Greta Ransom

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Part II

1968/1970 ? - A MAN TALKING...Greta Ransom W. has had some insults behind her back about Malraux & 50 Lancaster Gate Square … This is Blewbury village, BerkshireI am clearly being fooled in front of some slightly foreign looking man -

…. whose Grandpa may have sent Aunt Mags HEIR (me) a prayer mat Christmastide 1936/1937 & I tell ANDRE & Josette but Colonel Malraux of Spain says I dream ...

This pleasant looking man - ( I am later told he is ARAB…) has just been handed a `DO & THINK AS WE TELL YOU DRINK` & the new Mrs Whitehead me (Rathbone-Palmer-W. branches) has been handed a big glassful which is ` I AM A DRINK OF EGYPTIAN GRANITE IN THE HEAD ` … Foreign Man - HE SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT…

` A Mrs Grote spoke Arabic with his Dad …` or did I dream it as ANDRE MALRAUX insists 1937

DANGER ! - Mr Mengele Gollum paedophile Doctor Harrington is in the kitchen & is told whom the drink is for - It is 2 hours before an old couple who know Andre see “ Mengele that Doctor a paedophile ” slinking out to his car hidden in a corner of the village - then they took a drink from me - they will try guard us at such events from now on …!

I GRW have no memory except some nasty tricks have been set up in my past … I do not have an Aunt Margaret Grote or an Estate in my head - vague horrors about money & properties attributed to my father FJRPJPW says it is all to be forgotten - he has walked in on it & he is a SCIENTIST-MARXIST (his father`s cousin is HUGO RATHBONE FOUNDER MEMBER OF THE BRITISH COMMUNIST PARTY…daughter Joyce Rathbone prominent harpsichord scholar/knew Nadia Boulanger PARIS & it is Nadia who telephones JEAN WEDDELL RANSOM Widow Smith ballerina to `Jerusalem` the little house they all know by Deptford Park/WHERE YOU ENTER UPON TIME back to 92 AD RANSOM East Britain coast … Nadia`s sister composer too died so very young…I GR recall JEAN MY GRANDMOTHER BALLERINA is asked to an anniversary PARIS of this young death !

N.B. The identical WHITEHEAD TWINS Rowland & brother Peter as boys were in & out of MARX House London & RUSSIAN EMBASSY London - so Peter`s work BMNH is to come first !

1968/1970 - An Arab young man/a drink of EGYPTIAN GRANITE IN A GLASS What is it about ? AH ! the Gross Britain WHITE TRASH is after our RANSOM-GROTE early 20th Century ARAB EMIRATES SHARES…. ?

….& I suppose we hath some lands from 3 Arab Grannies 11th-12th centuries A.D. …. RANSOM/complete histories here/ Roxanna-Roseanne 1st - her daughter-in-law Hebithyaea (she poetess he young RANSOM played Cithara) & her daughter-in-law Goldilocks the niece of an Arab Trader-Scholar (we had some of his words)

She (Grannie in a straight line) Miss GOLDILOCKS who met young RANSOM `in a Palestine Shores Cavern where all Religions Met to Worship ` LENNIE would say THEY MET IN A TAVERN ..” where all religions met … BUT HE Len IS 15 years old & a FLYER with his Documents & his BADGE … ! I have remembered 2 lines of a poem of Grannie Hebithyaea…they are in the first 2 documents JO & ANDRE MALRAUX detectives colleages 1960/1961.

ALL THESE DOCUMENTS WERE BURNED or LINDSAY SCUM & JIM said to us RANSOM GORDON families on Clacton Seafront…` they that morning in their GRAND of EARLS OF Crawford LINDSAY

`had wiped their bums on them for the Government & Crown ` … N.B : THEY HAVE JUST TAKEN THEIR DAILY DOPES- early 1930s they shut Angela out in her pyjamas-a beach suit of ruffled cotton…holidaymakers took their Box Brownies to her…WHAT FUN ~

1968/1970s - There are other pleasant men from Peru-Colombia & the Government in Waiting for Algiersmoney can be got from them-& lands for the G.B. Government & Crowns & EARLS of this & that…

I am called to a slight introduction I present my miracle Mousie-VICTORIA-Augusta 2nd Legion Ancient ROME b 1968…& Amanda & Paul step-children are with other families & their children or dashing about the village if the weather is not rain - Doc Mengele HARRINGTON self appointed Royal Physician & Appointed Physician Scandinavia to ANGELA& self-appointed PHYSICIAN TO ANDRE MALRAUXHARRINGTON a paedophile notorious-a multiple GOLLUM- a PIMP - employed in Name of GROSS Britain Government & its LORDS & its Crowns is in two kitchens mixing drinks the NAMES OF THE PERSONS are given to him… THERE WILL BE BIG TIME in a RIVER OF BLOOD… Oh so trendy…OH - SEND THEM TO URANUS !

1970 - The Pillar House Harwell - ANDRE MALRAUX The girl who sat out with me in the REC knew nothing of FINANCE she had all of that attended for her round the globe she gave out HOPEPeter ! `

Andre Malraux has lost his patience with PJPW winter 1970 -who will not have me presented with Papers/photos/the family histories/ Peter is governed by Mr Mengele Harrington & his CLASS at the top - all so trendy in a River of Blood of the slain GROTE HOMES CHILDREN our Estate RANSOM GROTE…

Awesome ON THE PIN things from Kenya & noble Britain & Scandinavia business Mobs slither about him BMNH… lunchtimes & dinnertimes hoping for FREE NOSH-UP… We do live in the garden of the immortal childrens BOOKS The Pillar House Harwell , on PJP Whitehead`s salary Ichthyology & History of Natural History BMNH - & his family de Beer`s Shares/see history at this time ! I will leave all this for the diary keepers of this time/

2009 AD - EASTER BROADSHEET - I have no time to add the photos & drawings by children & friends The Pillar House… as I have done in the immediate past - A recipe for EASTERTIDE might be more appropriate after we have travelled with the LOST TIME OF THE WORLD… & useful to the down & outs of the globe …

I N C A - STONEHENGE - mathematician astronomer humanists SALAD - noble fare -

Designed for Yah. Josef San JULIAN F. San Miguel & Georgie-ANDIE MALRAUX …

« San Julian - MALRAUX salad hot-cold… »

& similar as he Georges-ANDRE ate at The Pillar House Harwell renaissance party 19/3.1972... I GR had to use Italian root vegetables for the Potato was supposed not yet to have come back with Sir Walter Rayleigh…

INGREDIENTS & method : Boil 12 big potatoes, new or old - while cooking gather & chop handfuls of spring herbs/ mint-sage-rosemary-new violet leaves-Sorrel if in the orchard- onion green tops - fennel new ferns - unopened Hawthorne buds (months of March/Mai) … CHOP FINE - add any other herbs…

Edible plants can be found in botanical & 20th century aesthetic practical cookery books/

Wash 2 lettuces & use all leaves - chop or tear big leaves but quarter the hearts -

Have ready : 1 or 2 Cups of raw Oats/porridge/ a raw soft grain is necessary / … 1-2 cups of BEST OLIVE OIL … SALT la Mer … Black Peppers … any last Walnuts from the orchard …

Drain the POMMES de TERRE/ spuds of the INCA …keep the water for it is a full of good minerals - you can add it to the evening soup which you make of Nettles or spinach /Onion tops/ with a spoonful of NUTMEG & a half cup of cream or lump of butter …

TIP EVERYTHING IN A BIG BOWL , hot potatoes cut in slices or chunks… M I X as with a Fairy Wand …Pour over the Olive Oil…

& WHAT YOU DO NOT EAT CAN BE FRIED THAT NIGHT ~! …with the Nettle/spinach soup…& Monsieur le Cure` OMMLETTE which is filled with chopped Sorrel or spinach /

A dash of Olive Oil …salt & peppers… `Bon Appetite ` Georgie-Andie MALRAUX G.R. -

LIR diaries/tapes/other people/ 1945 May - When MALRAUX came over after the WAR he had no HOPEhis life had been a rising sun with JOa home & two boyshe hoped for moregirlsanother boyHE HAD HOPE Clara had her life as before & her brother supported her wishesshe did not lack moneys ….”

…. & by summer 1938 she took a holiday with HARRINGTON just cleared from prison Continent/Asylum Britain …& he was her ADVISOR for the rest of her LIFE until 1982 -

“ Andre , he found MARY GORDON DEAD the previous year-dead & in the Cemetery with her husband George only 11 months ago June 1944/he had JOSETTE dead in a grave in France since the previous November - 7 months only - Mary Gordon died too soon it was said in shadow voices AROUND THE TOWN & hospital nursesAndre found the girl Prophet of the SUMMER OF HAPPINESS 1937 laid low ! ”

1945 autumn - THERE WAS NO HOPE…for he or Greetha …he was certain !

. except the kindly Winnclemann couple his pre-war friends, childless …who wished to adopt Greetah Ransom niece of Miss Winifred Mary Gordon whom they invited inshe & her Aunt were staunch Catholic Church members & the church was over the road from the Winnclemanns` The musician aesthete Father WILSON come out of a poor Parish Liverpool was a visitor to all & very hard working- the music he & the Head of Choir Mrs Taylor arranged for Sundays & Feast days was superb- she & he would play organ & she had been a professional singer with Opera experience Milanan old Italian Priest sent by `young Paccelli` Pope Pius 12 could be addressed in Italian or Latin

1945 JUNE Professor Winnclemann/child psychology & History of the Chemistry of the BRAIN - A delicate matter his presence here by the seaside perhaps… now the Hitler Camps were being shown in newspapers & on the cinemaMr Winnclemann had been put in Internment Camp Epsom Races by some idiot WHITEHALLso his skills were lain in iced British winter conditions 3 yearsMrs Winnclemann British Shropshire got him some writing paper at lastRACISM was feared somewhat when they came to Clacton-on-Sea 1944... & THEY MET IT IN FULL FORCE FROM TERESA GORDON R & her scum bastards du Cann - & all the other NOBLE MONSTERS who climbed on the BANDWAGONS of ANDRE & GRETA from autumn 1945 & EVER ONWARDS into 21st century...

LIR & others : 1944 the kindly Winnclemanns he now 70 years she 20 years younger met you Greta in the REC & noted your history games with the other younger children you took care of…& were pleased with a child who could be so alive with past present & future…for you told them of the coming habitation of the STARS -

ANDRE as Colonel ANDRE of SUMMER 1937 stepped in 1945 MAY he Andre the young friend of the Winnclemann family pre-WAR days… (Malraux he knows the son of first marriage Berlin & 2 grand-daughters /Freda ? Helga ?) With whom the Winnclemanns he had always had a correspondence going on »

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