HOW DO THEY DO IT ? … Its very easy using a `faceless woman` (Crown moneys are no Income Tax & the privacy of the Divine)…& THEY ONLY HAVE TO EMPTY BANKS- using the NATIONAL INDUSTRY Teams - which has instructions to remove all evidence of Grote Homes & try get hold of the rest of the Estate RANSOM - Kill & call them Apes if they are young-or Eskimos- with no titles Yah know` A reference that human beings will find helpful here is `We once found an enlightened Ruler down in San Salvador…` Warns the great humanist Captain Liam Ransom Xmas 1936/New Year 1937...
The Grote Children the globe slain in their HOMES A-Z under cover of 2nd World War was a most terrible discovery/for some… the Royal Navy ships had been used to SAIL IN- reports-documents-oral-photos etc - Other Noble thugs recruited & joining the Lindsaybuggarhs/Imperial big dirty boots/ & little Jimmie Jong who MANNED the Palace…using brutality to see NEWS FROM WHITEHALL did not penetrate to a working man…whom one morning he JIM had to tie to his chair by his dressing gown cord SO THAT HIS CONDITION WAS NOT SEEN BY THOSE PASSING TO BREAKFAST …Papers on his desk WOULD NOT BE UNDERSTOOD by him… He a man called DAVID was DOPED… (technique learned Great WAR/1st World war/ by visits to shell-shocked relatives in the CLINICS/the Nut Houses/Hospitals…they had to be DOPED so they could not RECALL WHAT THEY HAD COME FROM…Trench warfare & living amidst bits of bodies of their young friends…)
1930s/1940s - GREED-GREED-GREED…a CLASS telling itself it was DIVINE…& other noble names said `IF THEY ARE HELPING THEMSELVES SO ARE WE`… They could join in on these HUNTING BIG GAME slayings carefully planned 1938/1940 as “clearing of Grote Homes” … All of them now “ were able to hide behind the purple dressing gown of Angela- as they boasted always when matters might be discovered “ `
1939 - Witnesses report to Whitehall… `Angela says 1938 “ I want the Grote Homes cleared the lands sold & the money given to me…” Angela too uses this dangerous narcotic on occasions Divinorum Salvia Scotland- the Cult wear something purple/claret/aubergine coloured when using it- Their noble families grow it & it is in stables to be used for `a hard ride`…it fetches a very big price in poor nations relying on slave labour in all forms…
1945 July …that Saturday morning in our garden the house at the end of the REC…Teresa Gordon Mad Mother Kali Old Mother Ransom Clytemnestra as we Esseax school children call her was hissing at Lindsay-Clarke … “…it shows- side of your nose- your face-you are purple- you have sores ! I have told you not to use it too much- only for winning- when we have to WIN… …need determination ” !
Divinorum Salvia Scotland is what they are talking about-a terrible dope they use when they want to kill others -
1945 July - Mad Mother Kali/Clytemnestra Sheshe said with her ugly frown on her corrugated iron roof forehead…jerking her shoulder at me Greta Ransom holding a shopping list & about to leave the garden… `I want HER HER married at 16- anyone- you ? We then give her a car accident- say she was found most unsuitable` You ? Lindsay-Clarke - He said grave & gay mood “`Your daughter -she is NOT to marry- they have given ORDERS…at the top…” He had just called her ` Treeeee` & said “ Ange` was a misery these days…” Tree & Ange of the Roaring 20s ! They are all criminally insane on this dope - & MASSIVE GREED…
A Whitehall Government servant (Grantly-Smithers ?) said 1939... “where are all the GROTE children to go- you can’t have them wandering the world saying they have been thrown out of their HOMES…a million of them … ” Lindsaybuggarhs Earls & others were not going to give Angela all of the money for selling of the lands- A boast is `A Lindsay NEVER keeps his word` records/Clacton/Races/London Town…
1945 July - Notes - Saturday morning ` (Greta said) ` a rearing tom cat with green eyes was boasting he had torn the arms off the girls of age 15 16 17 they waited to be shot…` The older man Lindsay Clarke said they were down to celebrate his 20th birthday in the old place before it was pulled down… & would get the doctor to give him something to take his memory away… “ he was too excited…Silly boy…Silly boy…his first experience…of hunting big game…”
Greta Ransom 12 years old - called pauper-other names- by the chum of NOBLE CRIMINALLY INSANE…Teresa Gordon R. friend of Angela since they are teenager/Angela 6 years older ! Both of the silly Cats got caught by JIM ON THE PIN… Old Mother Ransom that often jeers at Greta Ransom HEIR… `YOU you YOU are not mine-you were muddled in the hospital- I ONLY WANT SONS SONS SONS….
1945 July - That Saturday morning…suddenly with her help-she got me away on the errands ! She may have felt she was going to lose her HOSTAGE ! It was no love of G.R. …THESE MONSTERS HAVE DAMAGED THEIR BRAINS WITH LETHAL DOPES since 12/13 years of age….(My father comes September/I have Colonel ANDRE…to remain unknown to SHEshe- ANDRE MALRAUX to meet FJR !!!
1945 July - Saturday morning : I went down to the Clacton Old Road & almost fell over into 2 school-teachers & began TRYING TO SAY OF THE HORROR I HAD HEARD WITHOUT SEEMING TO BE DRAMATIC…They of Cambridge & Oxford Universities were in the Old Road leading to the Marine Parade the small town… It was an hour later from the first appearance of the many odd looking persons in garish old films clothes - My head now felt numb then full of fears & my words came stumbling out… I told my school teachers some things of horror spoken by these people in Old Films clothes…` perhaps about 16 or more of them in our garden & outside by the sandpit and some on the hill round the deep end of the pools for the big yachts `- I spoke on “ A REARING TOM CAT WITH GREEN EYES that had torn the arms off girls…” This was recalled by them during the next years…/reaching 1960 Andre Malraux`s Detectives/ Colleagues …Hospital workers etc Essex/
The Wartime CLACTON Teachers know how we live at the house on the Rec - They calmed me & told me to go & do the Saturday shopping before the shops sold out of things…& took the matter higher- & lived awhile - Mr Andrews B.A Oxon Science & Maths- & Armstrong geographer of Cambridge- Armstrong knows my Uncle Potter 6` 4 inches tall…
This Gross British Imperial Lordly Cult in BIG DIRTY BOOTS handling stolen moneys from the destruction of our Estate & the HOMES…& now embarked upon utter ruthless PLUNDER of the GLOBE A-Z …are handing big piles of dough/properties/ to their awful crass ISSUE… They are murderers of the GROTE CHILDREN the settlements & workers of our Estate…& should have been thrown on a railway line & run over… that is what they have caused to happen to JOSETTE MALRAUX last year…so they can wallow in blood & gore MONEYS…mouthing LOOK AT ME…I AM THE BIG ONE !
1945 spring - ANDRE MALRAUX Colonel Georges-Andre… ANDRE MALRAUX a brave young man who helped make A STATEMENT THAT HAD TO BE MADE TO THE WORLD/Wars of Spain & 2nd World War - Man of Letters - has returned in his grief to Clacton-on-sea where he & JOSETTE entered happiness SUMMER 1937 - HE COMES BEARING THE DEAD JOSETTE…She is dead from British Imperial HIGH CLASS SIN-PIN GREED- They the criminally insane have slain the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN A to Z the globe - some few Homes are left & in danger…all to DIE for IMPERIUM
1937 SUMMER - September - ANDRE & JOJo&Joh & Greetha … set out from the seashores of Clacton-on-Sea-upon `A JOYOUS VENTURE` TO LINCOLN - to find his mother’s ancient men & women & their families homes - We will speak to them casting our voices into the AIRS of the SPACES where they lived…& THANK THEM FOR OUR LIVES…So many ancient lines- families- homes & lands & monuments… Andre MALRAUX has from his mother Berthe` all of her old family names from her 9th century SEA PEOPLES Sea Traders down to the mid -19th century- They too went sailing the globe as RANSOM & lines …
1944 - THE DEAD JOSETTE HAS LEFT ANDRE HEIRS - 2 sons - Pierre & Vincent - heirs as Ransom-Gronlander-Weddell-San Julian leave lines of SEA PEOPLES - One day we ALL go to the STARS -
1937-1945 - POST/Mail…all postal/telephone communications to ANDRE MALRAUX scrutinized/intercepted/ stolen/some answered by TRICKSTERS WHITEHALL…In name of British Government & Crown…for the Earls of LINDSAY & ANGELA whose parents go out in Wales on Witchcraft Vendettas…LINDSAY Premier Earls Gross Britain ` Malraux to be slain if he dares Claim` reports Whitehall - Information 1952 onwards/further research by Andre Malraux Detectives/Colleagues/& HUMANISTS…1960 onwards …
1937 - It is a summer morning early the next week of their holidays… I say Aunt Winnie says “ the way to the SEA is lined with chapels & churches…”… I know that ANDRE-George likes to see architecture & look at everything inside a building & be introduced if I can see somebody we know - or he this so tall ANDRE will spe`ke forth on his own…I say that Daddy & I pop in on some churches Sunday mornings as we go the `WAY OF THE 7 CHURCHES TO THE SEAS`…to hear different hymns as we make our way to the Seafront the beaches the cliffs…to take me to the GREAT church of Our Lady for the HIGH MASS - Jo & Andre are both Catholics so I do not have to explain other things & he can read all Latin easily -
1937 - I Greetha RANSOM am to SHOW THE YOUNG HOLIDAY MAKERS the town…From Great Clacton where the Little Doomsday Book ancient Church was…& is now a later church & close by is the tiny early Anabaptist Chapel (to be a wood cutters workshop) leading to the Valley Road that descends then rises to the Holland cliffs - I say that we can continue the Old Road & come to the Doctor Barnardo’s Home for Orphans & see the tiny Greek temple Masonic Lodge - “…then we reach the old Quaker Meeting House where people come from London to hear him preach once a month wearing a stovepipe hat & his wife & the other ladies in black with lace collars sit on the steps of the white wood houses & smoke CLAY PIPES on Saturdays. He the Old Preacher is INSPIRING…& people come from London Town to hear him speak to us all :
` Then walking the WAY TO THE SEA we shall see the modern churches Christian Scientists-Baptists-Methodists - All townspeople now more or less go to church but some have to work in summer but come in winter & then we ALL have a good midday dinner at half past one o`the clock…even 2 pm if we linger speaking with others in the bracing cold on the SEAFRONT ` `Then we reach the big church over the road from OUR HOUSE where we are having our holiday…& I say that I can be taken to church with Granny Gordon & they, Andre & Jo if they like to be alone, they can make this WALK TO THE SEA & hear the singing of so many different kinds & Ages…on Sundays. But the Catholic Church has many Services all the days of the week & is the best “ like a theatre” & it is all very friendly… except the Converts are serious & do not joke inside the Church gardens… ( Perhaps they are converts because of their sins ? )`… ( REPORTS : GR & others in the RANSOM-GORDON family/ ANDRE MALRAUX NOTEBOOKS…Burgermeister of GAUL…
1937 Summer - THE SEVEN CHURCHES : We shall see inside them but not all on one day- & not the Catholic church for Andre REFUSES & says he & Josette know them in France- thus he will be amazed in June 1945 when at 9 pm he saw inside & entered ANCIENT ROME - a gift of 2 widows - … who said in 1920 ` we’d like something built as we see in Rome- here’s 20 thousand pounds & you can have some more…`
1929 - The Pope before `young Paccelli` sent an old valued Priest to Clacton-on-sea from Rome to live at Clacton & assist…& an ancient Font & a magnificent PULPIT …`
1959 January - ANDRE MALRAUX new MINISTER OF GAUL… love speech to Greta Ransom X … he speaks softly using some quotes from HENRY V Shakespeare…after an attack…`we are the makers of fashion…& in our Path to Rome…we emerge mighty from Rome : DWELL WITHIN ME …”
1945-46...the winter evenings after the end of 2nd World War - Widower Colonel Andre & Greta Ransom make this walk of the Seven Churches again & again- without JOJo&Joh-Josette-who has left 2 tiny boys - These coming years of grief… ANDRE MALRAUX he will say of SUMMER 1937/1957... `Thee did hold back winter for me ` …Where did I put my porridge bowl ? On the moon on my shelf…& a Crown of STARS I did make thee for evening tide rippling gently in or out…& did Cassiopia`eaha- our Queen sleep ? … until the Dancing Time…When we were both young - so young enough not to feel embarrassment over being so young-that summer the weeks were always 8 days long… … we became worn out STAR WATCHING….” ( Notebooks Andre Malraux/GR & LIR )
ANDRE becoming Saint George, did sometimes make me feel silly as he stared at me when I spake forth-I do speak as the grown-ups for I have to be with them to be guarded from ‘monsters from the deep’. But I have gathered some dignity again & SHEshe was stopped dressing me as the Little Match girl & sitting me in the back garden in the last winter icy nights…where I was supposed to have fallen asleep. Oh no I do not - SHEshe puts nasty powders in my drinks-& when going mad with the monsters of the deep she rubs powders in my mouth & nose-so does Mr Pong & that other one he goes about with a LINDSAY (Earl 14 who with JIM murders the Newfoundland heir 1942 to pay DEATH DUTIES/RECORDS )
…& they call me ape & Eskimo when Daddy has been sent on a wild goose chase… say the folk of high intellect …
1937 summer - Sometimes I have said a thing or two to JO that summer when a matter requires a fuller answer…it maybe because she is often writing notes for ideas for her stories. She makes headlines & sub-headlines across the page…sometimes she uses red or green ink…we went to buy some in a little shop not the big Smiths the Booksellers in the Pier Avenue …
1947 summer - Mengele paedophile Harrington got in JOSETTE`S cupboard…searching IN HATE of US ALL…from 1947 onwards & destroyed he said all her writings at Clacton-on-sea… He took a boyfriend to also have a good time…they charge BIG EXPENSES TO THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT WHITEHALL…Mengele Harrington had been getting in the Chateau Charente near Tulles, saying he is the Malraux family doctor & Clara (on heroin since she was 12 says Mr Professor Winnclemann) has said Mengele could do this - ANDRE did not know until autumn 1957...& it is doubtful if he could keep OUT this sadistic paedophile GOLLUM Royal Satrap to G.B. & Scandinavia…
1937 February - Suddenly my young Father 6 years younger than Teresa Gordon R. found SHEshe out telling big evil spiteful lies- I heard him saying to her early one morning …
“…she has been out all night again ! … Found talking with the birds again in the dawn & the night was frosty ! YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE… she does not sleep-walk & she is not an imbecile… She was found by the neighbours…` FJR means me Greetha Ransom- she puts some drugs in me says I am an ape-
Mad mother Kali-Clytemnestra-Mata Hari will demand …« WHO-who-WHO- I WILL GO & SEE THEM - tell them to mind their own bloody business-they are telling lies about me-because you give me no money… `I have married beneath me-my friends-my friends Angela all of them tell ME ME ME I have married an ape- beneath me…”
Nota bene : All these noble Vampire women like to play at being Mata Hari in the 1920s/1930s … they can sell information to Whitehall for moneys…they think always of dough…THEY ARE VERY NOBLE PROSTITUES…VAGRANTS…TWISTERS…
Nota bene : Angela-Ange is called `vulgar` in the `1930s-1960s- Teresa-Tree I think should be called `thuggish` - 1953/1960s we hear “Angela- she got syphilis early…everyone was very careful …she went travelling with JIMMIE…he was full of tricks…Oh he was a PIMP…enjoyed getting these girls into trouble…fastened on them…”
1938 my Father Frederick John RANSOM tried get a divorce but LINDSAYBUGGARHS would then claim custody in SECRET SILENCE me Greta Frobisher Weddell Ransom who is Margarethe Ransom Grote’s heir in-training with Lennie to look after `THE JOYOUS VENTURE` OUR PEOPLES & OUR LANDS A to Z the globe…Oh they would NOT WIN in any Gross British Court/sometimes it’s a dirty system when they go to Court/ they are Premier Earls Gross Britain & of the even GROSSER Scotland-where they pour petrol down people & set them on fire for lands moneys or FUN…
I did not tell ANDRE or JO these things- what Daddy came upon when young & why Margarethe SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE THAT WEST SIDE OF SCOTLAND-where they grow purple plum…
1937 our SUMMER VISITORS - Andre & Josette have had enough spilling blood & gore & burnings in SPAIN…all done for greed ignorance & dough - I do not know of the boiling in marmalade by Earl Lindsaybuggarhs & their thugs…done to cousin Murgatroyd on his lands age 22 years only-Homesteader & Coptic scholar - It was not until October when Andre & JO have left that I heard the tragedy-we will not tell Aunt Murgatroyd girl of the Russet Silk Bridal Gown…he is her only child… 1969/70 - The LINDSAY mob, JIM & Mengele Harrington & a thug called Crown Tenant ( this is theft with violence 1939 of our Montrose Farm we bought 1500 !) kill Dr JOHN RAY/rae ® Montrose by pouring petrol down his throat - Reports 1970s/witnesses/some revenge/
c 1917 JOHN RANSOM (name changed to JOHN RAY so he could be educated & survive more violence from LINDSAY Premier Earls of Gross Britain ) Earl Lindsay women called & attacked him at 1 month old cutting off with a penknife the end of his penis…In the same house `Jerusalem` where they had persecuted & killed Millie Frobisher (whom they claim as COUSIN) she now the Widow Mrs John Ransom - LINDSAY murdered her husband 1890 Hithergreen School…cut his liver out-displayed it beside his body school playground…
1917 - Whether the attack on baby John Ransom is after or before the basket of poisoned fruit the LINDSAY women came with by carriage I cannot recall or take time to go to the archives- The fruit killed the 11 years sick son of the Deptford High Street Wireless man` as well as making Jean Fred & my father FJR eldest son very ill- Police reports & the up-market shop supplying the FRUIT BASKET did know of these matters done by NOBLE BRITAIN…
…Jean & Frederick Charles RANSOM protected their little 2nd son Johnnie & from 2 years old he has to be educated in a special guarded school Kentucky USA run by a rich doctor who may have suffered the same attack as a child -
FINALLY THE LINDSAY MONSTERS …EARLS OF GROSS BRITAIN …( sporting all these medals they have never earned…or are they presented for SLAYING THE GROTE CHILDREN ? ) … murdered so horribly DR JOHN RAY (RANSOM) USA CITIZEN … 3 degrees in subjects the world needs- Astra-physics/Animal Management/LAW…
1938 SUMMER - John (Ray) RANSOM’s mother JEAN my grandmother Weddell ballerina says Summer 1938 `I had him on my knee my little Johnnie…I could see he was not developing right…your Grand Dad said he had to go- HE HAD TO GO THEN…it was the only chance- or they’d get at him in the street…Now I will write him all these things in my monthly letter when you have gone to bed & your Dad is here with me…`
LETTERS FROM JEAN… some parts read by a man called John Ray calling himself `Uncle John` to Greta Ransom February 1960 as he takes NIGHT WATCH at Colne Engaine…Records/BOOK of Andre Malraux Detectives & Colleagues Colne Engaine 1960/1961/Detectives-Colleagues-LIR etc.
JEAN WEDDELL ballerina/a DEGAS painting her mother MINERVA bought from the Painter when he was very old/Her daughter leans against the barre a bunch of scarlet velvet flowers in her hair for her dead husband & babe in Spain/AQUIDA/ (she has russet tint hair of Aelovedamah-Maria her grandmother) She wore her bunch of MOURNING flowers when dancing her Spanish-Inca modern choreography/painting stolen by Angela & JIM after the murder of FREDERICK CHARLES Frobisher RANSOM October 1939...they drove him out of his home `Jerusalem` saying he was a homeless old man/ they doped him/he died in a Suffolk HOSPITAL & RECORDS 3 persons shown 1960 prove murder-a big funeral is held LONDON/where are newspaper Obituaries ?
The old painter knew she was James Weddell The SEA sub-arctic his grand-daughter INCA Spanish & admired her choreography for modern Spanish pieces…he talked with her mother MINERVA a well known Ballad writer & heard of the problems they had from the Imperial British with denial of the Quaker-Roman Catholic marriage to the high born INCA family…DEGAS was old, had lost his moneys, but he could sketch away watching the ballet developing & keeping warm too …
Jean as Mrs F.C Ransom & Greta’s grandmother-Lennie`s mother… dances Debussy’s IBERIA from the 1920s Europe & South America as well as Manuel de Falla `3 Cornered Hat` for which she was famous with her great black shawl & fan (coming Earl Lindsay 14 & JIM stole it 1937 `there has been a break-in Jerusalem IN THE NAME OF THE CROWN` -Deptford Police who would like to DO THIS LOT IN…)…& Jean has danced all of Classical ballet from 17 years of age…)
1919 - Records/ …how Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM an educated man & another had to grab by the throat this Imperial FREAK in House of Lords at 7pm 1919 it was arranged he be alone by 2 brave men, & MAKE IT SIGN THE FORM so the damaged nearly 2 years old son JOHN RANSOM (mutilated by the evil LINDSAY females) could be given a chance of life away from them ~
FREDERICK CHARLES knew the pattern of LINDSAY MADNESS…he had lived it all his life- had his mother 32 years of age killed by them, stabbed in one eye with a steel Pen to make her sign away the FROBISHER LANDS Florida she owned with her brother…then she dumped in his arms at the door of `Jerusalem` this little sweet home by Deptford sloping Park-HE 14 YEARS OF AGE ! Records/archives /diaries/this & that…LINDSAY EARLS, LINDSAYBUGGARHS…were after the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE-they often CULLED kith & kin-
The babe Johnnie survived- to have nasty tricks played on him at 17 years of age so HE DID NOT MEET HIS PARENTS…or KNOW WHO THEY WERE ! It was a brave person who wished to have him told of his mother`s death…she of LETTERS FROM JEAN…he was to finish his superb education & then have the choice of knowing his parents or not-THE PARENTS OR GUARDIANS THEN CAME TO INTRODUCE THEMSELVES to the former young VICTIMS…whose education had taught them to cope with their disfigurements/…As Dr JOHN RAY ® he was returning 1969/1970 to the USA, TO TAKE UP SENATE WORK by invitation…he is given a big Ransom Estate Canada 1920 by Margaret Ransom GROTE…/FRAUD-theft 1975- Lindsay 15 & G.B. Crown…
1960 - RESTORING THE JOYOUS VENTURE - Dr John RAY ® with President Kennedy & parents, old New York & USA friends of Tiggy & Margaret…Andre Malraux & Dr Len I.R. & Greta’s father FJR…they saved a third of the `Joyous Venture` & got it circling about the Globe again- They had to take care for in FRANCE, USA, & several other nations the IMPERIAL CROOKS had put up FRONT business persons who did not know the evil FRAUD or the slaying of the Grote Homes children…some tricked into buying our lands & properties…` |
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