Greta Ransom

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1960-1963... `… The Hollywood Bowl was got back by Kennedy & he KICKED OUT of the Bridal Home New York waterfront the thugs who said it had been left 1938 to an Asquith cousin of Millie Frobisher Lindsay…!

President Kennedy`s parents had letters/documents/which PROVED THE MASSIVE FRAUD IN USA done by Angela & her MENthey using the next generation as pack horses for the crimes…Kennedy wrote Angela a letter telling her to look after her own SLUMS & not create them in his Nation…Many people the world thought of her as a woman who had abused her brother-in-law to get top job British Empire…

1960s - TIGGY GROTE was still remembered…Margarethe had put bust bronze portraits of him about the globe…his appearance so appealing…one HEAD was up the stairs of the Eifel Tower…it was a pastime to climb some of the stairs up when the Tower was new…The bust of TIGGY was at a decent climb positon : `it would have inscription to remember your local Grote Home…put a sou or half a franc in the Home-it all helped the orphans educating to 18...Visit your Grote Home for Sportsday or a Christmas entertainment…meet the children…`

A life size bronze perhaps in Austria/Germany, was Tiggy in a chariot with children he has saved for the Homes educating to 18 years…a marble statue in our Villa Corfu was intact until 1963 when JIM thugs got at it smashing the head off…the Villa turned by them into a restaurant had to give big profit to them…claiming it as British Crown Imperial lands ! & the FRAUD was everywhere…it was the NATIONAL INDUSTRY of HIGH CLASS SIN Gross Britain…from 1938...

Dr JOHN RAY ® - He has his own Estate Northern Canada a gift from Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Grote 1920 when she knew he was as a child physically impaired (this Estate was jeeringly called `Crown Property` by Pong Lindsay 14 & other SCUM PIMPS Paedophiles & PONCES in WHITES Gents CLUB a VICE BAR St James` Scarlet Town 1958 )…

& Dr John RAY Ransom has 2 Ranchers with seaplanes & little planes to take care of the Estate- His miracle modern medical technique son was to suffer this death 1975 age 17 years...he had been hidden with his mother- but aged 17 years POUL Ray (Ransom) was discovered by IMPERIAL BRITAIN protecting one Angela-& Estate grabbed for Lindsay Earls & JIM & now hopped on the Imperial trundle cart & the filthy paedophile thug called Doc Mengele HARRINGTON & other hangers on come for fun & EXPENSES Crown office G.B. `HUNTING BIG GAME` - ALL OF THEM COME FROM FAMILIES WHO GROW THIS DANGEROUS NARCOTIC export it to poor nations & STUFF IT UP THEIR UGLY SNOUTS so they may do violent bestial deeds for dough-

…. `Uncle John Ray did not think `monsters from the deep knew whom he was these pre-Lucy Leakey thugs did …

They poured petrol down JOHN RAY RANSOM’s throat & Mengele Royal Satrap paedophile Gollum Doc Harrington chased him & shot him as he tried to get to the sea - get help… 2 witnesses got offshore -….(witnesses/reports) FIGURES FROM A MORGUE could still strut about the globe after this crime...

1933 - At Montrose `The Mary Rose `our family ship a 4 master a restoration piece has been sunk in The Basin by LINDSAYBUGGARHS & Jimmie Mr Pong…“ Angela to be Empress of the Universe- big plans brewing with Scandinavia…”

1936 - Lennie Ransom my best friend & I Greetha saw our family ship-it is below in the sunny waters-the American branches are coming over to get it up…We are digging up the RANSOM 16th century graves & others covered because of Religious Maniac Times & recording the inscriptions-We smell horribly of decay the whole visit & are NOT allowed in the dining room-USA Ransoms visiting & sailing doth complain ! Ida/Ivy Ransom USA with Japanese eyes sees we have meals outside on a tray-old Mrs Ransom brings them…

1500 Montrose Farm we buy 1500 for the Widower F.R. his coming marriage Bruges Cathedral 1504 to `The Lady of Japan Old Royal line family of Yuss-shampoo of OKINAWA-hence our 2 islands end of Lusan chain her dowry 1512 where we all visit our kith kin/histories/records /diaries/ F.R. our Grandpa in a straight line is painted in the Kalkar Altar piece Joest/assistance young Joos van Cleve…F.R. is Lazarus `he will ARISE from the dead` THUS WE ARE TO EXIST…Lennie and me & all of us/genealogy & histories/ -Montrose stolen by monsters with a Crown -

1939 September - MONTROSE FARM stolen by Jimmie Jong Mr Pong now Major this-that James-Carew O`Carroll who has a 2-man Unit back of Buckingham Palace called Intelligence with a man called Clive I think- JIM Mr Pong with 6 or so British Army thugs did this dreadful sadistic obscene painful Scottish trick -poured petrol down their throats…the two Old Ransoms…the line of my great-great grandpa Fred RANSOM Jacopsholmen Island & the early `Joyous Venture` This Montrose Farm is his brother’s line- it reaches into USA…

At this time, 1939 autumn, 2 other people were killed- they were in the Law- they complained 1939 of the unlawful killings & said the old Ransom couple were not in touch with Japan & Germany- records/accounts by 2 Watchers/documents/photos/

1939/1940s - Usual routine now followed using State Workers-removal of archives-graves-endowments-kith & kin- Earl Lindsaybuggarhs & all penniless criminally insane NOBLE Britain get pickings- FRAUD & savage barbaric theft about our great JOYOUS VENTURE double girdle the globe philanthropy- GROTE HOMES-lands-investments- EVIL Noble G.B. & SCANDINAVIA have a GENOCIDE going on by 1940...

1937 SUMMER - I doth halt my speech on matters of last year

1935-1936- JOSETTE & ANDRE need a rest from horrors in SPAIN-

THE MADNESS of Teresa Gordon Ransom has gone to Scarlet Town

SHEshe whom ANDRE has met in December 1924 Deauville -

MALRAUX will recall 1957 for he keeps notebooks & some of his friends had not forgot her…when they find her in fashionable Soho Pub 1934 LONDON with me !

The madness of her noble scum is beyond belief & when she has been OUT with them- who are penniless vagrants & killers- she comes back with orders to destroy us-& sweetie bags of Free Dopes to help her harm us all- SHEshe will rage on -until my poor young Father picked me up grabbed my clothes & took me to Mary Gordon her mother- or other kind folk who are with THE GOSPELS ACTED OUT -

1937 - A GENOCIDE HAS ALREADY BEGUN-the Nobles of Imperial Britain & Scandinavia are killing people for money-

& passing some to their relatives some on the continent…

1937 SUMMER - MY STEP BROTHER Jeremiah who is Persian-

I do not tell ANDRE-George or `JoJo&Joh` of the physical attacks on me with hot poker or pushing my head in the coal scuttle by she &

Mr Pong, & banging my arm against door frames so I will not write or paint…locking me under the stairs with the pickled head of Zully Sultan -

(I have a damaged writing hand to this day- but it makes no difference to Modern Dance where I can tell in movements what I want to say…Thank you Oxford FE & dear Pam- Head of History of dance 1990-92- she took Classics first…)

The Persian head is very parchment white with no eyes… & SHEshe one morning in winter cut a piece off his neck & fried it as bacon & gave it me…then she whispered what it was-& was pleased with her morbid joke…I did not eat BACON for several years until I forgot- This was why Miss Annie Artist my Great-Aunt said he was my step-brother I suppose. I hope you got home HEAD - SHEshe will tell it all at the Nobles Parties back of Palace of course, & get clapped !

Annie-Agnes will call him Jeremiah to soothe my indignation & grief

“ Your step-brother Jeremiah…” & Ruth Bare artist & she took him to the Clacton hospital for an X-ray & then he went in a JAR in the Persian Embassy who said they’d see he got home. She thought I told dreams on Sundays after High Mass ! But hearing something from another person it might be true…came with a basket & cloth & took him away saying firmly to Greetah “Jeremiah-he has kept his head but had a lot to put up with- your step-brother” & they christened him a Catholic so he’d get Extra Help from Heaven to get home to his family…

Annie Carroll Williams (her mark ACW sometimes A CL W) & Ruth Bare are both artists/Liverpool Art Sheds/ Manzoni Granville Marble Works/ Uncle Harold Rathbone’s Della Robbia Pottery Birkenhead…

& girl working artists all their lives…

AROUND US ARE THESE NOBLE criminally insane WHO are using this dope so very dangerous in fire-blown pellets stuffed up their nasty spying in-bred greedy snouts WHERE IT HITS THEIR BRAIN IN 2 SECONDS Divinorum Salvia Scotland-Only Nobles are allowed illegally to grow it- Angela’s parents (called `The Bloody Liars` by City of London Elders 1960s who are discovering blood & gore moneys being brought in) Earl Crawford -Lindsaybuggarhs - the du-tin Cann mob all grow it & ship the main crop to Overseas Nations that have slave labour in factories-prostitution-slave servant power…

20th century - Sleazy perks of a penniless Noble Class- There is NO NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavia is full of nasty bilge rats- VINLAND Vikings need to come & axe these Beowulf Grendel like monsters in their big marble halls along their conquered seashores-

1937 SUMMER - TENNIS CLUB 11am Clacton Sea front towards Jaywick - the Court well booked that morning- ‘no need buy plimsoles` a hesitancy in the speech to Andre Malraux… of a tall youngish man- `Andre-Andrew…I have some your size at home-I will cycle back & bring them in-Oh if no Court free now then I will bring them in this afternoon-for you…` A kindly man whose name Uncle Harry Gordon in a brief 10 minutes tells me Greta Ransom XMAS mid-day 1964...

1937 - here is ANDRE MALRAUX known to have been in SPAIN -writes books important to human beings… In 1960s become an intelligent humanist Minister of FRANCE `A MAN OF LETTERS`

1937 at the Tennis Club - `I hath find beside me a figure of grace-

I doth turn to watch hee & see his eyes his face & attend upon his tall lithe body movements…with already a motherly attendance upon his immortal SOUL but anxious not to be me this dwarf figure with too much speech-but a listener first as we are taught…& only say what I hath been taught…` The Tennis Club building is perhaps Edwardian…a great tall window is in front of us- then George-Andre he doth turn so that it is framing him- he An Angel of All LIGHT upon the earth come to these seashores where I hath made him a sand banquet- gathered flat stones to draw for him messages as they did long ago-

Daddy & Lennie write Sumerian - & send postcards to Dr Barnardo Childrens` Homes over the Old Road- it is not SAFE to use the POST/mail because Cousins Lindsaybuggarhs for Angela & her evil men are secretly claiming our Grote HOMES & RANSOM Estate- `even our bread on the table our coals our fairies at the bottom of the garden that now hath fled to the Marshpools gases at Holland upon Seanow JO’s beaches….

Nota bene : This 1937 summer morning (I Greta 4 & a half years old) before we left the house on the corner to come to the Tennis Club Unity’s mother spooned into me some of the medicine- She had got the other bottle from Mary Helena Granny Gordon widow at `Crail`

1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX to PJPW the Pillar House Harwell…

“… It was clearly laced with dope - a spoonful & she a child of not yet

five years old would become restless & speak of deep matters of the soul Peter ! They were trying to KILL HER - because she was heir…That summer her protectors had gone to SPAIN- a rescue that failed - that is one of the most tragic murders I have ever heard- I WISH TO GIVE IT ALL BACK TO THEM in the name of the Estate-

the children they have slain…in their greed…`

`Yes ! I Andre Malraux have always accepted the Guardianship of Greetha - I did so in writing & on the telephone to Mary Gordon October 1937- A woman of intelligence whom you have been taught to make flippant remarks about- & her sisters my aunts…her families ~ THIS IS MY FAMILY TOO, Peter…! I am warning you about Teresa-

I have known her far longer than you …» !

“ As soon as I knew the contents of THE WILL December 1959


I immediately made it known I accepted Guardianship to Greta…again…as I had when I received a letter from her aunt October 1937 a Mrs Grote- Oh don’t you know this Peter ? I wonder why…It…the letter told me she had made me this. The Guardian to her niece…it had no address. It said I WAS TO HEAR MORE ! It was a handwritten letter by a person of QUALITY…! I am warning you NOT to believe Teresa or any of her noble friends - THEY HAVE BEEN KILLING FOR THIS MONEY… ! `

“ I - ANDRE MALRAUX WAS TO HEAR MORE`…the letter from the highly educated Mrs Grote-whom at that time I sadly did not recall…long ago I had seen a figure at the end of a Paris Salon surrounded by distinguished men & women-I was 20 or so…I was not introduced ..”

“ October 1937 upon receipt of this letter I ACCEPTED Guardianship of Greta - if I had known more I would have accepted- it was what I was looking for…IT WAS WHAT I COULD DO…IT MADE SENSE…

I WAS TO HEAR MORE ! It is NOT a matter for Teresa or her Noble friends…if the Estate did not go to the chosen heir there were 50 others in the Families it could be handed to by Overseas GUARDIANS -at LAW-Trustees family members-Solicitors the world …” !

Malraux MINISTER FRANCE has an Hon. Law Degree Oxford 1967 Records/listeners & discussion/Arthur Malone/Greta listening in little kitchen !/Dr John Fletcher, Harwell Atomic & Oxford Laboratory/


Andre Malraux goes on in distress - `if my Post had not been stolen BY YOUR GOVERNMENT- your Class Peterwho have slain the children of all other nationsI think I must leave…I HAVE NO HOME…except France…GAUL…`

Peter had slammed the dining room hatch in my face during this & I was shaking -annoyed at PJPW but with so little understanding-no photographs documents…not that I could reason I ought to have any- G.R.

I heard Andre Malraux rise & saw him leave the great door of The Pillar House Harwell…a bowed big rain-coated figure…He will return…until OCTOBER 1976.… records in depth/diaries/accounts/ observations of all this time 1937/1976 -1980s…)

G.R. says as Hemingway 1945 ` burn them in marmalade` as they did Summer 1937 to the only child born in Ethiopia of the Girl in the Russet Silk Bridal gown Aunt Murgatroyd Missionary…

her 22 years old son Coptic scholar & runs the small Estate for the Community by the RANSOM seashores & Grote Home SPAIN- This is the RESCUE THAT FAILED spoken by ANDRE MALRAUX above to PJPW of the BM Natural History London 1970 Harwell/ Notebooks

1937 Summer - HIDEOUS FUN MURDER SPAINdone by the BRITISH GOVERNMENT LORDS & CROWN for quick money-

Earl Lindsay mob & scum were given the MURGATROYD Estate by Angela who has “ a leg up”…They killed in this barbaric way for quick DOUGH to attend the Races G.B. Coronation Year …

1937 Summer - THE TENNIS CLUB Clacton seafront ...

as he Andre-George doth turn his tall graceful body to face me…

I WHOM AM TO DIE IN SEPTEMBER…observe that I see now an Angel a spirit of GRACE… expect`th no help I- to save meeh but I hath had this happiness with Andre & JoJOHjo…`

I doth know Sheshe Treasa Gordon & her reasons & Earls Crawford-Lindsaybuggarhs & Jimmie Mr Pong & the other drear !

But I doth go up to Heaven or to the stars…& all my dead relatives will be there….

1937 September - & I shall join in the days of reading books & weaving, painting & when EVENING DOTH COME they & meeh shall set about the preparations for the SUPPER under lovely trees-on grass of emerald green-beside a cool Lake…& after The Grace all we goodly SOULS will enjoy that life of harmony with family & eternal PEACE that they were to have UPON EARTH - if the EVIL ONES had not infested -

1937 Summer - It seemed awful drear to leave earth when I was so small & young & when I had so much do upon earth first…Soon in autumn LIFE would be over then…!

1960 January - Arthur Malone Law/Detective says “YOU HAVE BEEN BORN ON A HEARSE…trouble is you keep getting off…they have been culling…this Noble Family claiming you…”

The poetic talks above of my great-aunt Annie Agnes artist- whose mother died when she was 2 years old Teresa Carroll the girl Platonist-Harmony Studies girl of Ireland - Annie studied at Liverpool- had friends acquaintances in the Art Sheds/a worker-student of

Professor MANZONI Anatomy Liverpool University-late 19th century- the teaching of the Bible-LUCRETIUS emerges here-& INGOLDSBY LEGENDS Poetic speech heard by Greetah & no doubt 1945 onwards by St George-Andre at ‘Stella Maris’ 10 Granville Road a home where only holy folk are allowed enter- by Clacton-on-Sea SEAS - where Neolithic Man gathered shell-fishes & netted Wild Ducks for Suppers…Annie-Agnes Carroll Williams saves Andre’s life & soul 1945 /Seamist Supper records by G.R/WMG/

& Colonel A Mx /

1937 Tennis Club - I doth notice he George ANDRE looks a trifle scared-then turning his beautiful eyes to me who is feeling a dwarf apologising silently for having to be on their holiday…At his feet I Greetha Ransom the dwarf wilting with hot cheeks & near tears… & then surprisingly he assumes some composure- gives me a wild look at something I have said or perhaps my look of drear & his length of arm swings down to hold my hand ! Some appearance to his face I doth see that he recognise HE DOTH COME TO SAFE LANDS…hath a Sanctuary…& I am forgiven for existing I think`G.R.a Cassandra` I may have heard it spoke of me when LENNIE & I heirs are coping with Monsters from the Deep…

1937 Summer - IT IS HERE at the TENNIS CLUB that morning ANDRE MALRAUX KNEW FOR CERTAIN THIS MEDICINE WAS NOT SAFE for a child not yet 5 years ! & he will say when I am

Grown December 1953 `I saved your life…you come & save mine…`

1937 ... it reassures him finding he comes to Lands of Gospels Acted Out & that his mother’s ancestors lived centuries here ` a Romance Situation you would say in those days…` & he happy that nobody would tell CLARA & Maurice where he was… so they come fast over Channel waving guns to capture him-`

1945 -Georges Colonel Andre he doth grant meeh the LAST DANCE…always that End of War year it is the beautiful `I STAND AT YOUR GATE Moonlight Serenade` played as the Glenn Miller big Band of the 2nd World War- a thanksgiving Pavanne - Those who fought in the War & found themselves saved not killed would hold their partners in a HOLINES - as this delicate music was ‘the last dance’…They they`d go off home, arms about one another… Many returned men to Civilian life say how amazed they are to be alive…would tell us that they now had to-morrows- They had lived survived the War & had the certainty of a Life into the years ahead - they had friends, relatives who had FALLEN …

1945 - All that Summer Andre Malraux thinks upon JO… JOSETTA-Josette-JOSIANNEA- who is the dead & many in the town join with him in his mourning- It is only months not even a year since her death… It was customary in those times early 20th century to think upon the beloved in the coffin beneath the earth for the first year…to visit with flowers…say a prayer…speak a little…say the name on the carved stone…

1945 Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX is aware that young girls can be carried away with emotions over heroes - he has read a lot of books - He is anxious not to encourage Greetah in her romantic attachment to him & suggests `you are too big now to hold my hand…in public`… but allows it on the empty beaches …

Here is Greetha Ransom the GROTE RANSOM heiress he does not know of - & he Guardian to me & Lennie until we are 25 years & all of the Estate the World - To the Monsters of the Deep I the Ape-Eskimo (INCA-GREENLAND) am the richest girl of 12 years the globe…

…. & seen as a danger to them for I am alive & clearly an aesthete in spite of their filthy interference with my education-

1920 - “ Angela a friend of your mother…her parents encouraged it…they took the girls when very young out into Wales on Witchcraft…they had Names given & it was not Folk Medicine at all ! All of them IN DEBT up there…every Noble family on the islands…they had plotted for years to lay hands on THE OLD ESKIMO her fortune !

1938 Angela got 2 fine black horses out of the 1938 cheque for 15 thousand pounds sent to your Grandpa Frederick Charles Ransom for investing for your Education to 18 years - Earls of Lindsay got other big amounts to keep their families for many a year - JIM got a car …”

1945 Summer - I think Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX Widower

feared Greetha Ransom could SWOON AT HIS FEET IN THE MOONLIGHT that first summer of what becomes more than romantic love…a journey for us of hundreds & thousands of years… ‘IF IN THE VERY DARKNESS…you give me your hand…we can reach him…» I write him I battle with a memory coming & going…& Mengele flashing a nasty SODIUM TORCH into the caravan windowshis criminally insane Dames helping him by putting MEMORY LOSS powders again on my bedding…& in all the beverages in the new caravan home I have bought…`Mistral` a name given by Andre Malraux …March 1960..

1960/1970 - ANDRE MALRAUX MINISTER OF FRANCE…Burgermeister of GAULrecalls that when Jo was with him at Clacton-on-Sea in 1937 he was called Saint George by Greta …& it was about The Schools & Choir 1945 `He may be considering TAKING THE ROBE`… to which Mrs Taylor Choir Mistress understudied Milan at one time cheerfully say`th

“ With THAT VOICE he is taking the Veil…he is in with our Nuns singing in their Private Chapel whenever he likes to invite himself …& he is Greetha`s young Fellah ~` …

1945 December - I avoided Georges- Colonel ANDRE MALRAUX when December came & Clytemnestra Mad Mother Kali overnight had taken us from our home `Pearly` in her cunning dopes raging madness & certainly encouraged by her `noble true blues` back of that Palace & down Whitehall & Admiralty after closing time ! Noble Imperial Gross Britain Lindsaybuggarhs Premier Earls of G.B. were awarding themselves double DSOs….

Awarding themselves double DSOs for killing the children of Continental Grote Homes & some of them had been holidaying HUNTING BIG GAME in Asia too…They were so anxious to isolate my father FJR who returned to his little family home `Jerusalem` Deptford a pile of rubble the joists having been deliberately cut after he had been sent to Philippines & the Paintings robbed (records/accounts accurate) Captain FJR he is in terrible shock- also he knows of the extent of the murders of the Grote Homes children & some of the horrifying details…since 1944 …

1946 January-February-March… I a pauper with no home now… did not care to speak alone to the lofty Totem Pole GEORGES ANDRE COLONEL MALRAUX…I felt crushed but pulled my tall frame up high & tried to go on with daily tasks & get to school - I did not call at the Winnclemanns for music & politeness- It was Colonel ANDRE came to find me & he was concerned- he remembers he is my Guardian…»(files/notebooks/diaries/letters/etc)

“…He jumps out on me in the REC…`you are invited to TEA…with ME…at Mr WINNCLEMANN & his wife…& I AM SENT TO FIND YOU …& bring you to them …” He looked very firm ! I tried walk past him as if I did not see him ! But he caught me ! He had surprisingly the little brown car from the American Colonel Ipswich…& he can actually drive it along straight roads…but I have to get out at the big road Skelmersdale Road & tell him when there is NO TRAFIC COMING…there are very few cars on the roads- it is rationing of petrol still…He drives very nicely in straight lines…HE REALLY IS VERY BEAUTIFUL…I AM WONDERING IF I CAN SLIP AWAY INTO ANOTHER CENTURY…& always REMEMBER HIM…”

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