Greta Ransom

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Part II

1945 - WIDOWER of JOSETTE & the town mourned with him Not his old chum of Christmastide 1924/1925 two weeks Deauville & PARIS she & Miss Plunket-Greene he had helped with his young friendsClara away (ask not where)

1945 TERESA GORDON R. wished everyone evilshe had been fooled by her friends JIM & Angela with a powerful name nowwho were calling in VAST blood & gore moneys LINDSAYBUGGARHS were rolling in off-shore riches but believed they WERE ENTITLED TO THE WHOLE ESTATE…therefore they were anxious to see Teresa at Private Partiesdope-booze-tricks THUS 1939 to 1945 the 2nd World War won by Gross Britain has Imperial Big Boots with CLOUTskirmishing in Noble families occurred for the BIGGEST PORTION OF THE ESTATE-

GREETHA - growing tall & complimented by 2 Courts & 2 Schools & her Church at the way she had coped with her SAVAGE INSANE MOTHER since 1942if nobody wished to have her , Greta Ransom born 11.3.1933, then the WINNCLEMANN couple in maturity didshe was not an idiot as her Virago mother claimed The bond of the four human - beings German-French & English 1945-1947 was MUSICold Richard Wagner & all the Catholic Church Composers back to 14th century Machaut…to 16th century William Bird & Monteverdi … Gounod… Folk & foreign music like Villa Lobos …but modern Composers tooDebussy/ Britten/Elgar/Dallapiccola …Greetha was drawn to any music to do with the SEA they found - but she could no longer say whyshadowy voices said it was a matter of her fathers line

1944/ 1951 - IF Mr Professor Winnclemann had been given a hint…by Miss Win Gordon…heard something he could question - he could have informed ANDRE of the danger they were all entered uponJUNE 1945 onwards…He knew of Grote Homes begun 1860s … & the Estate of a woman who was a silent figure multi-lingual, moving about the globe & the HOMES since her husband was murdered 1904 … a GERMAN-AMERICAN intelligent merry kindly man called TIGGY GROTE` « Mr Winnclemann may even have seen Tig or Mag late 19th century … »

THUS A MARRIAGE OF GRACE WAS MADE Spring 1947 permission `young Paccelli` VATICAN - between the sometimes half knowing HEIR TO THE BIGGEST ESTATE OF PHILANTHROPY THE GLOBE hath EVER HAD& the unknowing GUARDIAN CHOSEN BY THE NATIONS A-Z by October 1937... ANDRE MALRAUX WIDOWER of JOSETTE - parents of 2 boys to be slain by Gross Britain NOBLES GREED ages 18 & 21 years 23 Mai 1961-

1960 January/February - Dr John RAY Ransom

`There are many photographs of you bothtwo tall young peoplesolemnon Clacton-on-Sea frontsometimes with a dog or two1945 to were too impressive in your grave manneryour suitability to play a role…it was causing spite & envy amongst a branch of your mother`s Noble friends…`

1930s - RANSOM brothers & cousins are steeped in the family histories-gatherings were serious & light hearted- `San Julians INCA family went to OPENING Grande Buffet /at STONEHENGE / ALES of GAUL-FINE WINES of GREECE/ MENU - Ransom Ancestral B.C. Cook Book/memo : Annie-Agnes Cook Book of Heaven - try Stonehenge mock-goose with barley & daisy & wild garlic sauce with eggs boiled in stinging nettle juice decorated/ ALL VEGETARIANS AT THAT TIME ?

1938 May - Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote`s erudite letter & request to please deliver to Andre Malraux or his publisher or family …A sealed package for Andre Malraux & enclosed letter for he Andre Malraux to deliver to the President of France were stolen May 1938 PARIS by British Embassy / had Leon Blum still been President Mrs Grote would have gone to PARIS to see him - they are acquaintances & speak upon her French holdingsShe had almost recovered from an attack on her in Norway 1936/37... a maid confessed what was happening… & Mrs Margarethe Ransom Grote was got away to Switzerland to have the wound treated…A rest at her father`s friends in Ayrshire would then have her leave Gross Britain for New York in 2 weeks with friends on a Liner …

1938 May - Mr Phipps British Ambassador PARIS did not send the package on to the address of ANDRE MALRAUX`s Publisher -

Phipps had received the envelope 2 days before/it went AIRMAIL from Croydon Airport outside London to Paris Le Bouguet Airport -

but he did refuse to hand the envelopes to the Noble representatives as they called themselves of G. B.

Mr Pong Jimmie Jong & heir Lindsay 14 Earl on the 17th/18th Mai 1938 when they came hot foot `those 2 Evil little Jack-in-Boxes RANTING with FANGS hanging out` from Gross Britain demanding the package & letters IN NAME OF THE CROWN whom they clearly stated they represented !

PHIPPS Ambassador OPENED & LOOKED AT the PRIVATE POSTAL package addressed to ANDRE MALRAUX / & the letter to The President of France ?/ - he fingered things - & DID NOT SEND ANDRE MALRAUX`S post on to anyone - He handed Malrauxs signed copy the WILL of Mrs Grote & the letter to the French President 2 months on - It was arranged by Earl LINDSAYbuggarhs it be handed to a woman with a faceless secret silence about her called Angela by her friends/fiends/ the 2 Jack-in-the-boxes tucked into French liquors

1938 July - Angela & her husband were on the first official State Visit new reign from G.B. to Paris July 1938 ...

-the killings begin again about the Estate & JEAN Weddell Ransom ballerina is poisoned to death end of Summer 1938/ Diaries/ letters/histories/& Detectives/Colleagues for Malraux 1960/61 )

1920s-1930s - Angela/sometimes called Angela MacMurphy/ MacMurray when travelling with Mr JIM Jong- she is to eye all RANSOM GROTE lands of an OLD ESKIMO

1934 - PARTY - Germany - arrival by silver planeHitler came for 20 minutes/passes comment on Ange & Tree- /it was a top Nazi gang party & all were most courteous -

But the German Government & High Command are stopping British SCUM Nobles stealing GROTE HOMES children` toys at CHRISTMASTIDE & given DECREE they are not to nick Mrs Grotes art works the children have on the walls of THEIR HOMES -

British Nobles & Diplomats are now banned from entry into the HOMES educating children 3-18 years a curriculum of HUMANISM which Hitler & Goring & Gang have agreed NOT to interfere with & the children need not fight/ They RECOGNISE THE HOMES AS AN AMERICAN INSTITUTION - Records/letters/diaries/Archives/

1930s - In the HOMES in some Nations of the world there are no Jewish children because the Jewish Community often insist upon look after there own orphans/ but there are children without known parents/ - 1936 autumn - Hitler speaking with Captain Liam Ransom on the Norwegian MISSION to Germany (& Count Gronlander-Poulsen) said `Half Jewish children ? Well get them out - even if they look half & do not know where they come from - or it could make trouble for the others «

… This was done in a month - the children mostly went to NORWAY a few to USA - where SOON they were slain by the GROSS Britain Nobles headed by Earls of LINDSAY … LINDSAYbuggarhs who CLAIM for The Government & Crown the entire Grote-Ransom Estate - from a blood line 1830 to Greta Ransom & Lennie Immanuel Ransom… & because Angela, Teresa, JIM & LINDSAYs` insist RANSOM WEDDELL GRONLANDER are Eskimo-APES -

1934 - Teresa went with Earls of Lindsaybuggarhs & Mr JIM escorted Angelaother nobles came in the PLANE OF SILVER- they have all SLEPT WITH RIBBENTOP…« he is so dishy”

1920s - ` Angela & her parents it was given out in secret silence were embarrassed by such a gift from an OLD ESKIMO therefore there would be discretion in accepting this Estate…& it would be in silence ”

They refer to the highly educated 12 speaking languages Margarethe RANSOM Mrs Thomas Immanuel Grote - richest person in the world`

Noble booze-ups when the syringe of DOPE is passed about for their wrists bragged of ` ELDORADO SOON …`

Nota bene : 1919/1920 a noble gang of girls ages 14 to 17 had their parents-grandparents give parties & DOOs for Neddy Crown Prince of THE BRITISH EMPIREOne of them would marry him & they would all be friends for ever & never parthappiness was to be found in this PLAN… ” A girl of 20 years of age heard what they were up to & she stepped inwith Mr JIM Jong She & Teresa interested in Welsh witchcraft & go out with Angela`s parents- they are seen with Mr JIM Jong to be `best friends/ fiends`

1921 - `Ange & Tree` are seen in a silent cine film 1921 in beautiful romantic organza frocks `the short & the tall` Ange got engaged to a `delicate of health younger son of a King` - her brothers who found her a trial were heartily glad`Teresa was Acting Housekeeper to a retired old man, rich, a nice home at Hilldrop Crescent, Highgate…

HIGHGATE/ Hilldrop Crescent - Where ANDRE MALRAUX takes me November 1957 on a wet cold night & frightened THE LIFE OUT OF ME ! … As he began to speak the history here as `A NOVEL ` He had just got masses of it from FJR & Lady Astor ! I do know some things about the house & life there from SHEshe Teresa & JIM- doped & speaking on past glories/1937/38

Ned Crown Prince … “ … with a mother of a cold disposition & given to monstrous gambling debts & regretting a marriage she could have made to a German Texan Millionaire & not LOST HER FIGUREshe became very jolly when this young crowd of teenagers took her out in their cars & gave them the RUN of this Palace he romantic NED did not fall prey to the romantic young girls … as he was inclined to THINK a bitAn American women was more on his intellectual level…they had matured & had travelled the globe … he complains of terrible hovels as Pig-sties that some British people had to live in…& Mr Baldwin 10 Downing Street tells him to mind his own business…

Certain Noble layers of the BRITISH EMPIRE eyed an overseas Estate & called it EL DORADO & the Scandinavian Vultures eyed it too for it could lead to a world clamour of INDEPENDENCE FOR GREENLAND & many things It belonged to Margaret Ransom Grote whose brothers had been killed by the LINDSAY MOB who with others then killed her husband Tiggy GROTE USA citizen - She was now said to be the richest woman or man in the worldthe Earls of Lindsay & Angela`s parents & others Medieval called Margarethe girl of the SNOWS`the old Eskimo`


(Records/Archives/research & updating by Detectives & colleagues of ANDRE MALRAUX 1960/61 Colne Engaine cum CAMULODUNUM Colonia Victricensis Say a prayer for the victims of this GENOCIDE)

17th December 1959 - Miss Teresa `Terry` BUTLER OPENED the DOOR upon the GUARDIAN CHOSEN of October 1937...

& ANDRE MALRAUX WAS OVER IN HOURSfetched by Detective (2 years LAW) Arthur Malone/ POLITAN Refer to BOOK 2 & BOOK 3 this series-some finer details

nothing like a penniless British Aristocrat…” says Winston Churchill January 1960& he took 98,000 English pounds off Lindsay 14 Earl & put it in a Swiss Bank for ANDRE MALRAUX man of LETTERS to look after for Greetha & Lennie heirs `CHURCHILL remembered Millie Frobisher skating before her early death 1897 & how her great grand-daughter a little girl Greetha Ransom age 6 years 1939 had comforted him a winter morning when he was distressed by newspaper articles in his shop ` - G.R. spoke to him because he was talking to himself aloud & grumbling & waving a newspaper - & he looked like Father Christmas - her aunt is his landlady-`girl of the SNOWS`

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