s- 2 yachts- Watched by Greenlanders throwing gin bottles everywhere- /black-white film/records/
1961 summer-dawn-
Report by Greta Ransom `DAWN- a knock on the door at ’Mistral’ my only home in the tiny tri-angular meadow beside a 900 years old hedge of twelve different species-a maturing Oak tree too -the madness of break-in & entry at 50 Lancaster Gate Square HAS FOLLOWED ME HERE. Mengele occasionally dashes by the lanes in that blue car pipping the hooter in a nasty way… Colne Engaine where I had felt I could at last lock a door !
Nota bene : Mr Mengele Doc Harrington paedophile royal Satrap dope-fiend murderer-Gollum walked in on me 1st/2 January 1960- he had a key- he jeered `YOU will NEVER have a door I cannot get in- one day I will lock you up naked- look at you behind bars- there was more` He left when I said I had the first day of INFLUENZA~ He says he is St Michael falling- fallen- Malraux’s physician ! In March I find the lock has been changed for a Child lock- I had been fastening the door inside with rope thinking I had broken the lock…
DAWN 1961 summer - A voice old anxious sad- a word of explanation given by Arthur Malone woke me- someone coming to speak-` I have posh-voiced thugs with threats-jeers a mad form of RAP done on LSD…midnight-3 am-some nights…as summer 1960-
“ I’ve just arrived- they’ve murdered the boys- stay inside all day- the Territorials will come make a ring round them- I’ve a page of Hebrew written about the crime done in PALESTINE for YOU ! I will take a rest & wait for the others to arrive…”
Nota bene: 1948- GROTE HOMES Palestine children taken to desert- shot in head- bodies burned by a British thug team wearing USA Army uniforms /several reports/3 witnesses/
1948 a visit to CLACTON-ON-SEA by 5-7 young Palestinians studying in Norway & 2 Jewish young Army men trying to help- one lives into 21st century - They have got a deal of money in a bank in Damascus- reports/ `one has a beautiful name-Tempest/ Shakespeare`
Teresa Gordon R. Mata Hari reported them to ’Whitehall’ to her noble friends ! The Estate lands sold 1948/9 for The British Government & Crown to settlers- rich Americans -The killers wore USA uniforms but had `British accents `
3 witnesses-Palestine killings-/records several accounts/
Nota bene: 1961 December- Young Arafat gives information to Andre Malraux upon the Gaza Grote Home fate-
he had made investigation-
1957 December young Arafat visited 50 Lancaster Gate Square to talk with MALRAUX- at that time neither of them knew of GROTE HOMES- Arafat was too young to know- & he was raised in Egypt-
` The Palestine Homes were all emptied 1948- children slain- little children 7-8 years old had threats of boiling water over their hands-arms if they did not GET OUT -older children were chased at night in the streets & killed…THE CAMPS WERE SEARCHED later with cunning requests for `anyone help us British (in USA uniforms ) to locate anyone from GROTE HOMES…we can get help to you all…`
Arafat reports to Malraux …` it was turned into a brothel then a man bought it for a restaurant` its near the beach…` Earls of Lindsay No 14 & no 15 were with JIM/MacMillan seen Palestine the Holy Land -No 15 Lindsay hooting 1960 he has DESTROYED THE MONUMENT TO SEWARD RANSOM IN THE FORT OF ACCRE -others present 1948 reports/Dr John RAY speaks some of this inscription ACCRE/from LETTERS FROM JEAN/USA others investigations/
1961 Dawn - A voice old anxious sad “ There’s a house of Assassins in Norway- THERE IS A THIRD OF THE ESTATE THEY HAVE GOT - the rest is still intact- One of them- a noble family- when younger had said he found himself of this family ! He did not want to go on parade with them again ! But…there’s a sailor- a soldier- An old tall brute egg-head & ghoul face- he has done foul crimes like this for years- ”
` I don’t like the Plans they had in 1932 ! When you were born they wanted you flung in the stew- you were in their way !
The Territorials` will come- make a list & try to despatch them for killing all the children- & now the boys ! ` JO & ANDRE’s boys- killed 23 Mai 1961
` I have asked a friend- he says the LAW cannot handle this- so despatch them- where they can ! You clearly have not known- Julie said she had no idea the size of the Estate…ANDRE CANNOT TAKE ANYMORE- they have deceived him from the beginning-now they want to destroy him all the more !” (It has to be Dr John Butler, Julie’s cousin Aunt Terry Butler’s brother…first grandchild to Teresa Carroll the girl Platonist- harmonist died 1880...)
FAMILY HISTORY NOTES reference to Julie Butler-is speaker from Manchester-Aunt Terry Butler`s brother John ?- If he ALSO ls ANNOUNCED as Uncle John` it must have frightened me G.R. the more- )-
Is this Dr JOHN BUTLER Manchester-Chemistry etc ? I think it is !
(Reference : PJPW from his 2 sisters Miss Winifred Butler & Miss Bessie Butler 1973 Colne Road Clacton-on-sea- `their sister and their elder brother died in this- MALRAUX did not seem to know much sometimes…they blame you for not helping him- could not get much- except they wished we had not called…` He then goes & tells Mengele & his dames etc. does not tell G.R. where he is confiding with the TRENDIES-…Little Bessie Butler dies- ) Their elder brother Dr John Butler has two daughters who marry into Ford & Ellis- Were they all slain 1970s ? He is Mary Gordon’s nephew son of her dead sister JULIA WILLIAMS m Butler- dau of Teresa Carroll Platonist-Harmonist degree S. Ireland- she married John Williams of Wales whose mother is Anne O’Brien-who widowed becomes a Little White Nun for a time then comes to Manchester to take care of her son’s family when Teresa wife dies 1882- mother of Teresa- Julia- Bessie- Annie- & Mary Gordon - & only brother JOHN died in his 20s S. America- `Ref Letters from brother John to Annie his 7-8 years old sister-
The Plans formed : using the States of Gross Britain & Scandinavia to wipe out all records of the GROTE RANSOM WEDDELL & families who work at & know of the miracle of philanthropy- GREED GRATIFIED- ONLY MADE POSSIBLE BY THE SLAYING OF THE GROTE CHILDREN under cover of the 2nd World War- The speaker also refers to the killing of the two sons of ANDRE & JOSETTE 21 & 18 years of age 23rd May 1961- a car killing- the boys had a spiked drink with them- Another car may have been involved- suddenly driving at them- Its typical of JONG & fiends car mischief 1920s- as Ravel & Ettie’s last son & others- IVY RANSOM`s 9 years old son… & 1930s/50s a mass of car accidents staged- records/archives- FROM 3 November 1953 Doc Mengele Harrington has Naval intelligence to draw upon officially- his mother was AT COURT -
196l May 23rd I have no idea of deaths…She TGR has come to break my wireless & has cancelled a national newspaper that comes twice a week…3.50pm caravan Colne Engaine-
`SHEshe CAME WITH A POISONED CAKE… She Mad Mother Kali seemed very weird & urging me to cut a big piece off & eat it…`you are too thin`- After she left ( I refusing to give her the bus fare to come to my own home & return to Clacton…)
I threw the flat cake in the hedge when she had gone down the lane & I would not walk down with her- She insisted I keep the tin it was baked in- Next day some birds & hedge animals were dying- The old dog from the farm was ill too & later died /A VET’s report was spoken of by JGR ‘it will be removed by the Doctor’ -meaning Mengele Harrington criminally insane leading a Team- to stop knowledge of this Estate & the fate of the Grote Homes children getting into the Press - Mengele Harrington expects to be made a Peer- he speaks of being able soon to play Count offshore with his boyfriends- he ran a Sexual Athletes Club early 1950s-by 1960s a lot of them had `done themselves in`…. WHAT I DO NOT NOW IS all my beverages are again spiked with MEMORY LOSS as at 50 Lancaster Gate Square- I mix myself a cup of NO YESTERDAY-no two minutes ago-
1960 - I Greta Ransom have seen Mr Doc MENGELE HARRINGTON royal Satrap paedophile murderer pervert Gollum with his blue car here at Colne Engaine since January 1960-
he has threatened me- he had the lock removed on my new Sprite caravan I have bought myself so I have my own home free of Mengele`s Noble dope-addict fiends… he had a child-safe lock put on December at Thrope-le-Soken…Aunt Terry Butler says about them going in & out of the Caravan…she saw Teresa her cousin go in 3-4 times ! It is not until March 1960 it is changed back to a normal lock help Colchester Museums !
HE Mengele Harrington IS CREEPING ABOUT OUTSIDE SOME NIGHTS THIS SUMMER 1960 SHINING A TORCH through MY curtains- it is a greenish tinge- It turns your brain into seeing egg-shell & yellow/green iridescent fragmenting slowly eggshells -turning over & over repeating itself as if coming out of a distant galaxy…I feel sick & I know my head is STUNNED-my memory is only vague…Mengele was determined I & the Detectives Colleagues of Andre Malraux would not get to an apartment in Versailles…offered by a distraught MALRAUX/permission de GAULLE March 1960...
Because of the violence to me from childhood by EARLS of Crawford & Lindsaybuggarhs, JIM & his travelling companion Angela who claims AN OLD ESKIMO LEFT ALL TO HER & their friend/fiend of late childhood Teresa Gordon (now mad Mother Kali whom they starve of big money) I have a system of symbolism to help me appear normal those next hours after these attacks…I must have clothes in order- know my drill for I must rise & go to work for I earn my own living…Here in this beautiful Camulodunum countryside I am making my craftwork & have Orders for my lamps-ornaments--tableware…fashioned from seashells-driftwoods-water worn glass-fossil casts & petrified woods…broken pot sherds of the last centuries…dried rushes & grasses…I HAVE SOME ORDERS FOR MY WORK-& have received payment since November 1959... I HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING & PROBABLY NO MEMORY DAY TO DAY of being the H E I R who solves the problems of the VIOLENCE against ANDRE MALRAUX…(Mengele Harrington Royal Satrap paedophile Gollum & his NOBLES all criminally insane will use this situation-they nit pick in their LSD dopes madness of greed )
Mengele Harrington criminally insane insists he is PHYSICIAN CHOSEN BY THE FAMILY MALRAUX FOR ANDRE MALRAUX- They are all on dopes-drugs that Mengele Harrington committed paedophile 1935 prescribes for them…Known as The Jan Steen Tavern- reports are unhealthy/ from Malraux himself in grief unable tol get the boys away to AMPLEFORTH SCHOOL - several concerned respectable folk- & finally 3 persons to PJPW of BM Natural History receives November 1967/account in this document-/ `THIS IS NOT THE HOUSEHOLD OF AN INTELLECTUAL…I am shocked…`When the Master of the House was in residence (Malraux) he was treated as a buffoon by them…there were two boys neglected up on a platform…`(it continues)
(Mengele & JIM Angela-Teresa-Lindsay Earls are all hoof in hoof- claw in claw all their lives…) Mengele Harrington & his evil creatures have use of vast wealth the globe- our Ransom Grote Estate mansions- historic homes- our Banks -our settlements still running…our careful industries…
1960s it is about CITY OF LONDON the intention with this on-going crime is to protect A SHARK WRAPPED IN SATIN…The former Miss Bloody LIAR- who said an Old Eskimo gave it all to her when she was a child… That she & her families in-laws have got at too much to HIDE THE SLAYING OF THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN…without that horrendous genocide the Estate would be unattainable to them-except by stealthy theft-fraud-violence as before 2nd World WAR`
G.R. wishes to add `other reasons arise for the behaviour of Noble Britain- their 1920s dope intake has them never sane always criminally insane…& their divinity climbs to URANUS…/experience of having to live with Mad Mother Kali Teresa Gordon Old mother Ransom/
1970s this torch pin prick of green light Mr Mengele Harrington goes about with at night is spoken of by victims ! I had got a report on what it might be in London in 1964- `a form of sodium torch used by Sentries in 1st World War to STUN PEOPLE IN THE DARK- it is more efficient now-`
“ Pierre & Vincent- accident just waiting to happen Peter ” MI5 say July 1969 explaining things to Peter J. P. Whitehead BMNH at a Harwell Atomic big luncheon- families children associates invited …There is a detailed report/it was murder by establishments & persons known more or less -Other reports are collected by several nations-
1890 JOHN RANSOM of Jacopsholmen Island Montreal & after marriage 1883 to Millie Frobisher & robbery of them both by Earls of Lindsay is occupied while Passport removed running Hithergreen School- (seen by Greta Ransom October 1957-threatened by JIM thugs & Mengele Harrington for my visit /records) He had his liver cut out & was left in the school playground found by schoolboys arriving early morning…the Greenland library was kept by the school for us until 1939..
1897 Miss MILLICENT FROBISHER Mrs John Ransom married 1883 age 18 years- murdered by 2 Lindsay 2nd cousins 1897- leaves 1 son age 14 years Frederick Charles Ransom given her dead young body wrapped in a blanket on the doorstep of the little home ‘Jerusalem’ one night/ Grandpa Ransom to Greta had to be hidden & given name of Weldon Frobisher until 20 years then got OFF SHORE to ROME - then to Greenland & lived Jacopholsmen Island with cousins-
1907 FCR Returns to live in the house of grief of his young dead mother & he `Jerusalem` Deptford by the little Park…`WHERE YOU ENTER TIME`….walls lined with the family portraits, & Ransom Gronlander histories on the shelves-in files-in photographs-all neatly cared for & used by the family & intelligent persons for history/languages/social work/art & music/ Len his youngest son has a Strad & a famous clarinet with inscription…FCR Meets Miss Iced Tea Jean Weddell young widow & ballerina who has bought James Weddell her grandfather’s house on the waterfront Deptford…NORTH POLE now married THE SOUTH POLE…6 children 4 live & she still dancing so beautifully at her murder 1938...Spanish Modern ballet she choreographs…Iberia/3 Cornered Hat…& all the Classical ballets- knows Nadia Boulanger who telephones her from Paris sometimes 1920s/1930s to `come over-for this or that `…
FCR short & sturdy green-blue eyes fair hair , my grandpa has translated Beowulf, speaks several languages, & in 1938 is asked by MacMillan to write a book on the SEA- anything he cares to write-they know it will be good- MS went missing 1939 when he was driven out of this home to his death in SUFFOLK by the murderer Jimmie Jong & Lindsay/Earl 14 to be ! Joists of the upper floor cut after the house robbed by JIM & Angela & Lindsay…the house a pile of ruin when FJR Greta’s father returns September 1945...G.R. now blamed by Teresa & noble scum who said `the ape girl had been up with Americans in wartime` I never saw Americans except for one the son of 2 intellectuals until I was WALKING OUT with Widower Colonel Andre Malraux 1945-their victims…as all Ransom et al are…
1942 These Noble criminally insane British fraudsters also kill Patrick MacDrew’s neice age 9 years in Greta’s class Captain Leroy School Llewellyn Road Clacton-on-sea.
She is a Newfoundland heiress/& other Yugoslavia & French lands/a 900 years old family of Essex with a Residence at Castle-Sible Hedingham-demolished 1950s many accounts/also Graham Greene-H.W. Poulter-Donovan Bookseller Colchester & The Strand…).
Nota bene: 1960 it is found that nearly 150 WEDDELL family members, including the triplets, are missing in South America/see reports/ Early 1949/1951 an atlas was produced in Gross Britain without the Weddell Sea in Antarctica where it usually is… geographers 1953 who mentioned this were attacked-reports/
SAVAGE ATTACKS-Our MILLIE, skater girl with an Academy of Ancient Arts from 15 years of age with school-friends- they toured Germany-magazine & newspaper articles with photos/ destroyed by Earl Lindsay & other thugs his mob- Mill fell in love with Thomas Tiggy Grote’s brother-in-law JOHN RANSOM widower of Sylvia Henshaw Montreal- thus a marriage made she becomes MRS JOHN RANSOM age 18 1883- in love-swept off her feet by RANSOM family histories & THOMAS GROTE HOMES/educating orphans to 18 years/ she a humanist too. Millie gold hair blue eyes is Len’s grandmother- my father’s too-my Grandpa Frederick Charles Ransom’s young mother- She murdered age 32 years by 2 Lindsay 2nd-cousins after her Bank had been emptied/possessions stolen orders the Earl- who followed her about at Art Exhibitions-theatres calling her `a whore Millie Lindsay`-Greta’s great-grandmother refused marriage by a Lindsay monster …(papers/text/records `Halicarnassus`)
He called `High Poop` in disputes… wanted her in an Asylum because she would not marry a Lindsay-any Lindsay-then they’d take all her Florida Lands- The Earl had stuffed up his snout Divinorum Salvia Scotland-his nose was stained with it-sometimes with a running sore- Stabbing her in the eye with a steel pen they took the Frobisher Florida Orange Groves/ owned with her brother/threatening to drag her son by a foot behind their carriage if she did not sign- she was part blind in one eye after this-
Her mother a Miss Lindsay reports 1883 on LINDSAY killings of old people in the family to get properties-Trusts- She warned JOHN RANSOM & his brother POUL- They found they could not get the LINDSAY mob off their backs- they could manipulate Law & Government…(1884 she dies-her home demolished Park sold off by order Earl Lindsay…all moneys to him…where money can not be got hold of the owners are shut up in Lunatic Places- Mengele does this )
The two 2nd cousins neglected the Florida Properties- shot one another dead there-a wife & 2 years old child of a darker colour also shot….it was said a baby of a few weeks may have been smuggled away- or may have been killed by the EARL- HE CAME OVER IN R.N. BIG SHIP DEMANDING HE BE GIVEN thousands & thousands of pounds-dollars-for the Estate- He got 17 shillings & three-farthings- The Orange Plantation was ruined for the next 30 years ! Empty liquor bottles littered fifty miles/ newspapers/
Winston Churchill could recite this history/via ADMIRALTY Whitehall acquaintances- thus his phrase January 1960 “LINDSAYS-a bloody nuisance since the Planet began…! “ & he took 98 thousand pounds off Lindsay 14- “…he’s been playing Richard Strauss & Finzi has he- Well I’m playing Korngeld…” He put the money in Swiss Bank in name of Greta Ransom Len Imm. Ransom & ANDRE MALRAUX able to draw upon it for the two children he remembered in the 1930s- she Greetha had spoken to him about something upsetting him in the newspaper one cold morning in his shop across the road- Len was a Flyer when very young…” ANDRE MALRAUX found he could not draw it- disappeared after ANDRE`s DEATH…
Somewhere I Greta Ransom have a number for it given to me 1960 February by Arthur Malone - Also my secret name for using round the world 1930s- when the LINDSAYBUGGARHS & THE EVIL BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN were stopping us getting our moneys for travelling on our duties- but they were all debauching shopping & buying new diamonds for themselves… I wonder which dirty THUG or THUGS got at it ?…IT DRIPS BLOOD & GORE FROM YOUR SLAYING OF THE GROTE million children !
When I Greta was three & four years old Lennie said that MILL’s ghost sat on the stairs at ‘Jerusalem’ the little home by the sloping Park that some ladies in the family bought her when she had no moneys left- all she owned robbed by Lindsaybuggarhs. I began to curtsey to Millie a ghost on the stairs- Len would talk to Mill ‘wait a mo Mill- we will take you out- go skating…’ It pleased Grandpa her only child…
MINERVA Olivea Hesketh raised next door to the Shakers his alive American Gran- Mrs James Weddell II had taught him this. She was astonished when he Len Ransom 9 years old said as she went up the stairs- `mind Mill’ she sits on the stairs -with her skating boots…’ Minerva-Granny a famous song writer said in astonishment ` WELL FOR HEAVENS SAKE TALK TO HER THEN ` !
And so we did- took Mill skater girl out with us everywhere-
By 1934 we had a dead MINERVA- poisoned in a tea shop by JIM & Lindsay 14...so we took both of them everywhere- it would be dreadful to forget them when they were killed so sadistically by the GREEDY NOBLES of Gross Brit for being such pure good human beings- Len’s Grannies… MILL & MIN-
I do hope great-grandmother MINERVA set her phrase for the Earl Lindsaybuggarhs & ilk to a tune- ’FIGURES FROM A MORGUE…’. Minerva’s song book EVENSONGS was in several copies of different shades plain design cover & several printings from 1880s/ I remember the leaf green/deep plum/dark blue covers…
1970 ANDRE MALRAUX winter is reading a notebook of summer 1937 to PJPW & Greta Ransom/Whitehead - Greetah put at the little kitchen serving-hatch to The Pillar House dining room a house built 1852 after a village fire but in the same manner as the 18th century house hence the great shutters, moulded ceilings & impressive stairs…the floors of wood, great flags, quarry tiles & brick to the great kitchen with bread oven - (photos- as the house delighted Andre Malraux) It upset MALRAUX very much to look at Greta as we sat either side of the table- the dining-room …as he would recognise it from The Pillar House 1968/76- end of his life- All now come to GAUL- countryside towards Iberia he said would suit `the retirement…up the road is Jo`s Place…20 minutes away by road San Bertrand on its mound… that they he & Josette found 1936 `coming out of terrible & bloody SPAIN `…
In this document SUMMER 1937 they are to live again-
& all of they JOYOUS VENTURE GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE…in 3 Parts…seashores Reserves of the Globe preserving a natural EARTH…settlements civilized-investments in what is required for human kindly life & for the exploration of the future…FOR WE HAVE TO GO TO THE STARS or as a species die…this we three Andre Josette Greta spoke upon SUMMER 1937...sitting under the STARS the seashores Clacton & Holland on sea… OUR LIVES BECAME JOINED FOR AS LONG AS THE UNIVERSE SHALL BE…
only sub-sub Apes dope-fiends could destroy all this-they did in the Evil Century 20th century- THEY STILL GO ON
1959/1960s...In my mind I am still THE BEGGAR GIRL- he ANDRE MALRAUX is KING CARPETUA - My understanding is of no vast Miracle of philanthropy -only some money perhaps thousands of pounds my father so-called is entitled to… GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATES IN 3 PARTS WHICH he & I are to administer with Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM my heir & co-heir exists not…/except in outbreaks of violence & cunning accusations still thrown at me- that I have no education-breeding-am Ape like because of my father-
1970 ANDRE MALRAUX retired MINISTER OF FRANCE… is to smash & bomb that foul mouthed bitching of Angela & SCUM that at 10-12 years of age I Greta Ransom LEGAL HEIR TO THIS ESTATE went to London with AMERICANS ! 1940-44- & had the home `Jerusalem` pulled down so she & JIM Mr PONG had to go in & steal the paintings records photos…….thank you tall man in the Glenn Miller raincoat Colonel Andre Malraux-George…I Greta Ransom am now 37 years of age …& HAVE NO MEMORY unless I am shown photos-documents-places-histories- & RECEIVE MY POSTAL correspondence…IT IS STILL STOLEN- 1970- D E C R E E BRITISH GOVERNMENT LORDS & CROWN… Monsters/Figures from a Morgue… who have slain the GROTE CHILDREN IN THEIR HOMES under cover of 2nd world war…& now still hunt all who know `AS BIG GAME` ROUND THE GLOBE…
Our Wedding of Grace is not in MY MEMORY to give me dignity & I can no longer recall he (this abused Archangel Georges Andre MALRAUX) as he George Andre Malraux steps towards me from the Our Lady Chapel on the left hand of the Church 1947 17 April- His eyes no longer stern but a little glow for he was doing what his mother his Granny Adrianna his Aunt Marie had hoped he would- make a good Catholic marriage & raise lots of children for them to be proud of-
I wear Sister Bede’s short white veil & circle of satin roses she made for her Wedding to the church- very stylish & suited to a shingle of the 1920s but it looks pretty on my long thick hair…`
MEMORIES ALL DESTROYED by their horrible medicinal dopes to remove memory…their cunning use of monsters like Mengele paedophile & Naval Intelligence team…& JIM & thugs & others…THE NATIONAL INDUSTRY UNDERCOVER OF GROSS BRITAIN…& they that British Noble Scum all wallowing in blood & gore moneys…dripping the blood of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN round the globe…
ANDRE MALRAUX spoke to me of these memories-it was only allowed to remain minutes or hours 1950s-70s… Mengele Harrington & the rest of these monsters of a H. Bosch HELL painting about us all on heroin LSD- BITING THE PAVEMENTS in fear- howling that `THE CROWN` owns all- IN SECRET SILENCE TOO ~
& neither do the EARLS of Crawford & LINDSAYBUGGARHS- many of them should have been exterminated by this time for their foul murders Scotland & about the globe to get them dough-
A wise Realm & its LAW departments would tell the world these impoverished British nobles are dangerously criminally insane…& their issue trained to carry on-
2 centuries of stuffing this dangerous narcotic UP THEIR SNOUTS- has 2 great medical centres 1970 report `THEY MAY BREED INSANE…`
1958 7TH January Feast of St Cede Bishop of Londinium & Othona Fort of Rome the Saxon shores…Re-vowing of MALRAUX & RANSOM allowed by Pope PIUS XII in Saint Etheldreada Crypt City of London…4 Banns read & entry in Register/ stolen 1969 by a nasty doped up fascist-Marxist-British Tory toff…
JIM- Mengele- Brown rnvr -other old monsters swore Greta Ransom ape would HAVE NO MEMORY IN A WEEK- I had no memory at all as they said swiftly… the young staff put to look after me had Teresa Gordon R. back in my room squatting February 1958 & the Mengeles & creeps were back in…CUR JAMES stomping in the reception rooms weekends all of them using the Catholic household as their Town House & charging across the road to the Hotel for meals drinks swinging their TITLES- We young people are not given authority to keep these monsters out- Protestants too ! We should have had half a French regiment !
Why cannot I have some prints or photos in my room ! Because it gives a memory ! This is how the First World War treated their shell-shock patients in hospitals clinics …& NOBLE BRITAIN LATCHED ON TO THIS SWIFTLY…GOT HOLD OF JEWELS- PROPERTIES- TRUST FUNDS OF unmarried women…children…
ANDRE MALRAUX acting for de GAULLE had to leave for GUYANAS TOUR 19 January 1958- Mengele Harrington royal Satrap paedophile Gollum with team of Naval Intelligence- stuck a needle in me within 10 minutes of George-Andre leaving the Catholic household 50 Lancaster Gate Square-7 pm a winter night…files/tapes/his notebooks-
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