Greta Ransom

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Basil`s only daughter Esmeralda , Margarethe’s grand-daughter, is harmed by JIM PIMP late 1920s…her character destroyed to GROSS BRITAIN & then killed by Jimmie Jong a cheap hoodlum a pimp ON THE PIN - it was he killed her cousin Count Poulsen’s wife October 1933 on the island Jacopsholmen/reports/reports/ several of the GRONLANDER cousins- they are educated & HUMANISTS -they could represent their nation Greenland in the Danish Parliament ! Press/records/

1937 & 1944 ANDRE MALRAUX’s appointment as GUARDIAN

A to Z the nations outside Gross Imperial Britain has JOSETTE DIE- Falling they said on the Railway line under a train 9th November 1944- The Imperial Big Dirty Boots of Gross Britain & the Scandinavian Carrion Crows sent 2 GUNMEN to shoot she & MALRAUX learning of correspondence received from NEW YORK GROTE BROKERS/ Argentine- The BIG DIRTY BOOTS IMPERIAL have in secrecy stolen Andre Malraux’s Post/mail from 1938 but the WAR in FRANCE had some correspondence VITAL TO UNDERSTANDING THE ESTATE to which MALRAUX IS GUARDIAN slip through the PUCKER British Government & Crown ILLEGAL SYSTEM used to harm & stealing from citizens of the REPUBLIC OF FRANCE…in this matter ANDRE MALRAUX & the President of FRANCE a courtesy letter from Mrs Margaret Ransom GROTE-the biggest piece of philanthropy in the world-educating-18 years- some orphans in French Public life…

Andre MALRAUX is appointed her GUARDIAN & to the heirs by Margarethe RANSOM Grote & her USA Firm GROTE Brokers` her dead husband`s father’s firm, & the Agreement of the old Argentine Solicitors who take care of this delicate flower garden round the earth THE JOYOUS VENTURE & GROTE HOMES educating to 18 years-

1937 October - MALRAUX now Guardian the globe independent nations A to Z their GROTE HOMES & the RANSOM Estate in 3 parts- seashores/150 inhabited islands of the globe- settlements- Forests

(one in France) natural waters- investments in green gold civilized needs-all is pure philanthropy- Possible because of our humanist trading near 2,000 years & our 19 Acres OWNED FROM 1801 UNDER NEW YORK-documents/archives/

The RANSOM ancestors sail down the centuries-nice human beings you’d feel secure to know…From Ransum just married Bridget 443 AD writing `I’ve got a ship from my father-a blue-eyed black haired bride & I sail Rome-Ireland-East Coast Britain` - to FRED Ransom Jacopsholmen Island & the first Season c 1830s The PLAYS to last 6 weeks but ran 7 months- … I was unable to get `The Mary Rose` in the harbour-had to PARK 2 miles out…Just sailed to & fro Italy to bring the clothes for Coriolanus…” ( Jacop`s Ladder-an autobiography Fred Ransom in his last years 1870s)

1824 -marriage of Aelovedah-Maria Miss San Julian - becomes Mrs James Weddell…he her father’s friend- navigates the Weddell Sea 1829- 2 sons James & John born 1825/1826-many descendants- 1960 - 150 murdered/missing 1960-Clark Gable dies he a gt-grandson/line of JOHN Weddell younger son…

Aelovedah-Maria (Greta Ransom’s great-great-grandmother) wore her hair in two plats arranged round her pretty head- she has freckles & her hair is from her Noble INCA father’s mother’s line- a nut brown shade- GRETA & LENNIE inherited her braid- She is called in accounts of the wedding published “ The Ice White Bride’ & she will change into a frock of pearl grey with white facings white embroidery & lacefor her wedding dance- One frock for the Wedding Journey is like tessellated ancient Roman work - soft colours made by embroidering so as it looks raised up …”

GR : my first 10 years of life I tell everyone I always like to know of the descriptions of the wedding frocks - Aunt Murgatroyd is my Girl in the bridal Russet Silk Gown - she was off to Ethiopia a missionary-

Records `The girl in the Russet silk gown` She speaks September 1936 Clacton on Sea at my bedside -I with black face blows to head -

1936 August - Greetha Ransom attacked by Jimmie Jong August-Clacton Hospital Carnival Day with iron bar-Lindsay 14 with car round corner of the REC- SHEshe had doped me half awake & taken me to the REC & abandoned me - A man with dog saved me after 3 blows…It is to stop me going with Aunt Margarethe & the de Salle cousins of PARIS…we are to visit Japan & the Family of Hirohito- & return across Pacific to our Lusan Islands to USA & to New York the Bridal House- PRESENTATION OF THE HEIR-

1930s - ‘Jerusalem’ Deptford, are drawings letters poems travel bills of `The Ice White Bride` …some she has written- & there are some drawings of she Aylovedmah-Maria done by her father & some we think done in Rome- some drawings perhaps James Weddell-SEA

1939 all destroyed or taken by JIM for `The Crown & LINDSAY Crawford Earls- two painting destroyed in USA by them-

FR c 1523 Joos van Cleve- & Greta 1936/7 a London painter well known- I sit legs curled with the Greenland mountain catching the sun- exhibited winter 1957 Bond Street then taken by Lindsaybuggarhs to USA- destroyed later by LINDSAY mob we are told -

1824 - AEYlovedah-Maria Miss San Julian, INCA, was happy to marry her father’s friend even though he was older- she had known him since a child & he was a good man- She writes on him after her wedding in a light-hearted understanding almost motherly way- Her education is classical-her father is scholarly, brave when he goes out on his Ice-boats…& writes on spiritual but practical & beautiful things & his INCA histories & has entered into archaeology circles- Papers/notes/annotated books were burned by JIM Jong after we left the house 1936 - JIM boasts about it to Teresa Gordon R Summer 1936….’ The Family library was a good 18th century one- &

they had added the right modern books of information 19th century. They & the descendants are Catholics- Quakers- humanists-

1937 SUMMER Clacton-on-Sea - I AM TELLING JOSETTE one summer late evening about Aelovemedah-Maria INCA as we sit under the stars talking on the Heavens- & our post offices that will be on stars-& I will send Andre & she a postcard a letter a gift at Christmas -& be able to write to my school friends-it won’t be too long before we go to the stars…Great Poul’s tiny mother in Greenland said we would-in ships that would sail there but go fast- she taught him the stars are other worlds-like earth- she read Lucretius - it was in French just then & up in Greenland…

Lennie helps his eldest brother my father FJR collect everything on GRONLANDER & all of them in the snow…Len is interested in transport- Otherwise he collects our South Pole families his mother‘s lines Weddell-San Julian & other branches down to AQUIDA Basque lands, Spain -

1937 Summer Clacton-on-Sea - We three with our Hostess are so happy in the house across from the church on the corner-off the Marine Parade-with the long vegetable garden-& the garage at the end- To be pulled down after the 2nd world war & the remains of the 17-18th century- a wall - an Inn- an old house -


Because of the Postal theft & the 2nd WORLD WAR - ANDRE MALRAUX- JOSETTE- I Greetha & other recorders here give them back their lives…these human beings of the globe A to Z…We RANSOM WEDDELL

& branches of the NORTH & SOUTH POLES…we are set Sail upon grief

our work to be destroyed in the 20th century- Our lives our human rights to be denied- children to be slain - so that barbaric & monstrous ignorance can flaunt about the globe/

1945 April-May - Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX comes very end of April first days of May to Clacton-on-Sea… clothed in NEW sorrows… We will make crosses from driftwood along the seas edge for his brothers- & a tall girl-woman… I remember her when the music `Pavanne for a dead Princess` Maurice Ravel is played- BBC & foreign stations have it broadcast often- We cast the crosses upon the outgoing tide- on JO’s beach - & on another beach where Georges-Andre & Greetah sat 1937 in the waves edges eating TOO MUCH TOFFEE…an afternoon Josette has gone for PEACE to London Town & to see an exhibition & the British Museum…

1945 autumn FOUL WINTER DOTH COME…& no JoJO&Joh with shopping basket meeting us under the great TREE in the Clacton town centre…

AUGUST we have come to us grief for Hyrosheemah Japan

(tapes etc/text/ G.R. & others/ & MALRAUX notebooks

1945 Mai - I meet him Colonel Andre at the Winnclemanns home-

he is sitting with arms between his legs almost touching the floor then rises & looks at me long & hard as he hears my strange name `Greetah` then picks me up by the elbows laughing softly… Explains “ she was with us - before the War - here ”

The German-Austrian Professor & his English wife are my friends who live near the church & encourage my interest in music & history- I am described as stately but very shy…Mr Winnclemann is aware of SHEshe Mad Mother Kali Clytemnestra old Mother Ransom- He comments ` the mother is a virago Andre ` …explanations begin as Mrs Winnclemann gives us tea…

1945 - Mr Professor Winnclemann tells we school girls & boys to call Colonel Andre `GEORGE`- Or we will draw attention to the bereaved widower…& he is bereaved of his brothers too We should not yell in our customary way with names at a distance ANNNNNN-DDD-RRRREEEAAAH’ along the Promenade the beaches - Colonel Andre is a joy to everybody & we share his sorrows- He cried in class June 1945 when in Drama/English a girl recited her piece High Tide on the Lincolnshire Coast…” Our teacher Miss Laura Lawrence/ Newnham College Cambridge took him to the Teachers Conversation room- The teacher from the Art Workers Guild helped him be steady… records-archives/tapes-text/Andre Malraux note books /

1947 - THE WEDDING OF GRACE - because of the death of JOSETTE - 17 April 1947 - It is felt we Andre & Greetha will be safe together- A girl whose braid Miss Winifred Gordon now takes care of my great-great Grandmother Aelovedah-Maria Miss San Julian INCA married a man older than she. I sometimes wear my hair like the drawing we have of her…plats round my head like a halo. I do not have freckles & no red in my thick long hair- it is a light brown mouse colour but gets golden glints in summertime…

1947 March - Permission comes swiftly from `young Paccelli` & he is not happy over Mary Gordon’s death June 1944 -

He expected she & the GROTE heir her grand-daughter in The Vatican from January 1939 - As the new Pope PIUS 12 in 1938 he sent photos to Mary Gordon of a 2 room apartment near the Vatican Gate & she could go in & out/having an Irish Passport/ into the City of Rome-

she would have assistance two Nuns for domestic purposes ”

& his little school `children at risk` was well organised as she knew - some Jewish children too- they all stayed within the walls /records/published/one Jewish girl stayed until 19 years & wrote upon the happiness of living in The VAT…/1930s Crail & Stella Maris files/Andre Malraux notebooks/

` Mary Gordon has an Irish passport-she got it as soon as Southern Ireland had Independence 1932. She was born 12/13 Sackville Street 1870 -of families Murphy/Carroll/O-Brien/see DEBRETTS Peerage 1860s-1970s

“ Young Paccelli ” a Priest they had all known since they were young-

The five Williams sisters Teresa Mary, Julia Anne, Bessie Martha, Mary Helena & Annie Agnes- the five daughters of the Classics Degree girl Teresa Carroll married John Williams, he son of Anne O`Brien who became `A Little White Nun` as a widow…her daughter-in-law Teresa of 2 Southern Irish families Murphy-Carroll. Her daughters known because of their Welfare Mission & work with young semi-working Priests in the North of England-

1944 - there is another PLAN to get GR to Southern Ireland & off to

USA or Vatican School (Grote Brokers/Argentine solicitors will advise when I am GOT OUT OF BARBARIC IMPERIAL BRITAIN…the attacks on me have brought near death three times ! The Earl of LINDSAY always claiming “OFF SHORE” were his murderers ! )

1938 - as Pope, `young Paccelli` brought his little school into the Vatican for `children at risk`… Somebody stealing our post knew or eavesdropping at Montfort Lodge the Clacton Priests household perhaps & the arrangements were found out - My grandmother MARY GORDON was poisoned by Teresa who had returned criminally insane from her NOBLE FRIENDS in London Town that evening - accounts-records-Greta`s account to the Winnclemanns 1944/ Hospitals 1944-1960s/Detectives & Colleagues/families/ANDRE MALRAUX 1960 onwards …

1870-1944 - Mrs George Ernest Gordon (Mary Helena Williams)

` … her father John Williams Welsh/Irish made his coming-wife for the marriage a gold cross & she Teresa Carroll who had studied Harmony & Plato, took a ring made from a scarlet skein upon her finger at the Wedding ceremony at the Altar. Girls like her gave the money for the customary gold RING to the poor-box the Church-or began a Charity- Her new husband would then earn the money for the gold wedding ring. A NICE CUSTOM by Catholic Irish humanist blue-stockings - Teresa Carroll Williams gave her five/5 daughters ancient Catholic-Classical names- My grandmother is Mary Helena- Helena mother of Constantine who found the true cross- of whom my Great-Aunt Annie Agnes-artist Mary`s youngest sister would say “She, Saint Helena, would have been better staying at home cooking her son’s dinners…than trekking all over the Empire…`I HAVE BEEN READING HER UP ` ! Annie reads Lucretius & the Bible…

…I Greetah Ransom hear such interesting things when I call in on the 3-storied house `Stella Maris` after school 1943-1944- Annie she talks away & has the Radio Times Welsh programme marked out…on the kitchen table…she will not miss it…

1943/45 - If she has time she reads me something from The Ingoldsby Legends & is teaching me to make crosses out of anything- “ cross the wooden kitchen spoons in the kitchen on the table for a start…then nothing may burn !…” Into this holy household June 1945 com`th Saint George the Blessed Andre …& he says it saved his life…

Miss Bessie Martha elder sister to Miss Annie Agnes also admires `that young man Saint Charles de Gaulle`…She met him at a High Catholic Gathering at Westminster in the Wartime…Bessie’s 2nd Bible is Mrs Gaskell’s NORTH SOUTHBut Annie Agnes Artist has LUCRETIUS as her 2nd Bible- her Professor of Art & Italian Spiritual matters had been MANZONI LiverpoolI with Victoria & little Peter Rathbone Whitehead meet his daughter 1982 at a great Della Robbia Rathbone & other family lines Assembly at The Williamson Museum which have the Uncle Harold Rathbone collections…families of the craftsmen & women were there…Annie Agnes Carroll (Williams) has work done there when she came with Manzoni from his Granville Marble Works to RATHBONE Della Robbia…her MARK `A CL`

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX calls Bessie & Annie his Aunts…

& he states this in a firm manner…& with harsh eyes at Peter

“ my aunts & my intellectual equals Peter ” he is sensing foul mouths have been at PJPW from NOBLE Halls of Debauchery… Andre Malraux flashes a look at me Greta R.W &

then drops his eyes in almost despair…he picks up another Notebookwinter 1970 Harwell The Pillar House-

The Wedding of Grace with Josette between us-we three holding hands 17 April 1947.…“young Paccelli” now Pope Pius 12 felt it would be wise that a marriage of the GROTE-RANSOM heir & ANDRE MALRAUX her Guardian as well as Guardian to the Estate-with half of it in Catholic nations - be granted as ‘early wedding ’ - Couples made an early wedding where there was ample provision & they had responsibilities to the family the community/

1947 JANUARY - The Pope was informed by Clacton-on-sea & district town Catholics & other faiths of our suitability…

`… they walk about already like Darby & Joan- sing in the choir- & walk dogs along the beaches for hours -he says he will marry her when she is 17 years & meanwhile NO KISSING-

1947 January - Reports to Pope Pius XII `…The school girls several schools call him `still a boy in need of a good wife`- Mr & Mrs Winnclemann look after them & Professor Winnclemann is teaching them about Continental history- & other things- They have got an old house on the Holland marshes & Andre goes to work in France & is over every month …`

(We are ARCTIC gloom & drear ?the relatives Weddell might say so down at the SUB-ARCTIC where the personality is lighter, sunnier …but we have all the world to think aboutas well as carrying in our souls ghosts out at Holland-on-Sea…Summer 1937 )

Reports to ` young Paccelli ` “ The Convent school are very happy about an early Match…& Greetha will stay in education with them until she is 18 years old… Andre also sings in the Nun’s chapel as his counter-tenor voice suits their voices - Our Saint Clare nuns are very choosey whom they have in their chapel & he suits them well a young Catholic raised man…they do not mind at all that he questions the faith & regard this as enriching…He also drops into the schools all over East Anglia with Mr Armstrong the geographer & gives a talk & to the Youth Clubs…”

( The fact of Colonel ANDRE teaching a session to the BIG GIRLS 15 years to 17 years of age in the High School Dovercourt was very worrying…

OUR CLASS were frightened he might meet AN OLDER WOMAN ! Marriage to Greeta was to be hoped for early…or the WRONG SORT OF WOMAN COULD GET HIM ! We all prayed ! )

“…So that while the Convent school girls in Greetah’s class call him

‘a boy still’ they are well aware of his high intelligence…& only the intellectuals of the Convent School & the Pathfields School classes engage with him in earnest conversations…” The Pope could be satisfied we were level headed & our Arctic gloom not always present & we could dance `Moonlight Serenade` & Georges-ANDRE could CUT A RUG to `IN THE MOOD` at the Blue Lagoon BallroomMrs Winnclemann came with us as Chaperone !

…“ However all girls in school have told him they do not like the nasty guillotine punishment in France- it is barbaric ! Andre has promised to try & do something about this- he agrees with them

it’s a most uncivilized custom for a nation that calls itself A Modern Republic` - `perhaps he had not thought too much about it of recent years-wars & things - there was unrest amongst the young over Capital Punishments … `


A MODERN REPUBLIC…to have a messy chopping off of citizens heads ~ Colonel Andre ! I mean George…who clears up the mess ? Do they mind ? …” The Clacton intellectuals did not let the matter drop-they too were 12 & 13 years -

I Greeta Ransom stuck to history remarks & lines of poems…I have been told my name RANSOM is shameful by messages from a woman called Angela one of Mad Mother Kali’s friends of the 1920s-she says I am to call myself PEARL BARLEY at school- my Grandmother Mary Gordon was still alive while this was going on 1943-1944…

1947 January - Further advice that may have reached `young Paccelli` who is a surprisingly humanist young man

“… & as Andre-Andrew or George he is able to live in Clacton without drawing attention to himself- all the newspapers would not print a word- won’t let him down- after what he has been through with

all the deaths about him- his brothers & his young wife JO

` it is planned to educate the two little boys in Ampleforth we think

but they will stay in France for their first years…this is not clear yet…` ` they will grow up with the two languages - plenty of help here-Clacton & East Anglia & their mother`s families France…”…

OUTLOOK- he has had a medical check in London-Mr Winnclemann arranged it for him with the best he knows- so that he Andre Colonel Malraux can expect to live another 40 years-perhaps more if he looks after his chest & tosses fags away` `We have said to Miss Greta Ransom that she will have grandchildren by the time Andre GOES UP ON HIGH & that many couples do not get as long a happiness-

We have had her mother attacking us in the Town about the AGE DIFFERENCE…but she is to go in an Asylum for much needed treatment & outbreaks of violence…AT THE MARITAL COURT SHE LOST CUSTODY THE CHILDREN…granted to Captain Frederick John RANSOM…he with Court appointing their Guardians…

(…At school I am told George-ANDRE does not inhale much from his Fags…& they are really a young man’s symbol for France -

Gauloises ? he did not often smoke Gauloises- but a plainer cigarette that aunt Julie Butler used to get him when she could find them-cigarettes were hard to find 1945-1946…he could get fags when he landed at the USA airbase Ipswich but I do not remember him with those brands…I remember he had a packet of cigarettes called DU MAURIER…I begged for the empty carton for it could be SWOPPED AT SCHOOL … I collected old coins … G.R. )

OUTLOOK - for a hero & little Miss North Pole - a home is what

they both need- not just walking about the marshes the seashores- buying fish & chips in the dark evenings when they can find it - she would like 15 children like her grandmother Mary Gordon “ because you always lose some…”

` We have said to the Engaged To Marry YOUNG couple `very big families…that was in the old days` but George-Andre says he thinks a lot of children would please his General & wife… `

as they will all be brought up Catholics` Permission granted February - in writing March -

1946 August/September - Captain Frederick John Ransom won custody his 3 children- 2 boys John & Colin to go to boarding school-custody Mr Fred Neville Potter & his wife Esther Mary she youngest sister of their mother the former Teresa Elizabeth Gordon-Teresa Ransom -

Greta Ransom eldest child the Ransom marriage, has her inheritance- ( full sister to the two boys) - custody Miss Win Gordon & her brother Harry Gordon & Mrs Winnclemann & ANDRE MALRAUX already Guardian…he to be named as Man of Letters in official documents -Name to be kept by the J.Ps of the Court only & Reverend Mother Benedict, Convent of Saint Clares… This was Malraux’s request because of his employment now by General de Gaulle & problems with Clara Malraux & status of the two sons of he & Josette -

Nota bene : 1945 - Mr paedophile Imperial Britain Harrington is again PAID by G.B. Government Lords as 1938 - put to CLUTCHING AT ANDRE MALRAUX & HIS LIFE…& HARRINGTON paedophile of Noble & Royal chums has moved in on ANDRE MALRAUX’s Paris Dutch style rented house - Harrington friend of Clara Malraux uses it for his base when he comes on SEXUAL EXCURSIONS - CHILD PORNOGRAPHY & HEAVY DOPES- he calls himself AN INVESTIGATOR of these matters - HE IS AREADY AS SADISTICALLY INSANE AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO GO - he belongs to a witchcraft CULT OF SAINT MICHAEL, in FRANCE, since the 1930s…

1945 onwards- Ed du Cann his father & 2 man false legal team-others in this FRAUD- Earls Lindsaybuggarhs- now told Miss Winifred Gordon to keep Captain Ransom from meeting MALRAUX-

The records/diaries/notes/ on this time show horrible PLOTTING goes on…

1970 - Andre Malraux born 1901 is explaining to PJPW

the horrible DECEIT/violence/dealt he & Greetha from 1937 & many others who knew of the Inheritance or had some little polite understanding…

Over the years ahead PJPW slowly learns how his grandfather Sir Rowland Edward WHITEHEAD got drawn into it…several people he is related to are already dead since 1968 in this FRAUD over the JOYOUS VENTURE & GROTE HOMES…There is murder- staged accidents & mishaps which are cunningly arranged as accidents… killings to stop the truth being in the memory of anybody - PJPW will be fooled by the criminally insane & be tricked by them - Mengele & Imperial big boots clutch at him…PJPW dies age 61 years in 1992...

1946 onwards - `Captain Ransom has to be abroad on the Estate matters - he has already been attacked by thugs from the realms of BRITISH IMPERIAL HIGH CLASS SIN- who are using murderous violence against all his families to have him declare NO INTEREST IN THE ESTATE- Fred MacMurray Filmstar , Broker Wall Street has his son pushed down a mine shaft- survives 15 years with a broken back- Lists of attacks & deaths-missing persons- are gathered by many people- & again 1960 onwards -

1946 - Captain Frederick John RANSOM (British Army) b Nov. 1911-

cannot get anything in writing as to the illegal intentions of the Imperial Gross Britain Government run by Lords & other penniless thugs/some Vultures come from Scandinavia…but hears they are yelling down Whitehall loud enough to reach INDIA Jewel in their Crown “ in the red ” whenever they have broken off a piece of the Estate by emptying a BANK ACCOUNT in names of Greta & Lennie RANSOM…using the dirty Imperial big Boots of the said Lords running the Government of the Fallen British Empire & its Crown authorities…

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