Greta Ransom

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Part II

1968 onwards - ANDRE MALRAUX`s UNDERSTANDING his feelings expressed to several persons including LIR on FATE …he would remain GUARDIAN…if he felt the marriage did not work he would take Greetha & all the children away…he had suggested to Peter a 2nd residence a Castle in Spain/part of the GROTE RANSOM Estate…after PJPW said he looked forward to having all his time devoted to his work SCIENCE-Natural History…ICHTHYOLOGY BMNH, South Kensington London…The Plan was to build the Long Gallery where the Artists Studio had been Pillar House, & put in 2 flats at the end connected to the Gallery which would have tables down the centre & shelves for everyone`s books…also it was planned to house the Village Archives-

Children could do homework for the tables would be a long line…it would be a delightful setting looking over Pillar House lawn facing S-W- ANDRE MALRAUX, others…could come & work when they wished & thus ANDRE WOULD HAVE A HOME … MADNESS BEGAN ABOUT US - & perhaps we all got a dose of MEMORY LOSS ? THERE WAS NO POST/mail delivered & the telephone was sometimes OUT OF ORDER during the DAYTIME …~!

Teresa Gordon R & Mengele Harrington were seen flashing about in that blue car - /Records/tapes/fears spoken by nervous people -

Mengele Harrington with his EVIL Teams is in control from 1967 & made urgent visits ABROAD with Lindsay 15 whom he supplies specialist dopes to- both of them going very crazed at times due to dope addiction binges-

LINDSAY 15 would go OFF SHORE … & is one of the `5 Men in the black Diplomatic style car `… HUNTING BIG GAME, those who recall GROTE HOMES/persons of quality with knowledge/Family who own the ESTATE/

1970 - (LIR & others/Malone/…) Andre he was overjoyed at Greetha managing a largish house a home & the gardensThe garages haunted him & he sometimes haunted them - where he was promised a small flat when the long gallery to go up - but it all got lost in madness vile threats & messages from on high of the lowest kind& had it been built Len & others could come - his brothertheyd do good work on the records -


The garages had been the outbuildings of The Pillar House 18th-19th century before the house was burned down 1852 a village fire - Then in their youth with young families two artists becoming well known had worked there making a Studio - It all delighted ANDRE…”

` Andre came to see the work of the artist L. Leslie Brooke & the delightful books for children published WARNE -

The young Brooke family took the elegant 18th century style Farmhouse HARWELL 1900-1909 from the first artist John Henry Frederick BACON - he has a gigantic canvas in the Guildhall London that ANDRE MALRAUX had seen 1957/8 winter with Greetah when the 4 BANNS were being read early morning Mass at St Etheldreada`s Crypt City of London /records/archives/ -

Andre he had looked at the CHURCH after Greetha had drawn him to the Place by saying she had dim memories surfacing of what she no longer understoodAGAIN THEY HAD BEEN TORN APART - he did not trust Teresa Gordon at any time - He hit Teresa on the jaw after her madness in his home 50 Lancaster Gate Square attempted murder first with heroin November 1957 - then at night with a knife January 1959…HE FOUND HER Teresa IN A MAD TRANCE LIKE STATE & knocked her out twice dragging her out of the house up to the steps next to the Kent Hotel/she had mean`t to KILL - she was clearly using dangerous narcotics/

He was being threatened from 1954 by dirty JIM now Sir Jamesa BAR RAT…& the little bit of vermin that had pestered Mary Gordon & family from 1919...with Angela ! JIM with others had taken control by fingering THE LEASE…the house of he Andre Malraux & General de Gaulle who with Westminster Diocese planned to use it for another CHARITY MISSION…they had walked into a TRAP 1953 because they did not know of the GUARDIANSHIP to the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE…or the size of the Estate until March 1962 ~ !

ALL OF THEM in WHITES CLUB had insulted he & de Gaulle yet THEY WERE HIDING THE LEGAL WILL of this great ESTATE & his GUARDIANSHIP- hiding it from both of them :

In the beginning 1953 JIM a BAR RAT threatened EXPOSURE over the Wedding of Grace to a schoolgirl allowed by PACCELLI… If Greta had no memory then it always arrived at a DIFFICULT SITUATION when her mother came & FORCED HER AWAY Greta clearly fragile & WITHOUT A MEMORY…& Mr Mengele Doc Harrington insisted Greta was evil & an APE… He the sordid paedophile who had lived on drawing moneys from the ESTATE since 1938 It was Mengele kept his boys from Ampleforth …ANDRE would begin to weep at their death so young…18 & 21 years…it had been a planned CAR CRASH -

In all he had kicked Teresa OUT of Saint Edmund`s House four times November 1957 to 1959 January…so that Greetha & he might have a LIFE that suited them…a quiet life & two children or three…he had hoped to then WIN custody of VINCENT & have him with some English schooling…BUT IT HAD TURNED INTO A NIGHTMARE before he could understand…Mengele insisting GRETA COULD REMEMBER IF SHE WISHED & that she was evil…Mengele who had turned his Paris house into a Tavern…& kept his boys hostage -

« Doc MENGELE Harrington WAS DRAWING BIG PAYMENTS FOR KEEPING HE, MALRAUX, NOT KNOWING OF HIS GUARDIANSHIP TO THE ESTATE ! Greetha had long ago forgotten it & suffered horrible abuse from her mother & HER NOBLE FRIENDS…then December 1957 Mrs LADY ASTOR TOLD HIM OF THE BASTARD du CANN & the difficulties there- but within half an hour of his leaving her flat SHE HAD JIM & THUGS BOOT IN

…. `So it was this little man with Teresa`s ugly face on his shoulders who now was CLAIMING to be the Guardian for Greta & Colin but without ANY REGUALAR COURT PROCEEDINGS/it was outside any LAW ! So it was the birth of this nasty little man that Teresa was hiding when she stayed with he & friends over XMASTIDE 1924/1925...

He ANDRE MALRAUX & Greetha had a re-vowing ceremony 7th JANUARY 1958 Feast of St Cede 7th century Bishop of Londinium & the ancient ROMAN Fort Othona -

Andre Malraux…he had gone to ROME in early November & seen POPE PIUS 12/ Paccelli - He felt he was leaving Greetha with a ring on her finger SAFE in his HOME…she had been happy ! She went shopping to Oxford Street & bought some thick earthenware oven pots for she said she would cook he & Mr Poulter MIDDLE AGES good food…They, he Andre & Greta Maureen, had spoken on their list of names for children - he liked the Celtic names…Greta the Classical & Early church names…HE Andre, INSISTED THEY HAD BOTH BEEN HAPPY !

1957 November - Life was becoming happiness again for him…Greta matched his mind & he could think clearly when he had her beside him … BEFORE HE LEFT FOR THE TOUR FOR GENERAL DE GAULLE January 1958 (19th ? ) …He came back to a nightmare & GRETA WITH NO MEMORY & SCARCELY OF HIM… she had lived with him in happiness he was sure… & they had taken up the marriage once more with THE PERMISSION OF Mary Gordon`s friend & advisor `YOUNG PACCELLI` …


1970-1972 - She Greetha put the fruit trees in the old gardens as soon as they got all of The Pillar House…He Andre would have bought 4...but she Greetah ordered 21 fruit trees & when he saw them planted it workedhe saw the first blossoms & took Victoria by the hand & they walked around the old gardensshe was then 4 years old & not at school but at home learning in garden & nursery & what was becoming a world of its own in this classical proportions house -he felt there would have been children like herhe was told she looked like Margarethe had when she was a child .

(Doctor Miss Bunty Grandison BM Natural History is related via Uncle Frank Grandison to whom Greta & Lennie sold Pirn Mill Arran Island in 1938 for he had the SKILLSbut we retained the land for our Estate Ransom Grote)

Andrehe had a photograph of the girl of the snows Margaret Ransom when she was 11 years of age/1842/...the same firm gaze the goodwill in the greeting…»

1945 JUNE - he remembered how Annie had told him, Georges-Andre Colonel Malraux …

` MY SISTER BESSIE & I DO NOT LET THE UNHOLY IN THE DOORwe can talk to them in the church grounds or by the sea` & he had entered a harmony of graceful human practical strivingTheyd seen him through that first year of his WIDOWHOOD to JO

1968 - Here in Berkshire from 1968 when Greta made a Civil marriage to a man of the seas from the Natural History Museum (later Oxfordshire) Andre quickly knew all the history from the villagers Harwell before PeterNo one felt the marriage could last for a girl who had no memory & now was under attack from MONSTERS OF THE DEEP … as she had warned he & JOSETTE about that Summer 1937...None of them had any peace from 1937 …ugly deaths & persecution went on endlessly TO STOP THE EXPOSURE OF THE ESTATE & then the SLAIN GROTE CHILDREN IN THEIR HOMES…

1968 Christmas He Andre had come to take she Greetha & the baby Victoria away if they were in the way of the death squads againJIM had moved in to Oxford & they were infiltrating OVER THE HILL (Blewbury) Leslie Paine was a good man & tried to help but tardy persons were often by his side(then he died in the plane crash 1973..) At the Renaissance Party where Arthur Malone & Len stood guard at the East Gate he ANDRE felt he would not be needed to be GUARDIAN all the timebut he WOULD TAKE HIS DUTIES AS HE HAD ACCEPTED 1937...until his death

1972 March/April - He had asked that Greta be allowed to come South France with them April - the friend had not understood or told him clearlyGRETA WOULD NOT LEAVE WITHOUT BOTH CHILDREN WITH HERthe friend had felt he could not cope with small childrenso it was all called off

IF ONLY HE HAD KNOWN - he would have adored having the children- all of them - LEN (Ransom) would have come to help & IVY (Ransom) & there was another branch from the Rear Admiral Ransom-once they had all been close…gone on a tour 1935/1936 from Greenland down to the Magellan Straights- 1937 SUMMER Greta had told them all about this Tour…he had some things she said in his notebooks from 1937 that first Christmas he was GUARDIAN to the ESTATE & Heirs of a GODDESS OF GREENLAND - HE DID NOT GET HIS POST/mail without it being fingered first … ! & IT WAS STILL THE SAME …

He Andre had wanted Greta to be given some moneys from her Estate but was told as she did not know enough about it then it was not at all necessaryhe had explained that she had never had a penny piece & that it had all gone dripping blood to the THIEVES THE FRAUDSTERShe did not understand soon enough the system of HIGH POWER that could remove moneys from anyonewith the mark of a THUMB from penniless NOBILITYHe felt Peter was under pressure not to take a penny eitherso he began to give it away to big Museums abroadwhere it was swiftly removed for the MOST EVIL REGIME…& THEY DIVIDED IT UP…

1972 - renaissance party The Pillar House Harwell - He ANDRE had entered that last room of her father that poor clever young man born 10 years after heTHEY HAD STRIPPED IT OF EVERYTHINGthen they began to give away all his properties an Island Noroway- (an Estate left for the 2 eldest children of Peter & Mavis/Ardwings-Kodek who knew Grote Homes Africa 1940s-early 1950s/another in Kenya…a Norwegian forest & old homestead settlement to Victoria… It was all TAKEN BY THOSE WHO HAD TRODDEN IN GLEE IN THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN blood & goreall of them with pellets of Purple Narcotic UP THE SNOUT…ON THE PIN - the last of the Greenland library taken & pulped because of masses of annotations…Diaries Arthur Malone 1957/1985 - `The Detective in the Lawyer`s gown`)

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