NB : Margaret (Maggie) RANSOM (b 1505 ? or 1508/9 ?) marries 1st Carew 2nd Carew - returns to her own name RANSOM - she direct descendant of the above RANSOM brothers who go EAST 1400 - has left the MONTROSE Farm and our lands in perfect order when she dies more than 92 years old = beginning of 17th century …
1939 September = At MONTROSE a CRIME MOST HORRIBLE : Upon our legally owned RANSOM FARM and lands = the PIMP Jim Jong now Major James/Carew/ etc - this-and-that rushes up to Montrose with British Army thugs - Len Immanuel Ransom, born October 1921 ( whose mother JEAN “still dancing” JIM JONG PIMP helped poison autumn 1938 ) is to marry his 4th cousin a Miss Weddell of the Argentine October 1939 in England ( they have both lost their mothers, but have good fathers ) = they have been firm friends since children :
1939 October : After the marriage THEY WILL GO TO our RANSOM MONTROSE FARM : we all call once a year … many American RANSOMS came too, before 2nd World War : the old Ransom couple are childless but they like all of us to come visiting : The American RANSOMS go sailing in the Basin = Ida, Ivy and boys … others come from 3, 4, 5, 6, generations back … This sacred place is regarded as our roots, our heimat = where your heart is … the books are used by the scholarly … the paintings known …
1939 OCTOBER : LENNIE & his bride had to be stopped visiting : my young father received news of a disaster - THAT THE OLD RANSOM RELATIVES HAD GONE MISSING : It is 1944 before he hears of the HIDEOUS MURDER by petrol and a fire pyre … done by JIMMIE JONG for the CROWN …
1939 SUMMER - JIMMIE PIMP has a 2 man unit he calls `Intelligence` back of Buckingham Palace - he held a 2 room apartment here from 1921 - He is a dangerous chum since he is a child of LINDSAY-Lindsey Earls, and GLAMIS CASTLE Bowes Lyon families … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
( MEMO : Violet nee Lindsay Lady Rutland ARTIST, tells her friend Mary Helena Gordon October-November 1937 `a child that always worried you Jimmie - he made me uneasy at the tea-table from 11 years of age (1909/10) : his mother and I are now waiting for the Document from the Magistrate & he can be put in the Asylum … we fear for the younger brother …`
1937 REPORTS : CLACTON-on-SEA : www.gretaransom.com `1937 SUMMER : see pages for 1937 November SATURN MET A LADY = … I `Greetha` Ransom collected from The Convent School of Saint Clare am present that late afternoon and evening : & on the earlier visit October 1937 of VIOLET ARTIST … she puts me into school and then calls on my great-aunts the Misses Williams Bessie and Annie-artist : they the daughters, as my grandmother Mary Gordon, of TERESA Murphy CARROLL CLASSICIST - www.ancestryandtruetales.jimdo.com :
Violet ARTIST died December 1937 - it was said she had drugs-heroin in her evening handbag : … Mr JIM is still free : The Document from the Magistrate authorizing his mother and she to LOCK HIM UP did not arrive in time … … … Summer 1939 he is calling himself a British Army `Major`… left hand of his childhood chum ANGELA : they have several appearances and at Bulford Camp 1940/41 wintertide :
1939 September : with thugs in ARMY gear JIMMIE JONG (now an Army Major of various names) directed these `recruits for special duties` … And they helped him pour petrol into the innards of the old childless RANSOM couple : This psychopath MANIAC is reported by several persons … ` All that SUMMER 1939 he JIM was piping that the old couple had committed TREASON = THEY WERE GOING TO WELCOME IN THE JAPANESE FLEET TO THE BASIN up at MONTROSE …
MEMO : He is a known filthy little LIAR 19teens and addicted to a dangerous narcotic grown by SCOTLAND NOBLES called DIVINORUM SALVIA SCOTLAND : It is used by SCOTLAND NOBLES to give a feeling of MANIAC STRENGTH and DESIRE - especially for MONEYS … etc … “ it hit’s the BRAIN in 2 seconds … ” Reports from 2 worldwide known and respected Medical Institutions 1970 :
1939 September : Our RANSOM farm of 1500 AD standing in its own lands had JIM and Army gear thugs for 2 days : they took away the old couple for a few hours … began emptying the house - books/paintings/ then burned much of the contents of farm - this included the clothes of the old RANSOM couple … they were brought back and made to lean over the front of one of the lorries … petrol was used on them :
… 1944 : a man with them in 1939 September, at the end of 2nd World War has dared question all this violence …
REPORT : “ JIMMIE of the 1920s-1930s Racing scandals - calling himself a MAJOR that Summer 1939 … took away from the isolated Farm house all paintings furniture books that he did not order burned … we saw that the building had Swastikas and Rising Suns done in chalks … JIM said it was the local people who objected to this family and their relatives … they had reported they feared JAPANESE and GERMAN SHIPS SAILING IN …”
“ … … JIM said - it was known to the WAR OFFICE that these people RANSOM FAMILIES had big connections to Germany - and to THE JAPS = Japan … the old couple were taken away for questioning - brought back & JIM said they had been found guilty of TREASON …
… he had orders to stop them getting any messages out to their GERMAN and JAPANESE Agents : … …
1939 September : THE BRITISH MURDER of the two old RANSOM owners of The RANSOM FARM of 1500 “ THE TWO BODIES WERE BURNED … he used petrol on them first … poured it down his throat … put it with a funnel up her behind - while they were alive … … … … Major JIMMIE excitedly described the planned SLAUGHTER of the LOCAL PEOPLE that these RANSOM families had been arranging ALL THAT SUMMER … all these JAPS were to come ashore … with swords … The others with us, about 7 of us, were angry … scared … they followed his orders … he was in British Army uniform … of a Major … ”
… … JIM JONG enjoys committing these bestial crimes : he has never had much money and now he is to have THE ISLAND OF ARRAN Western Hebrides as his PAYMENT for helping his friend ANGELA ( in the Palace with a Crown )
1953 The RANSOM ESTATE owns 98 acres of it - many copies the WILL are in possession of responsible persons abut the globe : JIM, now Sir/cur JAMES, Steward-barman of WHITES CLUB St James` preaches in this CLUB that this ESTATE is given to ANGELA by an OLD ESKIMO … Old ESKIMO NELL promised it to MAJESTY when she was a child … paid for her wedding 1923 … and let her draw MONEYS on the ESTATE anywhere about the world =
Why he Mr JONG had to travel with her 1920s=1930s on dreary years of `A PEACE MISSION ` to see she was not robbed by these fly-bitten nations of APES and ESKIMOS ::::
Nota bene : it is, of course, the usual JIM & IMPERIAL GANG lies … they have planned from 1920s to topple GROTE-RANSOM `ELDORADO` and to share out between themselves = to keep the top of the BRITISH CLASS PYRAMID rich =
… 1920s : Some of the worst of Scotland Noble Tribes have got down to Westminster & WHITEHALL the Centre of British Government LORDS & SONS and CROWNS … … … JIMMIE is also playing DOUBLE CROSS around the Earls and Lords LINDSAY-LINDSEY Tribes … … … they believe he is helping them get a half of this ESTATE … they will giver a HAND OUT of the ESTATE to chum Angela and her in-laws Scandinavia = THEY HAVE PLEDGED TO CLEAR THE CROWN DEBTS … pay the money lenders overseas … … …
Nota bene : ??? DID NOBLE BRITAIN LEARN ALL THIS CRIMINAL INSANITY FROM WATCHING GANGSTER MOVIES in Noble Private cinemas 1920s/1930s ? … they are known for passing their dope syringes down the row and swigging liquor = A BOTTLE IN EACH PAW as their custom was when OFF PIMPING DUTY … … ???
1940 … our Ransom Montrose Basin Farm closed for 2 years … then cunningly declared to be The British CROWN PROPERTY Crown Estate : (from an old Eskimo ?) :
1939 September REPORTS : 2 observers 1939 September in the long grass : To them and their families for generations this hideous violence was known to be a part of SCOTLAND LIFE when NOBLES want to take your lands … & nothing could be done to stop them :
LEN IMMANUEL RANSOM 1921 - killed 1981/2 E Coast Scotland Flyer-musician-artist-illustrator & writer magazines - trained to run CANADA TRANSPORT RANSOM ESTATE -
… stolen from us by Earls of LINDSAY-Lindsey 1948 bragging it is for THE CROWN …from AN OLD ESKIMO : Dave Lindsey got CANADA TRANSPORT `in the RED twice 1950s … 1960 shouts he did not want it - Angela and his father made him take this position - he wanted to “ go round and round like Uncle Thomas …”
REPORTS : (1960s-1980 evidence collected) Diary/tapes/ born 1921 Dr Len Immanuel RANSOM = also musician/artist/FLYER/illustrator/ writer and recorder of our family histories - he pays attention to our WEDDELL ancestry and that of SAN JULIAN INCA :
… LIR “ … I want to walk certain places again … it will have to be alone as you are not allowed to come … and remember happier times … leave a record of our lives … I have been to the Argentine - but they are not there yet I have recorded them and our lives, I also draw them :
1939 October : A WEDDING between RANSOM and WEDDELL : North Pole is again marrying the South Pole :
“ … In the autumn (1939) we were allowed to marry … we went afterwards to Colchester and into an INN we all liked … it was wonderful for us to be together again … our happiness overflowed … perhaps we all had a little more to drink than is our custom : My brother, your father organised everything, but you were missing … not there ? Of course, SHE had stopped you coming :
… Now I know that THEY were promising her half of all we had created … our family … the Estate … no one could imagine that they would attack the children - slay all the children in the HOMES : And there was no JEAN … my brother Dr JOHN RAY had not met with us … not until 1941 = his father, our father here with us for our wedding, will be dead ` … Our brother John has been stopped knowing his mother and father since he was 17 years of age : A watch was kept on him … I have the evidence now :
… our wedding … SHE was there (= Teresa E. Gordon Mrs R.) and she would not stop saying that we were too hasty - we should have waited a year to marry … in her opinion - in her opinion - in her opinion … … … I could not understand her un-generosity after our wedding - She said several times ` that we should have waited a year - we were too hasty in her opinion …` She drank a lot : I was glad when your father got rid of her early = he may have brought her many drinks himself … we were all so happy just to be together again … we wanted to talk about other times when we were happy abroad … all of us helping run the miracle Estate … seeing that everyone under the umbrella was happy … could have a worthwhile life …` … Len Immanuel RANSOM remembering October 1939 :
NOTA BENE : 1939 October : LEN and his Bride, two young people, did not go to the RANSOM farm Montrose - our elderly kind relatives had already died a most HORRENDOUS DEATH : given to them by JIM JONG Major this-&-that, a psychopath : JIM & LINDSAY-Lindsey maniac psychopaths are employed to get rid of RANSOM heirs and evidence of the Estate … and by MOONLIGHT the Estate can be claimed as properties of the BRITISH NOBLE LORDS & CROWNS … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
… JIMMIE JONG the 42 years old psychopath is half Chinese & that respectable family had to throw him out of CHINA for murdering a family member, and robberies & mad joke crimes before he was 21 years of age : He is half British by an RN father, now dead, who took a minor Diplomatic duty at Port Arthur - met a rich Western educated Chinese girl …
Born 1898/99_= `dirty JIM JONG PIMP` now a MAJOR British Army is in Buckingham Palace - serving his childhood chum `ANGELA ` of Bowes Lyon Clan & Premier Earls G.B. and Scotland the LINDSAY-Lindseybuggarhs :
NB: He has had a 2-room apartment at the back of Buckingham Palace since 1921 - he has access the Yard and back door : With others he/ they can also use the deserted Alexandra Palace :
1939/1940 = He JIM JONG of an apartment Buckingham Palace Major James Carew/O`Carroll/ MacMurphy/ this-and-that = had put by `MOONLIGHT` in The Whitehall WAR Records … that `the RANSOM Montrose Farm couple suspected of plotting to aid JAPAN and GERMANY had gone missing : all RANSOM family must be investigated, Britain, USA, elsewhere - and their other branches including WEDDELL Argentine and Britain etc :
… He insisted, by MOONLIGHT, that RANSOM were claiming lands the known lawful properties of the BRITISH CROWN = CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ` blah blah blah blah blah blah` only to be seen when situation considered necessary :
READER should grasp : The British Government Lords & SONS and CROWNS … are muttering by `MOONLIGHT` that they are threatened by RANSOM families : RANSOM families are known worldwide as the undisputed legal owners of worldwide ESTATE GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN built on RANSOM LANDS and funded by RANSOM `Joyous Venture` centuries old RESPECTED ESTATE :
But the NOBLE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, its LORDS and SONS, believe in their right to PLUNDER = by MOONLIGHT - and have a SHARE OUT to KEEP top CLASS very RICH and BRUTAL … control world trade etc :
( MEMORANDUM : from 20th century REPORTS etc. = assembled by human beings : GR for her MARTYRS and continuing RANSOM families : )
READER can find the many Reports as I assembled them in my www.gretaransom.com Document in 3 parts `1937 SUMMER etc …` Relevant short pieces are appearing on www.ancestryandtruetales.jimdo.com … since spring 2012 … WORDPRESS is used for quick publication and generally for assembling/editing/gathering pieces … MY SPACE earlier advised RANSOM families and scholars … Twitter is used for reference pieces - FACEBOOK …
This work a loving duty to all these M A R T Y R S … … so they be never forgot …
… PUT BACK UPON EARTH … live again in all their grace … THE martyrs MADE = SO THAT IMPERIAL BRITAIN COULD BE RICH …
We must try keep clear of the many monsters of the deep … … … … KEEP SAILING : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1939 on into 1970s … History of Montrose farm & lands VIOLENCE :
1945 - RANSOM FARM and LANDS : Rented by Crown Estate to posh tenants until 1973/75 = it was then pulled down, all landmarks obliterated … RANSOM property sold off fraudulently …. as with much else in GROSS BRITAIN from autumn 1937 and into the British Wartime 1940s … :
( MEMO : 1960 the `Territorials` and other good men had begun to work silently to `despatch` the British & Scandinavian killers of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN - some had been seen, recognised, and now drew big INCOME from these sites built upon Ransom lands :
During the 2nd World War some of the carnage worldwide done to GROTE CHILDREN ages 4-5 years to 17-20 years, and staff and teachers, had been seen by men in British Uniform - they rarely recovered from the experience : It is spoken about from Records 1985-88 … )
… c 1973 Ransom Montrose Farm/ 1942/44 registered as Crown Estate land - the last posh tenant, he looks rather MORGUE FACE NEO NAZI, had a lorry load of sand and gravel tipped over him in retaliation for the horrible painful murder of DR JOHN RAY Ransom spring-early summer 1969 : it had been proved he received moneys for helping with this old style petrol murder of the British Scottish NOBLES …
… Who is JJR ? … he the 2nd son of Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM and Jean nee Weddell ballerina, born c 1917/1918, an American Citizen, 3 degrees Astrophysics/Animal Management/LAW = 1960-1969 working for WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT :
1969 late spring-early summer this heir to RANSOM ESTATE is invited over the same doorstep of 1500 : he was immediately grabbed by 4 men, petrol poured down his throat … pushed outside the door … he ran and ran … across his Family lands of 500 and more years :
( b Scotland 1912 ) Doctor `Mengele` HARRINGTON known as “ Him … the Royal Satrap & paedophile … ” … “ … appeared and fired a gun at the head of Dr John RAY Ransom : Doc `Mengele` HARRINGTON shouting an obscene phrase relevant to this 1938-1954 GENOCIDE … ”
… = of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN and RANSOM `Joyous Venture` Estate of Philanthropy …
THIS WAS SEEN : 1969 = Two witnesses working on the land were got off shore - one described a man running from another who had fired at him with a gun so that he had flames coming from his head : they never properly recovered from witnessing this most barbaric murder :
Of course it is a PURPLE MOONLIGHT matter of the British Lords & sons, the Government & Crowns : All of them have been collecting rents and sales = no Income Tax to be paid = from our RANSOM lands :
Early 15th century CHINA : WE, two RANSOM BROTHERS and families, BECAME NICELY RICH ! … Stayed friends with ZHENG HE` …
could marry 1450 a daughter of HUE ARTAN a great man … RANSOM BROTHERS 1480s are at BRUGES : we are Sea Traders, financiers in shipping ways & manners, always farming along our East Britain ancestral shores : 15th-16th centuries with artist friends - to include a young man called JOOS van Cleve … and 1504 make a 2nd marriage with JAPAN to an older Royal line Okinawa :
… her dowry 2 little islands at the end of the LUSAN CHAIN … ours into 1950s … agreement with civilized persons … “ … we visited Okinawa 1512 taking our two sons … received a Dowry … the marriage approved … diaries F. RANSOM of Montrose Farm :
1938 … My Pedagogue FJR my father is saying to Lennie and me our Saturday morning school … `we must have been very slit eyed in those days … I mean slant eyed … I do seem to have it … and some of us in the families do … but you two are round eyed … Greta Ransom - who has gathered up the above - Margaret Maggie RANSOM Carew Carew RANSOM was a bright STAR in the dark nights of my childhood …:
… Assembling the original records of our histories a few years ago was dramatic & painful very often - holding hands again with our MARTYRS … but our 16th-17th centuries MARGARET Maggie RANSOM survived by being a great HUMANIST … as her forebears … … LET US KEEP SAILING … ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I intend the happy interesting history of MAGGIE RANSOM as the birthday gift to my only son Pete her descendant too : P. R.R.W. 1970-1998 :
… but he had threats and insane mutterings, around him from just before his birth - : The stories I wrote 1980s `ACE ACE and ACE` - LIFE at The PILLAR HOUSE HARWELL where the Whitehead children lived 1968=1993 tell of happy times = They had three pets all with the same name … it was seen by somebody in Oxford on a motorbike !
So using their phrases, their daily lives, photos, these pets, Ace-Cat - Ace-Mouse - Ace-gold-Fish, I have recorded the children young and entering their teens, within the history of the village and area, visits to Old Sarum and ancient places, people they know … : 3 of the stories are on www.ancestryandtruetales.jimdo.com … and beginning is the collected PHOTOGRAPHS and text by Pete, his friends and life, on this same site :
Also on my JIMDO site is beginning a big collection of paintings by children 1930s-1960s (Convent of Sacred Heart Hammersmith/London) : LAGOS - Missionary School 1940/41 Dr & Mrs Broadbent : Harwell Village School 1950s : a little work from other schools : Teacher is the Artist Mary Cotton/or Dudley-Short/ Mrs Mary-Mollie Freeman :
By way of contrast : a few paintings and craft work 1960s-1970s/80s by the Pillar House Children is slipping in here and there - our Classical Ruins holidays/Manor Preparatory Shippon Manor Abingdon/St Birinus Didcot/perhaps other schools …
Little Peter = Pete, P.R.W. heard of his ancestress Maggie Carew Ransom from cousin Julie Butler by the time he was 11 years old - she admired Maggie :
Greta RANSOM - GAUL - August 21st 2012 AD
Of the Months - 12 Sonnets - Folgore da San Geminiano
NOVEMBER Let baths and wine-butts be November`s Due, With thirty mule-loads of broad gold-pieces; And canopy with silk the streets that freeze; And keep your drink-horns steadily in view, Let every trader have his gain of you; Clareta shall your lamps and torches send,- Caeta, citron-candies without end; And each shall drink, and help his neighbour to. And let the cold be great, and the fire grand: And still for fowls, and pastries sweetly wrought For hares and kids, for roast and boiled, be sure You always have your appetites at hand; And then let night howl and heaven fall, so naught Be missed that makes a man`s bed-furniture.
D.G. ROSSETTI translating : 13th century - 12 Months ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
PART 3 - RANSOM ANCESTRY & Histories - Will continue as my editing progresses :
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- Harold Walter Poulter Letters - 1950's (1 Article)