Greta Ransom

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Part II

1933-1943 - With a MEMORY RETURNED to Greetha RANSOM of her first 10 years then she speaks out ! & REMEMBERS the LINDSAY & JIM hideous attacks on all of us& those SEASIDE days & the violence to us when I stay at my grandparents home `JERUSALEM` … We with Invitations to HUMANISTS homes…these criminally insane often have to BOOT IN ! They are called LINDSAYBUGGARHS by all the Clacton town & area Essex … the Police the Churches the good citizens who live good lives ACTING THE GOSPELS OUTknow the MOB LINDSAY Seafront cannot be trusted & certainly NOT after

dark … or near children inheriting - for they CULL -

1988/Feb. 1992...It is possible DOCTOR de-frocked HARRINGTON KNOWN as Mengele died in some poverty along the Thames near to some of his crimes a NON Peer he had a Noble carrot dangled over his nose from 1938 & a bigger carrot from November 1953...he was exterminated Feb. 1992.../

20th century - British MONSTER Noble VIOLENCE for moneys/lands/art works/houses/investments transport/kudos…

A woman in a tiara-was she killed by them with dopes & her children lost in the usual LINDSAYBUGGARH waythey put girls into prostitution on dopekill boys in car hit & run or in a faked feudPULL REPUTATIONS DOWN-call people criminals…yet attack small children sexually - No 14 got castrated by the British Territorial Armies 1960s who were judging these killers of GROTE HOMES CHILDREN carefully first- JIM JONG A PIECE OF VERMIN…lived as if in Fort Knox…

1966-1992 - PJPW did not seem to bother too much ? he said “ I walked into all thisit is the way of the world…”

It is rare for a Museum worker to fall into the hands of these MONSTERS OF THE DEEP I GRW closed the doors TO UNHOLY PEOPLE as much as I could I as all my families Gordon Ransom & branches DO NOT KEEP AN UNHOLY HOUSEas all of these creatures do, these criminally insane, wallowing in THE RIVER OF BLOOD of the GROTE CHILDREN they have SLAIN

1945-1990s - Noble Britain & SCUM went on to KILL our settlements PEOPLES - our relativesour friends…for MONEY/LANDS/INVESTMENTS TRANSPORT/ KUDOS….

1967-1980s - G.R. was in her 30s & did refuse to think upon THAT OTHER LIFEfor it was expected of me with young children & I was told I was not clever - it had been a DECREE given out by NOBLE BRITAIN & Scandinavian frozen mud puddles ON THE PIN d& UP THE SNOUT Divinorum Salvia Scotland when I HEIR was born 1933-

& 1968 I was told by PJPW Socialist & Mengele trendy circles I was still a pauper& ANDRE MALRAUX was a great man of GAULI needed my MEMORY- my letters-my photos-my documentsthat is all…& THE KILLING COULD STOP ! BUT MY POST/mail in this new life come from BM Natural History is STILL STOLEN BY GROSS BRITAIN GOVERNMENT LORDS & CROWN - ALL ON THE PIN…up the snout…

1967 onwards - AGAIN THE POST/mail between the RANSOM FAMILIES is STOLEN in name of LINDSAYbuggarhs EARLS - using the authority of GROSS BRITAIN slimy secret services & some gaseous groups who grow RICH …ALL NOBLES -

1967 November onwards - Frederick John RANSOM (1911-1969) & Ransom families sent KIND MESSAGES/GIFTS/GREETING CARDS …to Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM & PJPW…a marriage only known to 4 persons in BMNH October 1967 -

& all POST/MAIL was stolen by GROSS BRITAIN Government & Crown silently APPOINTED CRIMINALLY INSANE monsters (some coarse short crude messages acceptance of gifts SENT BY THE MONSTERS- as in decades past -)

THESE G.B. & Scandinavian MONSTERS have SLAIN the GROTE CHILDREN in their HOMES & are now living HIGH SIN LIFESTYLE from dripping blood gore PROFITS from THE STOLEN ESTATE

All POST/mail intercepted for said NOBLE BRITAIN Government & its Crowns…Scandinavia too has its paws in the RIVER OF BLOOD… THE OLD SYSTEM OF `EMPTY THE BANKS`…THEN SHOUT IN THE REDold Eskimo not allowed make a WILL…all in mostly secret silence…

FJR ( GRW`s father ) & his brother Dr John RAY Ransom USA citizen are now to die swiftly for they have been speaking to influential persons in GROSS BRITAIN…GENERAL de GAULLE…. & with MALRAUX who is to speak to PJPW of BMNH upon 2 volumes they wish to now begin to write “ UPON AN OBSCENE & GIGANTIC PIECE OF BRITISH STATECRAFT ” (quote from General de Gaulle March 1962) It is late 1969 & Winter January 1970...

1969 - A beautiful woman with a darker skin - this was a cousin/neice ? of M. de SALLE (a Ransom descendant) he who in great grief autumn 1938 I Greta RANSOM doth recall seeing him at `Jerusalem`he is at least 6` 5 inches tallit was the time of KRISTALNACHT he is line of Elizabeth Ransom/now married to POULSEN/Gronlander branch/

1. 1938 November - M. de Salle of Paris/Archives/ He has come from Paris to `Jerusalem` & comes down by Railway to Clacton-on-sea but he will not stay for he is afraid to leave the family his wife & four children alone in PARISafter what has happened“ THE LINDSAY`s ARE AFTER THE ISLAND AGAINthey have been heard bragging that they can do it with the War coming - get hold of it

2. De Salle/Ransom - Records/ LIR & JRRFJR the Lindsays have been using me as pig-in-the-middle says M. de Salle to Frederick Charles Ransom at Jerusalem Deptford little sloping Park he must rush back to PARIS where he has left the family (his wife is of the Poulsen-Gronlander line & he of Ransom/Venezuela marriage 1760s) `

3. M. & Madam de SALLE have 4 children under 13- in the tiny Paris flat they are reduced to THE GENOCIDE in name of Gross Britain Government & Crown by its NOBLES is about to claim this French citizen his wife & 4 children in the ARCTIC WINTERS - 1939/1942/

2 girls got off by USA Missionaries 1958 ...

1 child the eldest cousin Sarah will survive … 1939/1978.….JIM Jong Cur James/Lewd James will be in charge of their confinement on the Island - all POST/mail & criminally insane EVIL…FOR DOUGH/lands/investments/

4. `1938 November - He will take the family to Jacopsholmen Island because the LINDSAYBUGGARHS are claiming it for themselves in the name of the British Crownbut he has no money at this time she his wife has lived on the Island two years with her mother when she was a young womanVeronica FROBISHER is sending all the STORES they will needbut shed rather they came to her in Canada or went to USA

He has never lived there & she had her mother & the other families there… THE DANES & the British they fear have ordered all the families off some years ago Many POUL GRONLANDER LINE HAVE BEEN KILLED in the LINDSAY/JIM NOBLE GREED...

5. Many Islanders CANNOT BE FOUND & some are known to have died unnatural deathsthe POUL & Margaret GRONLANDER LINE on JACOPSHOLMEN ISLAND have been wiped

out by 1936 - except for RANSOM/de SALLE POULSEN/& some Poulsen Norway all being persecuted by the criminally insane NOBLES…. The cousin we met 1935 October/November who could go into the Danish Parliament & represent her Greenland peopleshe is well educated with several languagesher brother saved Greetha in the snow November 1935 when an attack was plannedthen he was killed all his money had been takenhis sister killed 6 weeks after we had to leave for Europe & N. America earlierhe was chased by a pack of NOBLE Britain by a man with thugs known to be British but half Chinese Indonesian speaking perfect FRENCHOthers of the Scandinavian Noble world are after the Islandthey do not want education up thereNO INDEPENDENCE FOR GREENLAND -`

6. 1938 November - Clacton-on-Sea, Old Road little old house that ANDRE MALRAUX knew SUMMER 1937 It became recalled as a Krystalnacht SOIREE - The German Jewish night of horror/

Soiree - TO BRING A NEW SHAWL TO MADAM De STAEL/letters by the Packet Boat` Markham Makepeace (Lord MM in the far future) reminds Greta Ransom of this January 1960 when HE TAKES NIGHT WATCH Colne Engaine for Arthur Malone who is awaiting the arrival of ANDRE MALRAUXthen February Dr JOHN RAY Ransom arrives from USA)

De SALLE - the Elizabeth RANSOM line reaches back with us to 92 AD Dunwich- 77 AD Thames islet with rotten stony soil -

7. 1938/1968 is 30 yearshere the same GANG of penniless Noble Britain Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs- JIM Jong/Cur James& Mengele Harrington paedophile are persecuting to the death an 18th century Ransom line of PARIS/France/-

Elizabeths brother our main line had a little Museum in our Paris houseat the Revolution it was moved to our Chateau Perigord/Montaigne French MAN OF LETTERS has a Ransom line from his great grandparents MONTROSE ScotlandWhen France 19th century restored its Government FRED RANSOM returned & put the Museum of the SEA up against a WALL

Except ANDRE MALRAUX Burgermeister of PARIS does not say which WALL

Information given by MALRAUX on NIGHTWATCH Colne Engaine 1960 January Would somebody knock on Georgie-ANDRE X- in The Pantheon & ask him which WALL in Paris ?

1972 - after the `Renaissance Party` The Pillar House Harwell 19 March 1972...(Records LIR & Politan & another not known) Until his death (1976 November ) ANDRE MALRAUXhe had to keep coming to see Madam Whitehead & her childrenit kept him saneafter the little exquisite angel was born the boy Peter (PRW 21 August 1970- dies 19 May 1998) he was desperate to have a child againhe found assistance Spain a woman who had wept at his plight & got permission from her husband…”


Memo : `We met a child 1978/9...went blind age 9 years & a hit & run car death age 11 … pattern/connections/ as IVY Ransoms son & so many othersa means of displaying upper crust penniless noble anger ON PURPLE PLUM/pickle/snow/Divinorum Salvia Scotland… was being perfected in 1920srecords are too many IVY RANSOM had to pick up the pieces of her 9 years old childs head on the roadhe was called over the road deliberately in Switzerland…` JIM & Lindsay 14 two Evil Little Jack-in-Boxes are good at this & THEY RANT AT US WITH THEIR FANGS HANGING OUTNoble Britain penniless & ON THE PIN & UP THE SNOUT does so

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