Greta Ransom

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Some records follow :

1960 winter RECORDS - NIGHTWATCH Colne Engaine nr. Colchester : Arthur Malone/Politan/Law Detective reads out from his Notebooks :

- “ … a SERIOUS MATTER - your Mr Pong old JIMMIE JONG had broken in on these grave records (I have been told ) & began spiteful crazy destruction of them

they say that you should ( be able to ) recall that afternoon in the Clacton Recreation Ground when he Mr Pong & the LINDSAY cousins were firing catapults with pellets made from strips of your historic letters at you all they had broken in on the little Old Road Clacton house hearing a precious crate had come from the Scottish Solicitors after the killing of Aunt Margaret

( MEMO : The above vandalism and violence at HISTORY RECORDS was 1938 autumn after their end of summer killing/poison in a cup of tea/ of JEAN ballerina my grandmother Ransom )



NB : now his friend ANGELA had got a Crown 1937 he JIM PIMP began with LINDSAY Crawford Mob breaking in on our residences worldwide & taking all documents paintings in the name of the British Crown & some for Norway JIM is heard boasting in WHITES CLUB St James` 1957/58 (that)

a Bastard of Norway had to be provided for from this vast illegal Estate - that the British Government in confidence had expressed since the 1920s grave doubts about and that it was in the WAY of British Trade & they THE BRITISH EMPIRE had never sanctioned the establishment of these HOMES in 1864 educating to age 18-22 years worldwide for the fatherless

Why they were certainly being used for prostitution I and Angela had to travel the globe to investigate the SHAME … … (BLAH-BLAH-blah-blah L I E S

((((( REFERENCE : 1970 Blewbury Village a woman retired to New Zealand trying to help :

( Nota bene: the remaining very few years of her life she will be investigated by Doc `Mengele` paedophile HARRINGTON and his Special special teams who are to `SAVE ANGELA ` SPIES are heavy about us and Doc Mengele HARRINGTON receives the BIGGEST PAY PACKET collected from WHITEHALL with PERKS offshore and at our Grote-Ransom BIRMINGHAM BANK )))))

they have been killing people for this money we knew about it when I was in the City Peter ! You are too young to be in charge

? she may be killed by the Royal Satrap Doctor `Mengele` paedophile HARRINGTON ?? : this paedophile Royal Satrap sometimes calls itself ESTERHAZY !!! Has other names when on this sanctioned KILLING also pretends to be a French Physician retired from a lifetime of work in SAIGON - when he is loose in PARIS PARKS

from 1938-1976 paedophile HARRINGTON is paid from WHITEHALL to keep control of households about ANDRE MALRAUX ( 1938 to 1976 ) and see his health is run down and all communications to him postal/callers/telephone are intercepted : IN THE NAME OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT ITS LORDS AND SONS and CROWNS of SCANDINAVIA and BRITAIN )

(( The dirty fouled mouth PIMP JIM, Regent of All Englands since 1930s would amuse the young noble fools on hard liquors & dopes by singing dirty ditties about Eskimo Nell `


1957 October-November : REPORTS coming in early afternoon to 50 Lancaster Gate Square the London Home of Andre Malraux :

It is a Workshop for a very rich Catholic Charity being distributed according to a legal Will of an old Anglo-Frenchman = whose home this had been At WHITES Gents Club/now a vice bar/ Dirty JIM PIMP has an even fouler mouth than pre-2nd World War - CUR JAMES/ = ANDRE MALRAUX says

JIM a Bar RAT after you had been with him for an hour and a half )) comment : Greta Ransom

1960/61 I do not know who this next Recorder is = there are two pre-war figures trying to help - one is a tall R.C. convert country house Wiltshire `Uncle Kay` Ransom ancestry : The Whitehead twins mother had a 27 size camera photo of him in the 1920s with his friend Philip H. R. Whitehead - the long open roof car is in the photo :

1960/61 Colne Engaine : information received by ARTHUR MALONE Law Detective/Politan … ` … it is scaring many people … if only ANDRE and his General had given us the GO AHEAD when we expected it … Well, I dare say we shall hear something : goodnight - do not open your door until 9 am … Arthur Malone detective reporting : `

NOTA BENE : end of February 1960 General de GAULLE Courier sent quietly to NEW YORK received package from Philip Silverlee and took the next plane back to FRANCE : he had a 2-hour wait in a hotel before he could see the General : in that 2 hours the package had WILLS and contents of importance removed :


1960 - May - 3 MURDERS Buenos Aries - after the Courier of General de Gaulle and Andre Malraux is robbed during 2 hours on his return to FRANCE :

March 1960 the BUENOS ARIES Offices of the 2 old solicitors who had taken care of RANSOM Estate as a delicate flower garden round the earth had BRITISH THUGS of AUTHORITY BOOT IN ON THEM :

… the 73 years old was dead in a week - the partner a very good man in his 60s was confined to the COUNTRYSIDE by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE : he was dead in a few weeks : THE BRITISH AMBASSADOR WOULD DO NOTHING :

1960 May - Then the MURDER of the daughter of Philip Silverlee in Buenos Aries in May 1960 - she had borrowed, copied, the Documents from the trusted honourable Solicitors - whose good Firm had handled the RANSOM ESTATE since 1830 : THE BRITISH AMBASSADOR WOULD DO NOTHING :


1960 January - January 1962 :

Life could not be more full of grief for all of us and full of danger : Records : `Document in 3 Parts` 1937 SUMMER etc. = short EDITED connected pieces of the Work are appearing on / and site WORDPRESS stores some files and unedited files :

Reference to 1960/1961 ? : below a COMMENT by unknown person …

MR PONG JIM Jong is MAD - a MAD PIMP you should understand this We did not realise at this time that JIM & his She-Devil claiming the ESTATE had set about total destruction of our NAME RANSOM on all RECORDS your mother Teresa Gordon R was so insane as to assist them they were plotting a THREE WAYS SPLIT they have all gone mad on DOPES & power & they have been destroying our ANCESTRY which has great importance & is understood by historians


REDEMPTIO = RANSOM and families :

437 AD our RANSOM had his BOOK of LIFE

A few of them may have left such BOOKS of LIFE

1939 - HELGOLAND, River Elbe :


` not only Helgoland RANSOM had his BOOK of LIFE : he had his intact & safe in his grave until 1939 - then broken into when the British Government agreed to pass to GERMANY the Helgoland Island in the River Elbe

We the RANSOM family who own the site had no warning - a telephone call, a telegram, from Germany told of this crime sprung upon the world of Medievalists a few hours before : some immediately tried that morning, that day, to get this disgraceful ransacking by IMPERIAL BRITAIN stopped : It was known what was in the RANSOM grave …`

( young Frederick John RANSOM & learned German scholars were horrified at this attack directly linked to the violent greed of the IMPERIAL CROWN of ANGELA & her male-thugs and the MOONLIGHT claims made by Premier Earls of LINDSAY-Lindsey to our Estate GROTE RANSOM : I grew up hearing their sneering remarks about `OLD ESKIMO` & being called `Ape Eskimo` by fat Angela and her travelling companion JIMMIE JONG, and his chums the Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs )

TRAGEDY : 1939 River Elbe - Island : Britain hours before signing of the Document with Germany, and upon our lands, the criminally insane were in secrecy digging savagely at this RANSOM grave ! And when found out BIG BOOTED about the opened known RANSOM grave insisting that the contents belonged to NORWAY !

There was no attempt at archaeology - only a hacking at the grave and a GRAB at contents : It is known the LIFE BOOK of Helgoland RANSOM is wrapped around his body - he says so in the copy given to his daughter : The IMPERIAL GHOULS of Norway and Denmark will destroy all trace of this RANSOM 9th century grave - perhaps pass some remains off as no name or another name …

( ? Is this a ship grave ? Helgoland Ransom writes he is born in his ship and he will be buried in it … ? … )

( Their criminal minds see it as in the way of their illegal CLAIM upon the GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN set on the worldwide RANSOM lands … These creatures have been cashing cheques cunningly when they can on our Estate since they had TIGGY GROTE murdered in 1904 on Arran, Western Hebrides :

It was known by 1938/39 that VIOLENT ROBBERY of the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE was gathering force & that creatures IMPERIAL claiming the ESTATE were become from childhood criminally insane from hearing of an `ELDORADO` & meeting the highly intelligent MARGARETH RANSOM the WIDOW of Thomas Immanuel GROTE founder of GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN around the entire globe

TIGGY used the moneys and lands of the RANSOM FAMILY of 2,000 years to establish his GROTE HOMES educating children of the earth in HUMANISM to 18 or into their 20s These children, with 3-4 languages, went into the world of WORK to do what was so valuable to give a civilized LIFE to other HUMAN BEINGS : they are trained to teach and explore all that human beings have found beneficial to life upon earth )

(1939 TRAGEDY : FJR/FCFR/LIR/& Greta Ransom/1960 Dr John RAY Ransom/others/no names - protect their descendants ! )


1960 January-Feb/ NIGHT WATCH - Colne Engaine

Dr John RAY Ransom ( USA citizen now employed by State Department Washington ) shares NIGHTWATCH and DAWNWATCH with Arthur Malone Law Detective/Markham Makepeace/ANDRE MALRAUX Burgermeister of PARIS when on RELEASE permission of General de GAULLE/

1960 January-February: East Anglia - the first 4-5 weeks of deep winter have early dark afternoons by 4 pm and late winter dawns not before 7 am  : 3rd week January : there was an attack by 3 or 4 men in a car one night - they had come with equipment to tear the door off the new Sprite Caravan & kill Greta Ransom - Andre Malraux was also to be killed when they could get near him :

They were shot at, injuring one, by the NIGHTWATCH :

578 - 579 AD there came a man of TRUST to East Anglia and to us RANSOM families at our heimat = homestead

NB : 18 years later, 597 AD Saint Augustine arrives at Canterbury :

we had begun our little school 450 AD Suffolk Norfolk

Young persons without languages were of no use to us SEA TRADING families : they must grow up with a grasp of the niceties in Latin, Arabic, as well as our Germanic & British dialects- vernacular - a little of Gaul and Spain too They enter into our honest trade and good relationships : perhaps marriages where a girl hath a dowry of a piece of land for a Ship to pull-in for winter - for emergencies - or when Wars, pestilence,

severe weather affects the family hearth


Nota bene : 1960 Jan/Feb - the speaker (Dr John RAY Ransom) upon NIGHTWATCH does not continue here : had we another Visitation ? The detectives now have permission to carry guns :

And the two helpers ex-Army : Dr JOHN RAY has to carry guns :

but this information may dove-tail back into the 19th century : Millie Frobisher and husband John Ransom with friends began to work on the Family Records 1884 = THE CANVAS BAG :

( 5th century AD Suffolk-Norfolk : 450 AD our little School begun I have information I believe on this 450 AD School in `1937 SUMMER etc.` and probably more in RANSOM ANCESTRY-histories Part I - same site )

NNB : 597 AD Saint Augustine arrives at Canterbury -

with an ENTOURAGE : this may include young traveller Christians - perhaps in old simple robes of a Monk - wishing to find HUMANISTS & have a chat : learn this and that about the GEOGRAPHY of GOD upon this PLANET : try make a heaven upon earth a haven, a heimat = a place of peace where the heart can be safely left


Do these 6th century RANSOM records 578/579 imply that we are already in touch with Christian Rome ? Our school begun 450 AD (now 147 years old) keeps up languages we have always found necessary for our overseas TRADING : And RANSOM have not lost their ancestors from 1st century AD - there are various references, indications, to this as I learned as second-nature during my early years :

… … …


From a DIRECTORY - RANSOM & some other branches :



An incomplete DIRECTORY :

RANSOM families - & some branches :

11th century AD - SIWARD RANSOM of seashores East Anglia & of Northern France :

direct line of RANSOM=Redemptio / Sea trader/ farmer/ Estate North France seashores - French Estate held by RANSOM ESTATE until 1960/61/ then tenant husband and wife 2 daughters killed/ Property bulldozed and claimed by British Scottish Nobles BY MOONLIGHT :

1099 AD - 1st CRUSADE is battering its way into Jerusalem - slaughtering all Moslems, burning Jews alive

SIWARD RANSOM dies of thirst with companions in a sandstone Fort = 1st Crusade Crusaders & Palestine Arabs outside would slaughter them all & take their ships and wealth :

( Speaker from notes 1960 : (understanding of Greta Ransom is that there is mention of `Accre` ? / = Jaffa ?/ I Greta Ransom do not grasp more here )

SIWARD RANSOM sends last letters to France to wife & 5 children - his Steward waiting in his ship 2 miles offshore received them after nightfall & orders to SAIL immediately - no hope for them to get out - a brave Arab in tiny boat got to the ship with the 2 last letters : SIWARD writes to his wife and family ` we who are about to die my companions we have traded here, all races, in peace for 150 years sitting in the cool evenings by the seashores talking of our lives : our families sometimes with us (some) marriages made ` ( description of the shores, cool evenings under trees at the seas edges )

( several translations exist from the Medieval French original letter : a 2nd letter appears to be instructions to Europe, perhaps to East Anglia too ? Concerning his properties

It was always the first & last letter to wife and children that was remarked upon by later centuries the understanding that these SEA TRADERS Palestine coast were all races, all religions, and for 150 years had traded, made marriages, ALL IN PEACE )

SIEWARD RANSOM and companions wrote in black-red-dark yellow their MONUMENT high on an inside wall of the sandstone fort it was in Arabic & other tongues THIS INSCRIPTION EXISTED UNTIL 1948 when VILE MADNESS out of Scotland destroyed it : (Reports)



attempts to remove SIWARD RANSOM his ancestors and his descendants from history : REASON - always same - to get BIG DOUGH/brass/money

INSCRIPTIONS destroyed 1948 by Dave LINDSEY born 1926 - to become 1985 Premier Earl 15 of Gross Britain & dope-growing Scotland : He is boasting at Colne Engaine a Summer night 1960 how he had destroyed it in 1948 ! And stolen more of the RANSOM lands - his orders, he says, come from ANGELA and his Father Earl 14 1943 :

( some tapes made by British Territorials and others those Summer nights 1960 and 1961 : )

( Report 1961 comes to ANDRE MALRAUX from young ARAFAT Palestine leader - upon violence, death, to the Palestine GROTE CHILDREN 1948 - there are some on the spot Reports of the British behaviour here in 1948 … they said they were HUNTING BIG and LITTLE GAME … )

((((( … 1942 - savage violence from LINDSEY (Tucker) & 2 companions - they killed the 9 years old Castle Hedingham heiress 8 am Spring 1942 to pay the coming double DEATH DUTIES : they went on to destroy her NEWFOUNDLAND bay, settlement, church, drive away and kill the good Settlers : they claimed all this as Scottish British CROWN Properties -

(Greta Ransom age 9 is in the same Class as she at Clacton-on-Sea Captain Learoy School 1942 : This child is the niece of Patrick MacDrew good soldier : see web sites … )))))

the LINDSAY-LINDSEY gang are known to be insane for a 150 years - they grow a dangerous illegal narcotic Divinorum Salvia Scotland - stuff pellets up their snouts to produce greedy violence … … …

and sell the 2 yearly crop to child slave labour factories etc in the BRITISH EMPIRE then its `Commonwealth` :

The Noble LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs claim the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE : and the RANSOM families as their cousins because Millie Frobisher ( with a Lindsay grandmother in 1830 ) married the widower JOHN RANSOM 1884 :

RECORDS : LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs violence to me Greta Ransom from birth 1933 March, and throughout my teens, my 20s, my 30s - & then threatening in 1970-1990s of The Pillar House Children , Harwell : 1986/87 PJPW is threatened, she daughter Victoria 19 years, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO FAR WITH HER MUSIC ` - her teacher the eminent Bromley Challenor has said 2 years before that he can teach her no more - she is very good - she must go on to Music School now :

NB : there had been threats to P.H. Harwell 1984/85 from Mr `Mengele` paedophile Doc HARRINGTON Royal Satrap - he has KNEES-UPS supper parties at Wantage House & they are testing Naval Intelligence front of technology LISTENING EQUIPMENT around the HARWELL village and countryside (? - usual game - learn who knows things about the 2nd World War British-Scandinavian GROTE HOMES GENOCIDE and ABUSE of the RANSOM ESTATE : NNB: So many of these RUNTS have PIMPED upon our ESTATE all their lives … …



LINDSAY-LINDSEY Earls and GANG violence towards ALL with the RANSOM and WEDDELL names and branches is very well known and recorded : especially to my father and his sister and two brothers, my grandparents Frederick Charles FROBISH RANSOM and his wife JEAN ballerina nee WEDDELL because of their marriage 1909 :

1909 REPORT : The Premier Earl of Gross Brit & Scotland Lindsay Crawford when told by Mary Teck (Queen Mary wife to Sailor King George V) that she disapproved of them allowing Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom to marry … replied in all honesty that

` Ballerinas did not have children` - The Estate would come to him and he would give her a share … BY MOONLIGHT : (she has BIG gambling debts)

LINDSAY-Lindseybuggarhs EARLS  : Their dope-SNOUTS violence is fine detailed from many REPORTS : much of their lawless violence, their CULLING of heirs, is on internet and in places of security :

? ? ? The LINDSAY-LINDSEY buggarhs are hoping to own the NORTH POLE and the SOUTH POLE ??? Wish to be Earls of the Arctic and the sub-Arctic no doubt … … …


my own webs are : and (some other sites)

I, legal Estate heir with Len Immanuel RANSOM, tell the personal history of all the above :

11th century AD - SIWARD RANSOM a man of HUMANITAS lives again in this the restored work of my father FJR and his families around the globe : (our 10th century RANSOM motto is now `SATTEUS LAETUS` = meaning from the LATIN is

` I am satisfied with sufficient `


`ANTICS` RANSOM of Leeds, Tynemouth - and ships

`Jousting times - he amuses young friends by imitating a knight on a tomb as they charge `

His tomb was in a church intact until late 1920s (Birmingham ?/Leeds ?/Tynemouth ? ) : it showed a life size carving of him on his tomb, supporting himself on one arm, grinning at his friends ( this was (become ?) a popular tomb sculpture - it may have deeply offended later religious persons - but there were said in the 1930s to have been others existing - I G.R. only saw a photograph late 1930s of `ANTICS` RANSOM on his tomb :

Records are on `1937 SUMMER etc` and RANSOM Part I :

20TH century SYSTEM : DESTRUCTION of RANSOM graves & monuments :

It is in the 1920s - 1930s that JIMMIE JONG b 1898/99, and the LINDSAY-Lindsey GANG whom he has known since he was 11 years old, would get sculptures and monuments to RANSOM families `called in for repairs` They never went back :

1960/1961 : Jimmie Jong Sir/cur JAMES was grovelling in the tomb in a London cemetery of John Ransom & wife Millie Frobisher - the tomb was `called in for repairs` : it came back with another name on it : A dog walker made a fuss to newspapers that is not the name - there was two of them in there - Ransom and Frobisher I have been walking my dog in this Cemetery for 20 years !

The tomb robber was traced & found to be the dismissed Steward of WHITES CLUB (the former JIM JONG Pimp/now Sir James -

He insisted as the Representative for the CROWN that there were valuable Greenland relics that had to go to the British Museum

Press were told to DROP IT ! There are distressing further reports on the opening of this tomb and parts of bodies found thrown about the churchyard - it had to be closed for a day Mr Pong the PIMP JIMMIE JONG made 1954 Sir James, had all his old KUDOS :


15th century Chinese HUE` ARTUN =

1450 allows RANSOM senior to marry a daughter - and a Dutch Sea Captain marries a younger dau. = we knew them until late 1940s - name is `Heid ???/ HEU` gives the girls the power to make the man rich if they prove to be a good husband : 1451 the 1st son born is he F. Ransom who marries 2ndly the Lady Japan :

(MEMORANDUM : This our direct line of 1st century AD Redemptio=RANSOM and we and branches from earlier younger sons still hold lands East Britain-bordering North Sea : 1500 RANSOM=Lady Japan (marriage 1504 Bruges) has a Ransom bride great-grandmother, grandmother, & mother who are descending order from Siberia-Mongolia-China (now N. Korea) :

The Mongolian bride to RANSOM senior has the two Ransom brothers given permission to fly the flag of ZHENG HE` Admiral of the Chinese Seas : Diary (via Montrose 16th century/to USA)

`he came aboard he returned for 5 hours thankfully our Brides had taught us philosophy although not as high born as before they were acceptable to him - result is we are to FLY his FLAG - we shall keep out of the way when he comes by with his great fleet - we may deal in a little PORCELAIN and transact business for him to INDIA `

Diary - via Montrose 16th century - to USA - translation heard 1960 Colne Engaine - Dr John RAY Ransom USA citizen/

1930s Greta Ransom grew up with this family information shared with the branch of PHOEBE RANSOM 16th century marriage to MAINWARRING family (Uncle Gimlet Eyes MAINWARRING R.N. has the ZHENG HE` flag made up by his local Womens Institute - white satin with ( 3 ?) big scarlet suns or stars on - he flew it at Cowes - under the nose of THE ADMIRALTY who will pull the plug on the Seas if they found out I got this from our RANSOM ancestral line of our PHOEBE …”

15th century HUE` ARTUN : Philosopher/Man of Letters/Sea Trader family/shares governorship of the coastal town with his friend/ (Max Beerbohm made a colour drawing for Millie Frobisher Mrs John Ransom - 50 copies printed in 4 colours a standard size for posters to be framed c 11 inches by 16 inches or so I remember we had one but the LINDSAYbuggarhs and JIM JONG during the 1930s increasingly broke into our little homes and stole everything : It annoyed them that we did not keep BIG PLACES where they could descend, infest, squat and PIMP

FJR my young father taught us the young RANSOM line in 1930s


he is a powerful and good man and a great Philosopher - We will read his histories of handling twice a difficult young heir to the Emperor He asks us all to SAIL IN to see him - he has a 16 foot statue on his Headland - he writes he will be waiting for us his kin to come sailing in for 10,000 years Aunt Margaret and family, cousins, have all visited him - and Thomas (Tiggy Grote) `

((( ` did my grandpa FCFR visit ? - and my father, brothers, sister ? I do not recall But as we have hundreds of little planes of all kinds

around the globe for the HOMES, and ships and shipping investments I think they had to have paid a Courtesy Call on Grandpa HUE` ARTAN : Solemn thought is that ` without he agreeing marriage to his daughter NONE OF US WOULD EXIST = WHAT CHANCE WE ALL ARE :

Many RANSOM Records in length are included in Document in 3 Parts 1937 SUMMER etc - This site includes PART I RANSOM ANCESTRY-Histories :

The new has short pieces

in depth - I have also placed PART 2 RANSOM ANCESTRY-Histories here : Part 2 gives much explanation of the DESTRUCTION of our RECORDS 20th century by the criminally insane awash with GREED and VIOLENCE :

PART 3 RANSOM ANCESTRY-Histories is first appearing on the new JIMDO site as it builds from records : Work in a rougher state, assembling & editing, goes to WORDPRESS - mainly used as a `store` :

All the Work is dovetailing into the 3 Parts 1937 SUMMER etc.

& ALL the WORK is about GOOD and EVIL :


17th-18th century ITALY = RANSOM SEA TRADER married to ALSATIAN WHORE Senora Ransom : but she was not - the Italian neighbours gossiped - he went TO SEA - she produced no children - they lived in a big house with grounds - She gives birth at 39 years of age and has 2 sons and a daughter :

He had stone busts of himself carved for the top of his Gates - it showed him with a very fierce face : We descend from the 1st son :

1937 speaking to us : Aunt `Mag` (Margareth nee Ransom our Girl of the SNOWS - tells how she would go and stay with these cousins to her father when she was a child - My father got told off for this gossip : My father, my Pedagogue, gave us a Lesson in women gossiping beside the WELLS of history - back to biblical times …” :

Uncle Alfred Charles RANSOM Rear Admiral both World Wars knew them she was respectable : LUCKY FOR OUR LINE she began having her children at 39 years of age :

( some of the RANSOM brides have a first child by 12 or 13 years : the grandmother Ransom of Aunt `Mag` was 12 when she had her first son - her husband put her in the School Room until her son was 7 years of age : this child is the father of Aunt Margareth girl of the SNOWS - & my grandpa twice back : & when I am tiny I look exactly like him as photos showed : blue eyes and golden hair & very strong :

OLD FRED RANSOM , he stayed short & I get nearly as tall as Andre MALRAUX :



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